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Jul 24, 2006 by Attack1

i was wondering if anyone knew where i could get some soap stickers?

Jul 24, 2006SapAuthor

yah, email HSL and request some stickers.

Jul 24, 2006Surfaced

And if that doesn't work, do as AnthoFlex did: Send in a picture of yourself Soaping.

Jul 24, 2006Rick

Has anyone else gotten more than 15 stickers? Back in '04 they sent me two styles in huge bricks of about 250. I asked for some more a few weeks ago and only got around 14 or 15. They usually send shirts too, so mention that.

Jul 24, 2006Attack1

what is HSL's email address

Jul 24, 2006Attack1

o yea and how much do they cost if anything?

Jul 24, 2006AnthoFlex

And when you send in the pics.....make sure that you have an extra copy....lol.....i didnt.......*dunce cap time*

Jul 24, 2006SapAuthor

they sent me a couple bricks when they sent me a package. never asked for more because i have yet to run out of the ones i have. Wiating till i have a stable soap seller before i really hit the advertising hard. Still waiting for Broox to email me back... i asked for some help in getting HSL to look and approve a retail store to carry SOAPs, the guy said he would sell online and ship out too.

Jul 24, 2006Mart

Has the retailer contacted Soap directly about stocking the shoes? That's the only real avenue you can persue

Jul 25, 2006SapAuthor

I'll call him tommarow and see, i am probably going to seem really annoying, but money is money. I also asked Dario to see if he could have any luck, and also emailed Broox but got to reply yet. I just wish I wasn't on such a time trial -.- i want to have a dealer for the new section, i fear that if i release it and there's no way to get the shoes easily, that they will eventually just forget about them. I'll be uploading more soaping video and pictures for incentive to vote, usually gets people to stay interested.

Jul 25, 2006Mart

Dude, just don't release your Soap section if your dealer isn't set up in time. Or put links to other dealers, there's nothing wrong with adding this new guy afterwards if you already have a list

Also, I don't think Dario or Derek are going to have a great deal of leverage with HSL over a new dealer, especially since neither of them know the guy. Best leave it between HSL and the guy who runs the shop; they're going to want to know how many units he thinks he can sell, stuff like that which makes them think it's worthwhile authorising him as a dealer. Only he knows what the market is like down there, Derek and Dario don't :\

Aug 4, 2006Kile

What is Hsl's e-mail, so i could contact him for some stickers

Aug 4, 2006Kile

What is Hsl's e-mail, so i could contact him for some stickers

Aug 4, 2006Attack1

I emailed them a while ago and i still havent gotten a response so i just emailed them again like a few days ago. i hope they will send me something back

Aug 6, 2006Curtinator

Wait, You can get free stickers and t-shirts from HSL?

Aug 6, 2006Kile

did you get an e-mail back from them ? Cause i sent one out 2 days ago and havent gotten one back

Aug 7, 2006Attack1

no i havent got anything back. i think its wierd because i have sent them stufff before and i have gotten a responce within like a week, but this time its been like 2 or 3 weeks and i still havent gotten a responce yet. pretty weird if i say so myself.

Aug 7, 2006AnthoFlex

Just a thought, but maybe they're annoyed with all of the E-mails....I mean come on, you can make a lot of money off of the bricks they give you....I say this cause (i cant rememeber what site though) this site had Soap Stickers for sale....i think $1 for each little one, $2 for each big one....or may7be $1.50......so yea, they probably think that you're trying to profit off of the Soap stickers

Aug 7, 2006AnthoFlex

as for me, i LOVE each and every one of my stickers....i use them for what they're supposed to be used for...Advertising and spreading the word, not making money off of it...i work for money

Aug 7, 2006Attack1

iu would help advertise too if i could get some

Aug 13, 2006Ryozox

Schweet! I just got my stickers yesterday! This is so cool
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