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Oct 18, 2012 by Relate2Videos

If you want broadsides message me on facebook.

Oct 19, 2012gongon1037

is this another petition? if it is then tell me where to sign

Give me all the info ;)

Oct 25, 2012Relate2Videos

lol brother this is a lot bigger!!

Now so far I don't see anyone that want's broadsides except my good friend here. If you REALLY want a pair, you guys need to message me and so far I only have about ten people messaging me.

Tell a friend, post on here, tell us about yourselves guys! Do it for the broadsides :)

Nov 30, 2012Revengasaur

Woah. I have never had a facebook, but now I'm curious. What's the deal?

Dec 2, 2012Relate2Videos

Bro just got your post, post your email for facebook so I may add you

Dec 17, 2012Revengasaur

What's the deal, are you guys trying to get HSL to re-release broadsides or something? wasn't there a huge petition for that back in the day that they just ignored? I mean, I'm all for trying again as the economy is in the shitter and HSL's stock has been shaky for the past few years.

Dec 20, 2012Relate2Videos

I'm doing my best to get it started yeah, but others haven't really been helping lately. The one Renny did he gave up on that within a month and got back to trying to sell the express. I'm planning something bigger though but I need as much help as possible.

Dec 21, 2012Revengasaur

Dope dude, keep a positive attitude. I will help in any way that doesn't involve Facebook. I'm one of those tin-foil hat dudes that thinks the government is trying to control everybody through social networking sites. Or... something like that.

Dec 21, 2012gongon1037

I have been handing out so many stickers lately big and small. I've also been telling people about broadsides, but sadly most of them weren't interested in them, some were though. hey revengasaur have you heard about the FBI computer virus?

Dec 21, 2012gongon1037

and also some ass named bieber is spamming solidgrind.

Dec 21, 2012Revengasaur

Nice one on the stickers man, did you make some yourself? Even if broadsides were $200 a pair I'd buy two of each colorway and eat rice and carrots for a month. And yeah, I have checked out lots of internet conspiracy stuff. I'm not really a weird recluse or anything, I'm just not really down with Facebook as far as corporations go.

Dec 21, 2012Relate2Videos

lol Revengasaur facebook is a private company, there is no government access unless a judge says so, you don't have anything to worry about.

I forget is your email Revengasaur(at)gmaildotcom?

Dec 21, 2012Revengasaur


Dec 21, 2012Revengasaur

Fucking oldschool Haha.

Dec 21, 2012Relate2Videos

that's definitely what's up haha

Dec 22, 2012gongon1037

I printed the stickers out myself at my school library. I bought sticker paper at staples. there not the best, but there so worth it. I hand out a few at school also.

for the end of the world this is the best day I had all week.

Dec 22, 2012Relate2Videos

the sticker paper at staples gets the job done, even if the stickers don't last forever I still like them. I remember my friends and I had our own sweat shop making them, hahahaha

Dec 24, 2012Revengasaur

Fuck yeah, soaping my practice rail yesterday in my old blown out expresses. My front plate is so jacked the only way it still grinds is in a super tweaked farf position. so I did farfs for like 20 minutes. It was the best day of my week too.

Dec 25, 2012Relate2Videos

haha glad to hear you're back bro, you were missed

Dec 27, 2012Revengasaur

Yup. It's easy to get caught up in other life stuff and have fun get stuck on the back burner. I'm stoked on having a few pairs of soaps I feel like I can get as rugged as I want with. Thanks Rawk. Haha.
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