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New here (from portugal)
Aug 6, 2006 by Dreka

Hey there! I am from Portugal and i already do Agressive Inline skating! Now i am going to start doing grinds with de grindshoes! It's useful because iff i can not skate i do it with grind shoes! Hehe! Say something...

Aug 6, 2006Dreka

I have a doubt, when i buy a grindshoes, i can change the plate? How?

Aug 6, 2006AnthoFlex

IF the plates are replaceable then yea...Theres a key that comes with the shoe....or you can just buy a torx head screwdriver

Aug 6, 2006Mart

The newer shoes have fixed grindplates, so they can't be changed. Most of the shoes on eBay are the older styles (much nicer in my opinion) and have removable grindplates
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