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DIY: homemade soaps, cheap
Aug 23, 2013 by mcgrinder2011

Hello people of solid grind, my name is mcgrinder and I'm here to tell you a little something.

There's an easy way to make your own soaps without having to do all this random junk that doesn't give you much good.

Materials needed
Exacto Knife Hand saw
Hot Glue Gun Glue(obviously)
Long Zipties Plastic Folder
Whatever shoes you want to work with:D

1. Using the saw, slice off a layer of the sole of your shoe just thick enough to hold the Zip Ties and folder, you can go a little further but don't go so far down that you cut into the insole; and make ABSOLUTE SURE it's where the arch is.

2. Cut an arch fitting piece of the folder out and glue to the section you cut out.

3. Cut the Zip Ties to the length of your arch and paste them flat on the folder piece with the 'nose' and 'tail' facing your toe.

Do the same with your other shoe and enjoy soaping in your own custom grind shoes!

Aug 23, 2013VintageGMan

Aug 23, 2013VintageGMan

Sorry phone skitted out. Have seen this done before cool idea. Have you made your own yet, if so would love to see pictures.

Aug 23, 2013VintageGMan

Sorry phone skitted out. Have seen this done before cool idea. Have you made your own yet, if so would love to see pictures.

Aug 23, 2013VintageGMan

Dammit sorry.

Aug 25, 2013mcgrinder2011

I have done this before with my Nike revolutions. They work well for when you bust up your own shoes or just want to mod your own shoes. I call it he grind mod.

Aug 30, 2013Revengasaur

I have seen this done with nylon cutting boards. Also you can use a uhf plates in your size. If I were going to do this I would use a shoe with a thick foam sole. Some sort of two-part epoxy or other very strong adhesive to glue the plate in is also a good idea. Grinding is dangerous enough as it is, you don't want your shoes coming apart on you.

Sep 3, 2013mcgrinder2011

Good point. That's why I'm going to link you to where I got this from later today maybe.
ps. I don't think anyone could find UHFs in a size 13(us) anyway so that's why I did this.
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