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Soaps are more popular than I thought!
Aug 2, 2006 by Ryozox

Lol, Well, I walked into the mall with my ordnances and like, 5 people were like: Dude! Are those Soaps??
I told em yea and they were going pretty cheap on ebay. I was glad to find so many soapers!

Aug 2, 2006SapAuthor

sweet, my friend is goign to get those size 10 scabs as long as they don't go up in price to much.

Aug 2, 2006AnthoFlex

wow....i wish that were to happen to me... good for you

Aug 2, 2006Mart

Nice man, hopefully they'll buy up some shoes too

Aug 2, 2006Slidey

you mean you didn't even have to grind to get people's attention? sweet!

Aug 2, 2006Ryozox

Well, 2 guys said that they'd go buy some as soon as they got home, but yeah!they just recognized the logo!

Aug 2, 2006SapAuthor

I wonder if they were sonic fans, it's the only place i ever saw SOAP shoes and the logos.

Aug 2, 2006Slidey

yh the city stages had the soap logo plastered all over it... advertising boards, blimps, everywhere!

Aug 2, 2006Ryozox

Yup, that's where I heard about Soap, in the SA2 for dreamcast...

Aug 3, 2006AnthoFlex

I used to play against my ex and i never noticed the SOap logos....it was when i asked my friend Jon if he knew where they sold grind shoes and he immediatly told me about SOaps....then they magically appeared to my attention in the city levels

Aug 7, 2006Namlhof

So basically you're top of the block now? Too bad it's all about Healy's over here :(

That new Sonic game makes me want to do some carving as well.

Aug 10, 2006SapAuthor

I love SA2B, greatest game, it's a shame HSL didn't work out a deal with Sonic Team again to feature SOAP shoes in the rest of the games. They want to go for realisitc, but what's so realisitc about grinding down a rail on rubber for the new game Sonic The hedgehog 15th anniversary.

Anyways, yay! Ordnances are back up on ebay! Size 12s, i want it! It's my precious! Now it really sucks that i'm gong to be up north with no internet during the end of hte bid :'(
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Derek Brooks hittin a Frontside
Jordan Pushing Aaron off a hand rail. Soap team at it's finest!
Dario Nieva hittin a Fastslide
Zack Ricky hittin a Frontside on a long, fat, kinked rail.
Wyatt Peterson sticking a backslide and throwin up Westsiiiide