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R.I.P......SOap Shoes...
Aug 11, 2006 by AnthoFlex

It appears as though SOap has discontinued their production of SOap Shoes....This is SOap's response to Kyle's letter......


I am starting a new online shopping store, and I am
interested in selling Soap shoes on my website. Do you
sell wholesale? If so can you give me more


We are just the manufacturer and do not sell
directly. SOAP is also a product line we are

Thank you,

once again.......R.I.P SOap...

Aug 11, 2006AnthoFlex

This especially sucks to all of those (like me) who had great respect for SOaps....

Aug 11, 2006Mart

Well considering they're releasing another run of shoes, this must be shit

Aug 11, 2006AnthoFlex

Kyle, when did you send this message out to them?

Aug 11, 2006Surfaced

HSL doesn't seem to excel at clearing things up with their customers. They tell the team that they are rereleasing the Express, and they tell the public that they are putting an end to the Soap brand.

Aug 12, 2006Curtinator

Aww Soap shoes are gone :( well NOT ON EBAY THOUGH!!

Aug 12, 2006Namlhof

Since when was the Express model discontinued?

Aug 12, 2006Surfaced

Supposedly, never.

But if that's true then for some time now they have been manufacturing very few.

Aug 13, 2006SapAuthor

Can anyone tell me what is going on? Does anyone know if SOAPs are coming out (express) or are they really discontinued, or are they coming out in express model with Heely logo on them? So far all i get is everyone is confused.

Aug 13, 2006Mart

...why would they come out with a Heely logo on them if they don't have wheels?

Aug 14, 2006SapAuthor

i dunno, maybe they are saying soaps are dead cuz heely is goign to call the shoes their own, and maybe they did what soap did, start a new line up (non grind plate soaps) and slap hteir label on it. That way they would be Heely's, just non wheeled and they get all the credit or somehting...i don't know.

Aug 14, 2006SapAuthor

i wish derek or someone who can figure this out would and tell us -.-

Aug 15, 2006AnthoFlex

W.E.........if theres anything that can be done to help the situation, i'll be more than happy to help...Hopefully everyone feels the same

Aug 15, 2006XSIVE7


Aug 15, 2006SapAuthor

right now i would say that if soaps was a person, it's recovering from critical. Soaps were dead for a while and are starting to come back, let's just hope HSL won't pull hte plug on the respirator.

Aug 16, 2006AnthoFlex

Yea, Trev is right...im working on my own little SOap revival but until i get all of the key elements, im afraid it wont get off the ground

Aug 16, 2006SapAuthor

it would be nice to have aplace to get soaps no matter what, but at least southerbelt has brought out a ton of soap shoes to buy for the time being. Only thing is it's really big, so they aren't very communicative. It's erking me that they haven't sent a shipping confirmation, i payed 3 days ago, and i'm leaving ont he 20th for fl and i need the shoes by then.

Aug 16, 2006AnthoFlex

wait what? R u serious? I payed for the Broadsides like 3 days ago too....they havent gotten back to you?......Fuck

Aug 16, 2006Mart

Yes, because I'm sure that someone with such high feedback is going to be fucking you children around. Look at how many auctions the guy has going, he's obviously a busy man and I think you'll find that not that many sellers keep you posted on what's happening with your item. Just wait. Christ

Aug 16, 2006hater215

I read on a site that soaps are coming back in stores by late August, early September


Aug 16, 2006AnthoFlex

Dude, chill the fuck out, i wasnt complaining. I simply said fuck...I can wait a whole fucking month if i have to for the Soaps......As for Trev, well...Trev, make ur own comeback

Aug 16, 2006Namlhof

Oh man I wanted those Broadsides >=(

Aug 16, 2006AnthoFlex

All it takes is luck dude.....by the way, what was ur Ebay SN?

Aug 16, 2006SapAuthor

Mart, i know the guy is busy, or girl, or gropu of people. I just was kind of concerned cuz i'm moving out soon, and it said usually 3 days to get a shipping notice out, and i can't afford it to be much more.

I'm more waiting for hte shipping confirmation rahter than a heartfelt letter. So chill mart.

Aug 16, 2006Mart

And like I said, alot of sellers don't let you know when they've sent your item out. Have you tried e-mailing him asking what's happening with the shoes?

Aug 16, 2006SapAuthor

i'll look for an email address.

Aug 16, 2006AnthoFlex

Mine got shipped today, so i cant complain

Aug 16, 2006AnthoFlex

Yo Trev, where are you moving to?

Aug 17, 2006SapAuthor

ARG!!! That stupid southernbelt messed everything up!!! Not only did they send it out later than they said, they also put it on GROUND when i paied the extra for express!!! Meaning they ripped 4 ubcks off of me, and now it won't arrive before i leave, so i have to pay for shipping AGAIN AND i won't have them for the soaping with Rick! >.< AAAHHHHH

Aug 17, 2006AnthoFlex

Woah, damn, and i was bummed out when i didnt pay the 4 extra dollars. I accidently put UPS ground......i was pissed but i guess you got it worst dude. And where are you moving to?

Aug 17, 2006SapAuthor

Florida, it's going to be another 12 bucks to ship it over, plus i would have to wait another 1-6 days, at the 22nd, and i owuldn't have them for rick, we were planning on meeting up on the way down so he could show me some tricks...i'm really ticked off.

Aug 17, 2006Mart

...dude, you still have your Expresses, right?

Aug 17, 2006Go2Crew

Just a suggestion ... as a UPS shipper myself, I know that if you can get touch with SouthernBelt (David at 818-481-3042), they can electronically re-route your shipment with UPS, in the UPS system, to your new destination address. There is a charge from UPS to do that, however, if you have paid for Express service and SouthernBelt shipped it Ground, then I would think in view of good customer service, SouthernBelt whould do that re-routing at no additional cost to you as a make-it-right effort. The trick of course is getting a hold of SouthernBelt. I would recommend you call them, explain the situation and if they cannot help, then they at least owe you a refund on the service up-charge, which will somewhat mitigate your costs to re-ship. Call them, their eBay rating is stellar, so I am fairly certain they will do what it takes. Good luck, dude.

Aug 17, 2006SapAuthor

Can't reroute it, it's already on route, plus i couldn't change the address anyways, because it could arrive before i get there, as of which the college would probably throw the large package out. He said he would refund me the 4 dollars for the extra shipping i payed for, and would think about paying another 4 to ease the cost of me having to ship it again. This is really inferiorating...

Aug 18, 2006AnthoFlex

Yo Trev, this wont exactly help but you should leave sum neutral feedback (if you get it) and explain ur situation. Like how you payed extra but he put it on ground, how ur about to move, and all of that. Dunt put negative though cause ur gonna get the Shoes...Negative is for extremely bad shit.

Aug 18, 2006SapAuthor

if all he does is refund the 4 bucks, i will probably put negative since he should have put it on the speediar shipment, if he agrees to help a little more with the next shipping for not doing it, i'll put neutral. There was a good chance if he put it on the right shipping, it would ahve gotten here ontime, and that was teh chance i wish i could get the chance to chance...yah.

Aug 18, 2006AnthoFlex

Even if you get the 4 bucks back you should put neutral, i mean if you get the shoes...at least you got em....Im scheduled to get my Broadsides this tuesday...I hope you get em soon dude

Aug 18, 2006Mart

No dude, don't do either. He's been good enough to refund you the $4, so he's refunded the difference between what you got shipped and what you paid for. He made a mistake, yes it's an inconvenience to you but he's apologised for it and refunded you the money. That doesn't deserve a negative. And if he agrees to lower his shipping costs for you, which he is in no way obliged to do, you'd be an ungrateful little bastard for leaving neutral feedback, to be perfectly honest. If you get your way and he lowers his shipping rates for you, leaving him out of pocket, you have no reason to leave him neutral when he's done all you asked him to in order to rectify the problem and make ammends

Christ, whatever happened to 'love thy neighbour' and 'we forgive those who trespass against us' and all that bollocks?

Aug 18, 2006AnthoFlex

Oh shit, i didnt even know that he already refunded the 4 dollars, my bad :) And even if he didnt i guess ur right, that is a bit too harsh

Aug 18, 2006Go2Crew

Well this thread has gone full-circle from RIP Soap Shoes to shots fired at the Coroner’s office to Trev’s shipment becoming de-railed. So I will answer the death of Soap question in a new tread, so this one can quietly crawl-away and really die!

But first to finish this one up –
Trev, I talked to David at SouthernBelt and he a good guy and I have to believe he is seriously trying to square away your shipment (which is why I gave you the phone number and recommended you talk to him in the first place). It sounds as though he is trying to make it right by you. Now just take a couple of steps backward and think about it for a moment. Yes they messed-up by not shipping the specified delivery service, but he’s going to refund your difference and it sounds as though he’s considering double the amount. He really could not have had a clue you were moving to Florida. I would definitely NOT recommend you give negative feedback to him. Heck he’s got a 99.4% approval rating and I know you don’t get that by trashing people. And as an eBay seller myself, I would personally be greatly upset with negative feedback on a situation I was trying my best to rectify. And that is most likely his perspective.

I still think that you can get in touch with UPS and have them re-route the shipment to your new destination. If you won’t be there immediately have them hold it for pickup when you arrive. It sure beats heck out of getting it lost in the process, although with UPS, insurance up to US$50.00 is automatic if the shoes never get delivered. But that’s a thirty-sixty day process to get your money back, again, it sure beats heck out of having them lost in the process. Good luck, dude.

I’m done, RIP thread!

Aug 19, 2006SapAuthor

okay, and mart, back off, k? it's not that they won't get here, i'ts that he shipped it on hte wrong one after i apyed for hte express. i'm taking htis thing one bit at a time, i'm patient with this stuff, so chillaxe.

Aug 19, 2006Mart

I wouldn't consider exploding over a simple mistake being patient at all. Yes you're pissed, but settle, everyone makes mistakes

Aug 19, 2006AnthoFlex

Ok, like Steve said, lets let this thread die
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