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Mar 22, 2015Waffle

Mar 22, 2015Waffle

Now I am very devoted to Soap but I would not really get a tat. Awesome anyway Ryan has a similiar one.

Mar 22, 2015Jersey

It's not about being devoted to soap, it's more about its a part of my life, all of my tattoos represent something that happened or is an important part of my life.

Mar 23, 2015grug250

true that ^^^^

Mar 23, 2015grug250

i'll be getting one soon

Mar 23, 2015Waffle

You are right Jersey. Soap is very important to me too!
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Zack Ricky hittin a Frontside on a long, fat, kinked rail.
Derek hittin a Cheese Grater at the Cedar Rapids demo
Sequence of Bryndon sliding a huge kink.
Bryndon with a frontside (about to jump from rail 1 to rail 2).
Sequence of Andy Ford (Fordy) busting a 270 backside royale during the recent UKFSW Ipswich trip.