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hi wat are the best show and where can i buy them from
Aug 19, 2006 by ineedtosoap

hi im looki9ng for a pair of soap shoes with removeable grind plates but they are good and comfertable to soap with pllzzzz let me know
cheers joe

Aug 19, 2006ineedtosoap

soory abot the speeling i meen shoe not show and looking not looki9ng

Aug 19, 2006Mart

http://www.soapshoes.info">Soap Shoes Online has a list of online retailers that you sell Soaps. It also has a list of active eBay auctions for Soap Shoes, so check it out

Aug 24, 2006ineedtosoap

thnx but that is not what i was hoping for

Aug 24, 2006Mart

Yes it is, because you will see where to buy Soaps with removable plates from

...fucking incredible

Aug 25, 2006SapAuthor

ineedtosoap, simply search "soap shoe" on ebay (or go to soapshoes.info like mart said, since they have an ebay thingy with all the listings), find a shoe in your size, and look up the model on here to see what people said about them.
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