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everyone msg them
Nov 22, 2014 by grug250

we goota do this rape them with msg's......................info@sbg-ny.com

Nov 22, 2014grug250

Nov 28, 2014mcgrinder2011

I'll msg them after my video's done!

Nov 28, 2014grug250

sweet as bro

Dec 6, 2014Waffle

Woah SBG must seriously think that soap has n fanbase anymore or someshit, I bet that if they come back everybody would buy them

Dec 8, 2014mcgrinder2011

True dat. Solid Grind wouldn't even exist anymore if Soap had no fanbase.

Dec 8, 2014grug250

so true

Dec 11, 2014mcgrinder2011

Well now what?

Dec 11, 2014Jersey

We should probably keep on grinding lol

Dec 11, 2014Waffle

Hey guys swear on me nan watched a Heelys video recently 75% of people say its gay and the other percent say Soaps were the shit! I think imma email SBG about this and tell them that many people still want em' what u guys think?

Dec 11, 2014Jersey

couldn't hurt, just remember to word your e-mail polite and professional.

Dec 12, 2014mcgrinder2011

Right. A polite, well worded message always has much more effect than a mistake-filled message.

Dec 12, 2014grug250

true that bro i'll fire off another one too

Dec 12, 2014Jersey

I honestly think that the next logical step would be to make like a community video thing though.

Dec 16, 2014mcgrinder2011

That'll work too Jersey. So long as we get it out that Soaping isn't dead.

And maybe get it through SBG's thick skull that Soap can appeal to people.

Dec 16, 2014Waffle

lets get a ton of people to record themselves soaping and we put it together into one video maybe that will penetrate through their massively thick skulls!

Dec 16, 2014Waffle

Just realised mcg2011 wrote the same thing! Well lets make the video and get all the old and popular soapers to attend!

Dec 16, 2014Waffle

Nope i meant Jersey!

Dec 17, 2014Jersey

I'm just waiting for it to warm up a bit. I got my camera ready to go.

Dec 17, 2014mcgrinder2011

Great! I have a few clips of me soaping, but they're no good. hopefully if it's not wet this weekend I can go out and hit up my local skate park or lay down on the university campus.

Dec 17, 2014Jersey

I've also been walking around town looking for nice rails

Dec 20, 2014mcgrinder2011

I seriously need more rails around where I live. I have little rail balance.

Dec 21, 2014Jersey

I used to feel the same way. I always thought to myself "Dude New Jersey has like no rails anywhere." Then I started actually looking for them and i found that there's rails everywhere lol

Dec 21, 2014mcgrinder2011

Well, you're different. I'm a 20 minute drive from Fayetteville, where I'd like to go soaping and the only rails available to me are a 10 minute walk away. I live in the country where I can only hit stairs ATM. And I have no car since I have no job but am looking for one.

Dec 21, 2014justalilslow

^ Wow we are really close, I'm up in bellavista. Now that's a place with no rails what so ever. For the last couple weeks I have been messing around at the skate park in Bentonville getting used to these things again.

Dec 22, 2014Jersey

I live like 10 minutes away from Rutgers university there's rails everywhere in New Brunswick but the city recently started putting skate stops on everything. ;(

Dec 23, 2014Waffle

Lol, here in Holland there are only rails..

Dec 24, 2014mcgrinder2011

That should be fun for you. At least you can gain great rail balance there.


Dec 24, 2014mcgrinder2011

And hey Slowbro, I'm glad to have fellow soapers in my general area. I was starting to think that I was alone here.

Dec 25, 2014justalilslow

You have been alone for a while. Haven't had any soaps since my chaos fell apart about 4 years ago. Sadly 1 pair of my new goa's are already about gone. Well they will be if I don't glue them back together soon :(

Since it looks like you don't have a car maybe one day I can meet up with you and hit up Fayetteville. Lots of good places around their.

Dec 25, 2014mcgrinder2011

Yeah. Lots of Nice stuff here. Especially around the High School.

And that really sucks. My Sylons suffered the same fate until I replaced the entire midsole. Now they soap great again.
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