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A wild Newb appears!
Apr 14, 2015 by HoushSleyed

Hey everyone! Last Friday I finally snagged myself my very first couple pairs of Soap shoes(thank you skatehut). The only varieties around my size were Clean and Scab but those seem to be among the most durable, which is a necessity being my gear.
I'll show 'em off once they arrive.
Until then, I eagerly await their arrival.

Apr 14, 2015Waffle

Hi, welcome to SG.. I'm Phil

Apr 14, 2015Waffle

Oh yea and clean is hyper-durable.

Apr 14, 2015HoushSleyed

I'm Al. And that's good to hear; the Clean may become an occasional work shoe for me...even though I must not attempt to grind the 5-floor constant inner stair rails with them.
Not until I get some practice anyway. =P

Apr 14, 2015Waffle

Practice is what you need.

Apr 14, 2015HoushSleyed

Oh absolutely! And lots of it. Thankfully I live near a skate park and a cool square donut kinda thing that will be great for practice until I can get my own rail(s).

Apr 14, 2015Waffle

U can build ur own rails lol.

Apr 14, 2015Waffle

Hey do you have FB let me ad you buddy.

Apr 14, 2015HoushSleyed

True. And when I get the materials and tools(and the time) I'll probably do something along those lines.

Apr 14, 2015HoushSleyed

I do have FB...I don't really use it that much. I'm easier to get ahold of via my email(which is linked to my FB, so you can add me if you wanna) which is nyghtreaux@gmail.com

Apr 14, 2015aname

Hey, welcome to SG man.I would assume you're a size 10? haha.

Apr 14, 2015HoushSleyed

Thanks! And yeah. I usually wear my shoes between 10 1/2 and 11 1/2 for comfort, but for footwear that's better snug I'm all good in a 10

Apr 14, 2015gongon1037

I'm Dan. Great to see new members show up here. You'll be happy with clean or scabs.

Apr 14, 2015HoushSleyed

Glad to be here!
I was thinking about possibly getting some anti-friction tape to strategically place on the grind plates; to save time waxing some surfaces and possibly save on wear/tear. Has this been tried and if so, is it a good idea?

Apr 14, 2015aname

Yeah dude, I wear a 10 or 10 1/2 in other skate shoes but my scabs and cleans are 10s and pretty loose so you should be good.

As for the tape on the grind plates I'm not too sure about how that works. But wear and tear isnt too bad if you dont grind a lot of unwaxed curbs and stuff.

Apr 14, 2015HoushSleyed

The tape in question is something used where oil would normally be, but for one reason or another can't be. I'm not too worried about it at the moment; I ordered two extra sets of grind plates alongside the shoes, so I'm gonna try them bare first.

Apr 14, 2015Waffle

Also do not grind rough surfaces or concrete!

Apr 14, 2015HoushSleyed

That's a good tip; I see with my mind's eye what that might look like, and it's painful all around. Thank you.

Apr 14, 2015Jersey

Hey man, welcome to the board

Apr 15, 2015HoushSleyed

Thanks, mang.
Now maybe if I concentrate hard enough, my Soaps will be home awaiting me.
....okay not likely. But one can dream damnit!

Apr 15, 2015HoushSleyed

Well I'll be damned...these things got here FAST!


Apr 15, 2015Sambonie1


Apr 15, 2015HoushSleyed

Might wait until tomorrow to try any grinding...our at least until it dries out a bit more anyway.

Apr 15, 2015LIGERZERO7

Welcome! Hope you have fun with those :)

Apr 15, 2015HoushSleyed

Thank you very much. I have the next two days offa work to play. Only the Scabs though; for now I'm keeping the Cleans indoor only. Plus, the Scabs are the the heaviest Soaps around yah? I get used to them with the original plates, I'll be set for the rest. ^_^

Apr 15, 2015grug250

scabs and cleans are the same weight bro ...and welcome

Apr 15, 2015HoushSleyed

Hmm...with one in each hand, I see you're spot-on there.
All I know as it sits now, is the way they feel walking in them makes me think mecha-feet. Which is amazing!
Gonna hit that square donut thingy I described earlier first thing in the morning.

Apr 18, 2015HoushSleyed

So....still having overall balance issues, but I'm making progress. Great progress for one without any discernable inline or skateboard skill, I think.
Spent most of my free time(pre-clock in, lunch) at the office trying a few out of the way spots.
All things considered, I'm having a blast trying.
Keeping on the effort! ^_^

Apr 18, 2015aname

Awesome dude. Keep at it!

Apr 18, 2015Jersey

Don't worry dude you'll pro in no time, just keep at it.

Apr 18, 2015Waffle

Dude ur awesome and i think u will fit well into the community!
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