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Soap supposed to return in 2014
Oct 24, 2013 by mcgrinder2011

our Emailing SBG has finally got them to(hopefully) return Soap shoes with the broadside. any ideas on getting them to continue this legacy?
mine is a new shoe called the Soap Glide. It uses pleather on the toe and sides of the upper and mesh fabric above the pleather as an under-layer. It also has a white foam rubber sole that features 3 exfoliant bars on the Inside and outside on each shoe so you won't rip up the shoes when pulling off tricks such as Royales or UFOs. The shoe sports replaceable Express plates. the soles also have solid heels and toes for good grip on pavement as well as a solid inner(like the Sylon) so... like the idea?

Oct 25, 2013gongon1037

I like it. The express plates don't really need to be replaceable though, they can take a lot of damage(at least mine do).

Oct 27, 2013grug250

sounds good .... i do believe the plates should be replaceable for if they release other plates aswell and you might want to interchange them

Oct 28, 2013mcgrinder2011

Then I'll work on getting them on the line with SBG!

Oct 28, 2013grug250

sick as bro .....i so can't wait for the day they get put back on the shelves

Oct 29, 2013mcgrinder2011

Neither can I, I can't wait to see if my work gets put on the shelves and worn by people!

Oct 29, 2013zelda

having your friends email them with interest in shoes such as the broadsides or maybe the scorchers definitely helps, just a thought.

Oct 29, 2013zelda

ps. yes your designs do look sick, sylon type shoes are always awesome.

Oct 29, 2013mindreader

yeah I just keep telling more and more people about the broadsides!!!! :) so far everyone i asked has emailed them with interest and we have a buzzzzzzz

Oct 29, 2013manofmisery

i agree to keep sending emails

Oct 30, 2013mcgrinder2011

Same here, as for my friends... They won't show much interest at all so I'm the only one supporting it from the Midwestern US.

Oct 31, 2013gongon1037

I hope SBG does take a look at your ideas, I would love to see some new models. I have some shoe ideas myself. One idea will make people forget that heelys ever existed ;) Im gonna try to make some t-shirt designs as well.

Oct 31, 2013mcgrinder2011

What's the heelys-never-existed idea? I'd love to see, maybe it'll inspire me for my latest idea.

Nov 7, 2013gongon1037

It's an idea I got when I was looking at the a-sides.


It's not a great pic, but it gets the point across. Let me know what you think.

Nov 7, 2013grug250

i'm sorry but i don't like the wheels...

Nov 7, 2013mcgrinder2011

Shoes are nice, but same here, wheels just make the shoe less durable. and they are problematic when it comes to good landings. trust me, I know.

Nov 8, 2013gongon1037

I'll keep the design but leave the wheel out for now then.

Nov 9, 2013grug250

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