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SOAP SHOES — Secret Tips & Tricks
May 8, 2014 by JAUNZEMIS

$86, while Kindle is a 70/30 split (I make more $ on the Kindle funny enough). I'm not in this for the money, if I was then I would have written a book about animals, or a biography about Miley Cyrus, or something along THOSE lines that would sell BIG TIME! LOL ;) I'm in this—as always—for the IMPACT, and for the love of the *SPORT* of Soaping. I hope you guys enjoy my story. I put everything that I had into this project for the last year and a half, and I hope it brings forth a few good laughs, a few good memories, and hopefully pumps you guys up to get out there and BUST OUT!

I did also notice that because the book is formatted at 8x10 that the Kindle version (As the screen size of an iPhone, Kindle/Kindle Fire/Kindle HD etc. are different sizes) seemed to mash the paragraphs together, and not all of the ASCII characters that I had used were visible; the information and pictures were all there, but I would definitely suggest the PAPERBACK VERSION, though the Kindle is kewl as well as you will now have a full Soaping Trictionary that you can keep with you on your phone in your pocket (*Though of course remember to take your phone out of your pocket before you bust).

Anyways, I wish you guys all the best so cheers mates, and I'll see you guys out on the streets!

Much love,
Ryan Jaunzemis (Ryan J.)

-Keep slidin' fellas!

Also *Don't forget to stop by and "LIKE" my Soap Shoes Facebook page @ https://www.facebook.com/ryanjaunzemissoapshoespage?ref=hl

Feel free to drop me a line, and as always I am always collecting new footage for future Soaping videos so if you have any awesome clips just send them to my inbox or post them on my wall for others to see. Other than that HMU & let's talk Soap! - L8z fellas! Peace!

May 8, 2014JAUNZEMIS

$86, while Kindle is a 70/30 split (I make more $ on the Kindle funny enough). I'm not in this for the money, if I was then I would have written a book about animals, or a biography about Miley Cyrus, or something along THOSE lines that would sell BIG TIME! LOL ;) I'm in this—as always—for the IMPACT, and for the love of the *SPORT* of Soaping. I hope you guys enjoy my story. I put everything that I had into this project for the last year and a half, and I hope it brings forth a few good laughs, a few good memories, and hopefully pumps you guys up to get out there and BUST OUT!

I did also notice that because the book is formatted at 8x10 that the Kindle version (As the screen size of an iPhone, Kindle/Kindle Fire/Kindle HD etc. are different sizes) seemed to mash the paragraphs together, and not all of the ASCII characters that I had used were visible; the information and pictures were all there, but I would definitely suggest the PAPERBACK VERSION, though the Kindle is kewl as well as you will now have a full Soaping Trictionary that you can keep with you on your phone in your pocket (*Though of course remember to take your phone out of your pocket before you bust).

Anyways, I wish you guys all the best so cheers mates, and I'll see you guys out on the streets!

Much love,
Ryan Jaunzemis (Ryan J.)

-Keep slidin' fellas!

Also *Don't forget to stop by and "LIKE" my Soap Shoes Facebook page @ https://www.facebook.com/ryanjaunzemissoapshoespage?ref=hl

Feel free to drop me a line, and as always I am always collecting new footage for future Soaping videos so if you have any awesome clips just send them to my inbox or post them on my wall for others to see. Other than that HMU & let's talk Soap! - L8z fellas! Peace!

May 8, 2014JAUNZEMIS

$86, while

May 8, 2014JAUNZEMIS

Apparently it only posted half of my msg

May 8, 2014JAUNZEMIS

$86, while Kindle

May 8, 2014JAUNZEMIS

$86, while Kindle is a 70/30 split

May 8, 2014JAUNZEMIS

This site is messed up, it wont let me post the whole msg, plese delete this thread, I will post it on my FB page

May 8, 2014JAUNZEMIS

$86, while Kindle is a 70/30 split (I make more $ on the Kindle funny enough).

May 8, 2014JAUNZEMIS

Some people had asked me the question: "Why so expensive?" The answer is that the publisher and distributor (Createspace) is a "Print On Demand" company; meaning that when one orders 1 copy, 1 single copy gets produced, and is then shipped—the books are not manufactured in BULK (Like they would had it been produced by a major publishing company), had that been the case then the cost to you would have been much less; the base cost to produce the full-color paperback is $86

May 8, 2014kowalski

Lol, you fucktard. Kill yourself.

May 9, 2014grug250

@kowalski why so much hate ? is your life so sad that you have to be a cunt?

May 9, 2014kowalski

Nah, man. My life is chilling. Just calling it like it is. The guy is a prick.

May 10, 2014mcgrinder2011

Hey! Ryan's no prick, unless you're a Brit or Aussie and use "prick" differently.

May 10, 2014kowalski

He definitely is a prick.

May 10, 2014grug250

explain how this is

May 10, 2014mcgrinder2011

The post? Probably a bug in the site's coding.

May 12, 2014grug250

got my copy today about 150 pages in loving every word of it so far

May 12, 2014LIGERZERO7

So... not being mean but how did ryan get to be prick? sorry...

May 13, 2014SoapyJehosaphat

Dude!that's pretty vulgar, but ryan became a *prick* after he broke his leg in 2008 after falling off a 3 foot rail doing a ufo, we mourn his loss and passing

May 13, 2014mcgrinder2011

So that's how he became a "prick". He's still good in my book, let's not forget how he wrote that book you love so much Greg.

May 16, 2014LIGERZERO7


May 17, 2014kowalski

The first time I ever heard this prick's name was when I watched this video. Anyone who can watch this video (particularly this end bit) and not think he is a prick is gay for him.


May 17, 2014zelda

Kowalski I'm starting to think you're the prick. I'm not defending ryan as I know him, I know his friends and no he's not my favorite person and I don't like him. You really don't know dick about his life tho and made a bunch of broad claims with very little to back it up. Stop being such a prick yourself, you were pretty cool when you first got here and I don't know what your deal is now when you're acting like an asshole to everyone.

May 17, 2014kowalski

Grow up, zelda. You definitely are not the arbiter of cool.

Watch the video, the guy is a clear prick. If you think that is insufficient evidence, ou are a retard.

Drop it.

May 18, 2014zelda

Drop?! You're the fucking idiot who brought it up! Fuck you, you're a 35 year old man flaming on a website who doesn't have dick to back up his claims. The only one who can see what you're talking about is you, so it's just your fucking opinion. You pissed off my friends on here and they really just think you're a low life piece of shit. Stop pissing off everyone on the website because when it comes to soaping you are absolutely nothing compared to Ryan J. You drop it you fucking asshole, arbitrator of cool you're such a fucking idiot.

May 18, 2014kowalski

So somehow you are allowed to not like him but I'm not. Lol, you are a baby who likes baby drama. As before, grow up.

May 18, 2014kowalski

Lol, u mad.

May 18, 2014kowalski


May 18, 2014zelda

You started the drama dumbass. You grow up your 35 years old.

May 18, 2014kowalski

I'm chatting about some other guy. You started the argument between us, I didn't address you at all until you addressed me.


May 18, 2014kowalski

So... Errr... No. Actually you stated the drama, fuckwit.

May 18, 2014zelda

I'm not going to reason with a fucking idiot like you. Stop being a douce and causing drama, because you started it and you're continuing it. So YOU drop it.

P.s. way to change the subject because you can't back shit up on your previous claim. Fuckwit

May 18, 2014zelda


May 18, 2014mindreader

So I'm drawing the line here after this post. Ok? Anyone after mine is starting something. I'll try to read this book soon. Grug, how can I get into contact with u

May 18, 2014mindreader

Oh nvrmind found u r fb

May 18, 2014kowalski

You don't decide either, mindreader.

Zelda, I owned you on all points. You look like a tit to everyone. Ryan is a prick. You started arguing with me. And you are a baby.

Stay mad, baby.

May 18, 2014mindreader

Nope I ended it and you started it. You're a piece of shit end of story.

May 18, 2014zelda

You're saying everyone on the site is wrong, so no you're the 35 year old baby. Baby.

May 18, 2014kowalski

You don't determine when shit starts and ends, lol.

The forum shows a record of what happened and it is very clear that Zelda started arguing with me when I wasn't even addressing him.

Then you popped up and started some new bullshit.

This is genius.

May 18, 2014mindreader

And yet you pretend to act retarded. Take your own advice and kill yourself

May 18, 2014kowalski

I'm detecting self-hate in your words.

May 19, 2014grug250

mindreader you need something bro ? add me on fb

May 19, 2014mindreader

For kowalski to kill himself. He thinks hatred people for him is really self hatred, what an ignorant fuck.

May 19, 2014kowalski

Lol, u kids r funny.

May 19, 2014kowalski

So much anger and I ain't even done nothing. Yeah, you hate yourself.

May 19, 2014mindreader

You continue to start shit, you're a fucking idiot if you don't see that your dragging it out. I drew the line and you crossed it.

May 19, 2014zelda

We're pretty much all in agreement that you should go to another forum. I'll message derek as I have his facebook

May 19, 2014kowalski

I didn't start anything. You don't get to draw any lines, you aren't my god or master.

You are the aggressors, the thread is a record of that.

May 19, 2014kowalski

Lol, at baby-Zelda crying to the forum mummy and daddy because someone said something he didn't agree with.

This is ace.

May 19, 2014mindreader

"Lol you fucktard. Kill yourself". You started it you fucking idiot. And I'm emailing derek too

May 19, 2014kowalski

That didn't have anything to do with either of you two. You stated it, div. Email whoever you want, like a baby.

"Boo hoo hoo, someone said something I don't agree with" you will never make it to adulthood.

May 19, 2014zelda

The forum is a record of us not saying that. Fuck off so that people can start posting on here again. Don't give us shit for speaking up when others didn't want to. You're such an idiot and immature baby for a 35 year old man.

May 19, 2014xjustinx

i am justin bieber!!!! KNEEL BEFORE ME

May 19, 2014xjustinx


May 19, 2014xjustinx


May 19, 2014xjustinx


May 19, 2014xjustinx


May 19, 2014xjustinx


May 19, 2014xjustinx


May 19, 2014xjustinx


May 19, 2014xjustinx


May 19, 2014xjustinx


May 19, 2014xjustinx


May 19, 2014kowalski

Oh, I understand your confusion now - you are actually retarded.

Anyone not retarded can see that you are the aggressor.

May 19, 2014kowalski

How am I stopping people posting here?

This is fucking hilarious, can't wait for your spazmo response.

May 19, 2014mindreader

thanks for spamming up the site you piece of shit. you ruined it for everyone

May 19, 2014kowalski

You're talking to xjustinx right?

I'm the saviour of Soaps.

May 19, 2014kowalski

Even I think he is annoying.

May 19, 2014mcgrinder2011

Cabln we please stop this shit? All three of you are wrecking the site for everyone. Kowalski especially, as far as I've seen, this fight started over who does and doesn't think he's a prick. Kowalski, I get where you're coming from thinking he's a prick. Let's get something straight, you may need to look up the definition of prick because as far as I know, the evidence you provided says otherwise.

Zelda, just let the flaming sink already, jeez! If you ignore a bad post like the recent spammers, they'll just stop eventually. That's how self moderation works.

Mindreader, I'm gonna get onto you the least since you stirred up the least shit. Please, you should just let these kind of things sort themselves out, Kay?

Now then, to put it bluntly you all are acting like children. I swear even I, a 17 year old, has more maturity than you three! So stop now or I'LL call on Derek.

May 19, 2014mcgrinder2011


May 20, 2014LIGERZERO7

Lets just calm down guys... Lets not make this like the past stuff that's been posted here... (sorry)

May 20, 2014mcgrinder2011

EExactly! Let's all calm down.

May 20, 2014grug250

the only reason i come to this site is because i soap and like to chat with other soapers fuck all this other crap

May 20, 2014kowalski

Mcgrinder, he is a prick and I've shown why I say that he is a prick. Two members started arguments with me, all I did was call them out and make them look silly for daring to try fuck with me.

Lol at telling mindreader to not get involved and let things sort themselves out at the same time as sticking your own nose in and trying to sort things out.

Finally, you said everyone else was acting like children and that of we all didn't stop you'd phone the forum daddy.

Let's be clear the only people behaving like children are those who are crying and stamping their feet because someone said something they didn't agree with and then running off to mummy and daddy... and that group includes you now too.

Much like grug the only reason I come to this site is because I soap and I like to chat with other soapers. Sometimes that chat includes disagreement and people really should be allowed to work their disagreements out for themselves. It is all part of becoming an adult.

May 20, 2014mcgrinder2011

You know, you could've kept this shitstorm from starting by actually IGNORING opposing posts. I threatened to call Derek here because there are no mods to temp ban you or others that were misbehaving. I wasn't really being a bitch like you said, crying and stamping my feet, I was just trying to assume a mod-like position by disciplining you, Zelda and Mindreader.

Now, to the point that Ryan is NOT a prick IMO. Look, if I get enough proof that he is a prick, I may consider changing my opinion. Otherwise, everyone else's opinions stay the same, mine included.

In short, you have the power to stop this shit, so just stop before I really DO call the admin/owner.

May 20, 2014kowalski

I won't ignore personal attacks, that's a slave tactic.

I'm not misbehaving and neither is anyone else. I'd be interested to hear what definition of misbehaving you are using that makes you think we are.

You are delusional, you don't get to discipline me or the others and so that isn't what happened. What you actually did was join the argument, offer your opinion and write a load of hypocritical hilarity, which I called you out on. Then you went on to behave like a baby by saying you will run crying to the forum mummy.

We have opposing opinions on whether Ryan is a prick. I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything, just stating my view as you are just stating yours.

I am enjoying myself. So, although I have the power to stop replying, I don't want to. If you want it to stop (as you keep saying you do), why don't you take your own advice and stop replying? And, if you think people should sort their own problems out, why do you keep trying to set yourself up as an unwanted negotiator? And threatening to 'call the police' on everyone?

Here is your 3 step plan, MC Grinder.

1. Ignore bad posts.
2. Ignore opposing posts.
3. Let these kind of things sort themselves out.

That is what you wrote. According to you that is the right thing to do.

Now let's what you do. Do you follow your own 3 step plan or not?

Let's see if you think this is good advice for everyone including you or whether you actually think it is only good advice for other people and that you are somehow a special case who 'MC Grinder's 3 step plan' doesn't apply to.

May 20, 2014mcgrinder2011

... Hear that? That's the sound of me not giving a fuck anymore. This thread is closed.

May 20, 2014kowalski


May 20, 2014zelda

Lmao I love this, it can't be that kowalski is wrong it has to be everyone else that's wrong. What a stupid fuck.

May 20, 2014kowalski

Well, I have actually argued for why you are wrong. You have simply stated that you aren't.

Argument vs Statement.

Whoops, sorry. I win again!

May 21, 2014zelda

Lmfao exactly. Our statements stand, you stupid fuck.

May 21, 2014kowalski

Nope, not unless you address my arguments. That's how the big-boy world works.

Lol, u mad.

May 21, 2014kowalski

And stupid.

May 21, 2014zelda

I'm actually not going to because you continuously called Ryan a prick without anything to back it up. Just that anyone could clearly see it otherwise they were gay for him. All you really do is just contradict what I say, so no you're the stupid baby here and more than one person here is in agreement. Don't cry like a little bitch because you're wrong and accuse a bunch of teenagers of slavery.

May 21, 2014kowalski

The video is the evidence.

I made a statement and you contradicted it, thus starting the argument.

I didn't accuse anyone of slavery, you actually can't read. Which makes me feel a little bad for taunting you because you have shown that you don't understand what is happening.

Yet, you bring it on yourself by repeatedly writing angry, confused, nonsensical tirades at me.

I love this.

The forum has never been more fun.

May 21, 2014kowalski

This is like grabbing my little brother by the wrists and slapping him in the face with his own hands.

Lol, don't play with the big boys or you're gonna get hurt.

May 21, 2014zelda

You can't read either kowalski, you did the same exact thing to me Several times. And I stated to you several times that knowing the person and five seconds of a video are two different things and then you start yapping about something different. Grow the fuck up kowalski you really ignorant, as we are all in agreement that you were the one dragging this out.

May 21, 2014zelda

kowalski fucking stop

May 21, 2014zelda

k now you're pissing me off

Oct 12, 2015Waffle

Kowalski's a douche. I know Jaunzy and he is nice and dope.
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