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need help
Aug 20, 2006 by screwheeleys

ive just started soaping whats the best way to frontside

Aug 20, 2006AnthoFlex

All depends on you dude......Lets start off with sumthing that I feel maybe easier to help you out in.....

2 questions:

1. Do you sk8board?
2. Are you regular or Goofy?

(just in case):

Goofy: Right foot is in front
Regular:Left foot is in front

Aug 20, 2006screwheeleys

i did skateboard and i was goofy

Aug 20, 2006Slidey

1st put ur right foot on the rail, then jump onto with the left foot, make sure you slide with ur right hand the way you slide

Aug 20, 2006Slidey

once you start getting confident with that then you could try left foot 1st then put your right foot on (make sure you are still sliding with your right hand forward) following that, try putting both your feet on at once

Aug 20, 2006Slidey

its also easier to do this from standing still if your still begging

Aug 20, 2006AnthoFlex

ok That makes it easier......most of my friends that i let them try my SOaps go back foot first.......As for my friends who were sk8boarders.....They ALWAYS went front-foot first (including me).....

This is most probably becuase you are mostly on ur front foot when u push off......BUT if you mongo, you MAY wanna go backfoot first...All depends on you.....you should try all the different ways

Aug 20, 2006Slidey

yea, they all work the same lol

Aug 20, 2006Mart

Safest way is back foot first, no arguements. I was strongly suggest you start out that way

Aug 20, 2006AnthoFlex

Yea, backfoot first gives you more control, going frontfoot trades the control for more speed....As for me, the only time i go backfoot first is when i go switch, i guess that comes from when i mongo-switch on sk8board

Aug 20, 2006AnthoFlex

Backfoot first scares the shit outta me (going regularly) because i normally shoot out and fall...Once again, because of sk8boarding, Marts right, going backfoot is still probably the best way to start out

Aug 20, 2006Wesker

Backfoot is the prefered to start out. If it's too weird or just can't do it, then learn front foot.

Either method is fine as long as you practice it.

Aug 21, 2006screwheeleys

cool cheers dudes
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