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Jan 10, 2018 by grug250

Just as i thought all hope was lost solidgrind has been revived 2018 is looking to be a good year 😁

Jan 11, 2018jeff

Its not letting me post, so I might as well just post this here: I need a pair of Size 11 Soaps, any model and grind plate will do. I am looking for something less than ebay prices. I also have 3 Soap Ducks coming in the mail and may have more coming soon. If you can help me out, reply to this post or add me on Discord at: jeff#5204

Jan 11, 2018jeff

Its not letting me post, so I might as well just post this here: I need a pair of Size 11 Soaps, any model and grind plate will do. I am looking for something less than ebay prices. I also have 3 Soap Ducks coming in the mail and may have more coming soon. If you can help me out, reply to this post or add me on Discord at: jeff#5204

Jan 11, 2018grug250

Dude where did you score ducks?
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Zach hittin a makio at the Cedar Rapids demo
Amy Gerein hittin a Fastslide (see, chicks can soap too)
Derek hittin a Cheese Grater at the Cedar Rapids demo
Jeremy Koch hittin a Frontside
Aaron MacDonald hittin a (freestyle) backslide torque slide on a ledge