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It really suks
Jul 7, 2006 by AnthoFlex

I think its really bad that HSL isnt putting any money into advertising Soap.....i think most of us would agree that Soap should be at an even level with Heely's.....I just wish they would spread the word a bit more.....i know we're all doing our part to help Soap out but we should double our efforts....im pretty sure this has been posted multiple times but i think we should all tell HSL that we would like SOap shoes to be as great as Heely's.....Think about it....theres no money being put into advertising so therefore, noone knows about it....tell HSL what you think just dunt sedn them threatening Emails:


Jul 7, 2006AnthoFlex

I posted this becuase i rememeber when i was smaller i always wished there were shoes that grinded on rails.....i rememeber i had these Nikes that had this plastic on the bottom but it wasnt exactly a plate....with those the only thing i ever grinded was a staircase frame that was sticking out that was only about a foot long....i thought it was the coolest thing! Ever since i always looked for grind shoes.....thank god my friend Jon told me about em, otherwise i probably would've never found SOaps

Jul 7, 2006Surfaced


Same here, man. New Balances... those things had huge plastic gaps, and one day I actaully did something on a slick rubbery-plastic lunch bench. woooo

Jul 8, 2006Curtinator

they advertised in sonic adevntures 2 or whatever the game is called.

Jul 8, 2006AnthoFlex

I know but the thing is i was never into Sonic at the time SA2 came out

Jul 8, 2006IrrefuseD

Hah, my brother bought a pair of Soaps way back when, and we'd hit the curbs outside. I never got a pair myself but I'd been fascinated by them.

I guess I'll carry on in his footsteps, heh. I'm getting another pair and showing 'em off when they arrive. Hopefully I can convince my friends to snag some when HSL makes more in the Fall.

Jul 9, 2006AnthoFlex

Good for you, with an attitude like that, HSL will keep on making Soap Shoes

Jul 16, 2006Slidey

A lot of people get to know about soap shoes by inline blading, I know I did. Most bladers know about soaps and out of every 50 bladers you will probably find a soaper too.

Jul 16, 2006AnthoFlex

Without getting a lot of hate messages...i think inline is gay......not super gay like Hockey....but a little sucky

Jul 16, 2006Slidey

what!! Shadow hover inlines!! how cud u say that!! and i meant aggressive inline. Not the realli gay 1 where a "kick-ass move" is a manual

Jul 16, 2006AnthoFlex

Sorry to offend you Mr. Slidey, but I'm a Sk8r/Soaper for life. Inline, Aggresive, all of that doesnt appeal to me....although im starting to get rather interested in Heely's.....i dunno why

Jul 16, 2006Mart

Watch yourself Antho, all of the tricks you pull on your Soaps come directly from aggressive inline. Plus inline is alot more extreme and stylish than Soaping

Jul 16, 2006AnthoFlex

i know that dude....but i guess ur right...i gotta stop the me not liking in-line B.S...i never tried it...hmm maybe i will ^_^.....but Hockey still sucks lol :p

Jul 17, 2006SapAuthor

i'm glad to see more people coming in and getting pairs. I just got my pair of shoes for my friend Kayla, we are hitting skateside tommarow to test them out. Expect a big inflow of people in about 20 days though, that's when the new SOAP section to my web site is going up, with vids and information and everything. I'll link to this site and the other SOAP sites, as well as (hopefully) the skateshop in FL that i'm talking with to carry and ship out soap shoes, so we will have an online vendor with a physical store.

Jul 27, 2006StandardsDT

hey guys im new here an i know this topic is a a bit old but i thought i'd add my two cents. Sending HSL emails about advertisements might help a bit but right now they are relying on the customers. It seems to me that they don't want to put money into a product that isn't as popular anymore. Look at Heelys for an example. Heelys mainly became popular because people were showing them off in public and people started buying them. When HSL saw it was doing well they started putting out advertisements. I personally think most people don't use their Soaps as much as they used to in public. If more people used them, more people would see them and buy them. Why bother putting money into a product that has low sales? It's the same thing with the site. That same site has been there for years. Come on FLASH 5?! Were up to FLASH 9 now. Once it gets well known again you'll start seeing advertisements and you'll see an updated website. Yes I've read sales have gone up on the homepage. But the attitudes really need to change among Soapers. We all really need to get out there and show them off and get the known. I used to own a pair at least 4 years ago. Eventually it was time for me to get a new pair but I couldn't find them anywhere so I gave up looking thinking they weren't being produced anymore.

Jul 27, 2006SapAuthor

very nicely put, Standards. When it comes down to it, HSL isn't hyped about SOAPs, and i doubt the big wigs even use heely shoes or soap shoes. THey are in this for the money, so the only way to get them excited is through sales. That's why I say start trying to get those old stock in the old sites that still have some online sold. I have made that list, if we get those sold it will show HSL that they are selling. And it is up to us, we are alone in this, so we have only the people here to get sales going, and to get the word out. Get a couple of your friends to get a pair, get good, then hit the skate parks that have kids who don't know a thing about SOAPs, older teens know about them and usually aren't too intersted unless you are a friend, but i brought them to a skate park my first day, and they loved them.
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