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Selling Boltar White US 8
Jun 27, 2015 by Sambonie1

Its preety much in the title I'm selling a used pair of Boltar white in size US 8 at around $30- $50 if anyone wants any please comment and I will put on Ebay or Gumtree.

Jun 28, 2015bdavis8576

I'm interested :) put in on eBay and I'll check it out! It's rare you find a white Boltar in that size

Jun 28, 2015Sambonie1

its used though

Jun 28, 2015Sambonie1

will you pick up or will I send it.

Jun 28, 2015Sambonie1

It'll be either Visa/MasterCard or Personal Cheque

Jun 28, 2015Sambonie1

can you do Gumtree

Mar 8, 2016Brogod12

Still sellin those boltars sambonie1?

Mar 14, 2016Sambonie1

Na gave 'em to my brother
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