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Soap Shoe inventory list available
Jul 26, 2006 by SapAuthor

I made this up from the list of SOAP sellers listed on SOAPSHOES.com. There are two pages, in it contain all the shoes still available and price, as well as half of page of some of the ebay ones, although that will be out of date in a couple dates. Download a copy so you can go out and sell out the remaining stock, show HSL that we mean business. If it's helpful, any comments saying so are appreciated.


Hope this works.

Jul 26, 2006Mart

I'm going to show some restraint, for once, and just say that you're being bloody optimistic with this

Jul 27, 2006SapAuthor

Mart, you need to pull whatever is up your butt out. You seriously are doing no one any good by being a pessimist, and puting down everything. I'm starting to get really ticked off at your attitude. At least i'm trying to do something, even if it won't help all to much, it's better to try than do nothing and just say "it won't work."

Jul 28, 2006Mart

Since when am I doing nothing? Dude, what the hell do you think http://www.soapshoes.info">Soap Shoes Online is? The video tutorials, the video production we've been working on for the past three or four years, that's nothing? I've been in this scene for five years now Trev, I think I know how these things work and hashing together a bunch of screengrabs from all the retailers available from the http://www.soapshoes.info">Soap Shoes Online links page isn't going to hype anyone about the product; all those images are is a bunch of pictures of shoes. Seriously, what are you going to do with these? Half the reason most of those shoes haven't sold is because they're in uncommon sizes; the ones from skateconnection are, like, size 3. At least put a little effort into the presentation; you only get what you give man, step it up a little

As for shooting everything down, maybe that's a sign that all these ideas are a bit whack. If my memory serves me correctly, every suggestion and comment I've made about the marketing of these shoes has been pragmatic and has been met with nothing but unanimous agreement that it makes sense. The one thing stopping me from doing more than I already am is about 5,000 miles of ocean, try thinking about that next time you think I'm not pulling my weight. There is no way Soap can break back into the international market without securing a place in the market on home soil, the key to the success of the brand is in the US, nobody can doubt that

Jul 28, 2006SapAuthor

fine, just stop shooting all my ideas down, i'm getting tired of it. DIdn't know soapshoes.info was part of your gig, but seriously back off of me cuz i'm getting really aggrivated from pretty much every comment you make about my stuff.

Jul 29, 2006Mart

Seriously, if you put a bit more thought into what you're doing then I wouldn't be on your ass all the time. Anyway, what were you going to do with these pictures?

Jul 30, 2006SapAuthor

well, if i wasn't so darn poor, i would go to skateside. WHen i first got my soaps, i went there, and the kids there loved them. I was going to print them up so they could take a look at their selection and get a pair themselves. I find the people that like them the most are actually middle schoolers, because they don't know about them and they like them.

Jul 30, 2006AnthoFlex

A lot of people don't like SOap Shoes.... everyone is entitled to their opinion, but, when they explain why they dunt like it....it makes no fucking sense...like this one..this is the one i get most frequently:

Me: So whats so wrong about SOap Shoes?
other dude: Whats the point of them?

right there...did you guys just see that?


i guess people are either really slow or just ignorant like that to bother me

Aug 2, 2006SapAuthor

Put more selling points than that. For instance, i didn't get mine just for grinding, they can be lower cost than normal shoes (depends), they usually last longer since they are built to take abuse, they look good (most models) AND the higher arches are healthier for your feet and can help reduce pain like for my feet.

That's enough to sell it to anyone even without the plates.

And Yes! my mom okayed me getting another pair of SOAPs (the ordnances) since my feet aren't growing much anymore, they are low cost, and they have helped my feet.

Aug 4, 2006Kile

do not order your soap shoes off of worldwidesports.com
it's not even a real website, i tried calling up and it was totally
something else. I just wanted to let you know.

Aug 4, 2006Kile

do not order your soap shoes off of worldwidesports.com
it's not even a real website, i tried calling up and it was totally
something else. I just wanted to let you know.
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