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Sep 17, 2012 by gongon1037

I started soaping when I got out of class. then a few minutes later I fell on my ass lol. now my wrist hurts pretty bad...

still goin soaping later though XD

Sep 18, 2012Relate2Videos

Sep 19, 2012gongon1037

Ahhhhhhhhh! I miss that cartoon. Its even funnier how i fell.

I was at a park and I saw two bike racks and i thought *Hey I bet i could grind those* so I went for it. The first one went pretty well.
So I jumped then ran for the next one.

I jumped, landed on it then... You know how bike racks are usually nailed to the ground lol well i landed with both feet then the whole damn thing tipped over, and to make things worst I got up looked around and a few people were looking at me:P Some were laughing and i was like *Yikes Awkwaaaaard* so i picked up the bike rack, put some stickers on it then ran off. A few minutes later I noticed my wrist started hurting like crap so i went back home.

It would have felt less embarrassing if one of my freinds were with me at the time but was only me. Later i went soaping downtown to make up for it, i didnt do much though.

Sep 19, 2012gongon1037

All in all it makes a great story to tell:)

Sep 19, 2012wyattpeterson

ouch! But you better grind that bike rack again or else your going be afraid of it .. and try and stay more centered on the rail so it dosent tip

Sep 20, 2012Relate2Videos

yeah dude keep it up, remember if you're not falling you're not trying hard enough.

Sep 20, 2012HDCineman

Falling is awesome

Sep 20, 2012Relate2Videos

especially when they are funny haha

Sep 20, 2012gongon1037

It would have been funnier if i recorded it XD

Sep 20, 2012gongon1037

Hey Bryndon! Haven't heard from u since our little chat on youtube:)

Sep 21, 2012Relate2Videos

lol well go soap with your friends and bring a camera with you bro, that's what Bryndon and the guys from relate did.
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