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Need your help on this thing.
Oct 15, 2006 by SapAuthor

Arg, this is the second time typing this, first time it screwed up.

I'm putting together the site for Steve to sell his soap shoes, as well as my headquarters for SSS Super Sonic SOAPers. The way I want to do it is to have two ways to gain membership to SSS. First you can automatically become a member by purchsaing a pair of SOAPs from Steve. If you elect to buy soaps from another source, then you have to go through 6 goals to become part of SSS.

1: Fronside a low rail: 1 point
2: UFO low rail: 1 point
3: both Goofy and Regular onto a rail: 1 point
4: Backside onto a rail: 1 point
5: Go down a slanted rail: 1 point
6: Grind on rail 2.5ft or taller: 2 points

Low rail/Ground Rail: 0+
Hand Rail: 1+
Stair Rail: 2+

Frontside: 0
Backside: 1
UFO: 1
Royale: 2
Farf: 3
Cab Driver: 3
Cheese Grater: 3
Unity: 4
Backslide: 4
Get another person to buy SOAPs: 3
Get another person to buy SOAPs from Steve: 5

0-5: beginner
6-18: Novice
19-32: Intermediate
33-47: Experienced
48-62: Sonic Soaper
63-79: Super Soaper
80-99: Super Sonic Soaper
100+: Ultra Sonic Soaper

Now the system is that you can only get points for a trick 3 times, one for each type. For instance, Royale you can get 2 points for low rail, 3 points for hand rail, and 4 points for stair rail. When added up, if you do every trick you can get about 97 points (7 + 21 + 30 + 39 = 97). The extra points to reach the top are from SICK points or getting other people to get SOAPs, points acheived from doing impressive stuff not put on the list.

Okay, tell me what you think, any tricks to add, points to adjust, ranks to adjust, or any advice. I also plan on having "prizes" or incentives for reaching goals, like SSS Team T-shirts, stickers, other stuff like that. I'm hoping this will help spark sales and SOAPing interest, expecially the whole points by getting others to get SOAPs.

What do you all think?

Oct 16, 2006Jard39

great idea

can i join now even though i haven't quite got the low super trick things out yet

Oct 16, 2006masterbrain0

oooooooooh 0.0{!!) Does the Steve person sell crowbars and forklifts? I want them as my first ones

Oct 16, 2006SapAuthor

Steve only has the newly made Express model in sizes 3-12 (although 10-12 got delayed and will arrive on the 15th of novemberish). He also has a couple Ordnance flint shoes, i think only size 10 and 12. No Crowbars.

Jard39, we do need some initial members. But, rules still apply, just get me some vid of you going through the goals (should be easy if you've been soaping for a bit), and then i'll put you as the first member. Either that or buy a pair of express SOAPs from Steve. All you need to complete the goals is like a PVC pipe, and for the 2.5 ft rail you can find a way to elevate the pipe 2.5 ft and do that. Just need video proof. How about it Jard? And anyone else?

Oct 16, 2006SPSR

yeah, i know your trying to get soap out there i just think this is the wrong way to go about it. for one thing it seems bias, what with the "if you bought shoes from steeve then your already in!" type of deal. also the trick and point system seems a bit flawed to me. (maybe i just read the requirements wrong.) "Get another person to buy SOAPs from Steve: 5" that is the bias im talking about. well that was my opinon on this.

Soaping is for fun, so just get out there and do it.

Oct 16, 2006masterbrain0

=< no crowbars?...

Oct 16, 2006masterbrain0

but...but...but... =( =(

Oct 16, 2006Go2Crew

Hey masterbrain0:
I think we already had this discussion, no? You’re a size six, right? In brand new Soaps, I have a Crowbar in size five, a Broadside and a Scab in size seven, several prototype (some un-released) styles in size nine, Ordnance Flint in size nine and ten, and all three colors of Express in sizes 3 through 9 (HSL has back-ordered the 10-12’s till mid November). Nobody but PacSun got Forklifts (it was their exclusive special make-up shoe), so only somebody selling their individual used pair will be listing them on eBay. Southernbelt has listed some vintage Soap Sylons in size six and Rattus has some newer Nitros in size six, both on eBay. If you aren’t familiar with eBay search jump over to www.soapshoes.info and look at it there. Dunk and Mart’s site does a good job of knocking-out a lot of the extraneous “soap and shoes” combinations received in a straight eBay word search. Anyhow, that’s my help for the evening, so get out there and good luck. Get some Soaps, and grind baby, grind!


Oct 16, 2006SPSR

steve your awesome, what prototype styles do you have in size 9?

Oct 16, 2006Jard39

i have a elevated rail but like for the stair rails and stuff i have nowhere to even attempt it- and i have no one to hold the camera

Oct 16, 2006AnthoFlex

Shit dude, im in!!!!!! Oh man.....imma start working right away....starrting 2morrow :) ...........So far i have 43 points.....but those 43 mean nothing if i dunt have a video for it.....hmmm....imma start a vid 2morrow

Oct 16, 2006AnthoFlex

I got sum tricks for you....haha.....you'll see in my video

Oct 17, 2006matrix8967

yeah, I got a friend of mine to buy some ordnance flint from steve, and I'm buying my girlfrind some soaps (she has small feet, she's like a size 4-5) and my other friends wants me to pick her out some soaps cuz she trusts my judgement on such things. (she's a size 7) and I'd kill for a pair of broadsides (me size 10) but anyway, I'm thinking of starting my own group...but it will be a while...i'll have to plan things out...I'm at school, so i gotta cut this short, i'll be back on later...to total my points...


Oct 17, 2006matrix8967

(P.S) I bought my ordnance flint from steve. I bought my Express about a year ago in december...


Oct 17, 2006Curtinator

Sap this is a great idea LETS START PRACTICE.:P

Oct 17, 2006masterbrain0

well, what kind of prototypes? like the A-side or something?

Oct 17, 2006AnthoFlex

Im heading over to Throggs NEck sk8 park after school 2morrow.....1/2 day :) gonna get sum GOOOOOOOOOOOD footy, i promise

Oct 18, 2006AnthoFlex

didnt get any footy.....Throggs neck sk8 park is just WAAAAY to fucking crowded and there are 2 rails there and they are sooo wide....not even my broadsides can take em on

Oct 20, 2006SapAuthor

Sorry it's been so long, a lot goig on. To answer the comments...

SPSR: The reason it seems biased is because it is. This site is to sell the SOAP shoes Steve is selling. Hence, we wnat to get incentive for people to buy from steve.

Jard: You got to go look for the rail, there is always a rail somewhere, finding it is half hte fun. And for the camera, i never have anyone to hold it, i just prop it up in a position, put some stuff under it to angle it up and record.

Antho: Can't wait for the vid man.

Matrix: if you're going to start ur own group, that's cool.

Hope that is good for hte response, i'm still waiting on Steve to get me the pics and stuff so i can get to work on the site more.

Oct 20, 2006Kaz

damb backside might take me awhile to get down but it will make for some funny bail footage

Oct 20, 2006masterbrain0

YAY! IM GETTING SOAPS TOMORROW!! Then, I can join as beginner ^.^

Oct 20, 2006masterbrain0

Well, I'm ordering them off ebay, but, no difference

Oct 21, 2006SapAuthor

lol. Kaz, to do your backside, all you really need to do to pass the goal is to get a PVC pipe, anchor one side (so it won't role) then do the backside. Don't mistake it with the backSLIDE, this is the backSIDE. Backslide you life up one foot, back side you run at the rail, then bust a 180 onto it (so if you are running up to the rail facing right, you will end up grinding on the rail facing the left, or vice verca). I plan on making "mini tutorial" on the goals so people do'nt get frusterated, but that is a later stage, right now i'm still waiting on Steve to get me those pics and info -.- until then SSS is accepting members but they won't get publicized cuz there's no area to do it.

Oct 21, 2006shdook

I already bought my ordnaces from steve off ebay does that count? Does anybody know how to raise pvc pipe up without it bending?

Oct 21, 2006AnthoFlex

Yo Kaz, careful with them backsides.....i remember when i couldnt do them......when i finally got them down, i completely lost my frontsides.....I still kinda have them but (you can ask Dario) i rely more oin my Backsides...which isnt always a good thing....Right now im waiting for my friends to come over so we could go hit this new spot i found on Main St.......its a funny story on how i found it:

I cut 8th period class cause my teacher was absent (8th is my last class)...stfu, it was friday :) anywayz, so i meet up with Jerry, and i was gonna go to his place when this girl i know (forgot her name) came up to me, she was soooooo fucking sick and she kept on passing out....i knew where she lived so i agreed to walk her home....a block from her place i find this AWESOME RAIL!! its moderate hieght, and split in certain parts (perfect for learning how to transfer).....anywayz, that was my story, im out l8rz

Oct 21, 2006AnthoFlex

Oh, and while we're there imma get some good footy :)

Oct 22, 2006AnthoFlex

Ok, just got back....got some footy, not exactly great but hey, just a little practice run

Oct 22, 2006Draker

hey steve (Go2crew) i just want to know if a have a pair of Broadside 13 or anything in size 13

Oct 22, 2006SapAuthor

Shdook: Yes, that counts since they were purchased from steve, i would just need some sort of validation from either steve or the paypal information that you made the purchase.

To elevate a PVC pipe without bending is all about support points. Meaning you have to put a support every so often so the bend is minimal. I personally think the easiest way is to take garbage bags and fill them with something like dirt. the dirt is firm, but bends so the pipe fits in it. any sort of semi-flexible material (dirt, sand, etc) will do. Then just put that under the PVC pipe so it won't bend. Only other option is to spend 25 bucks and get Dock Pipe (3 inch diameter metal pipe used for docks) at your local hardware store.

Antho: Nice, it seems that the best rails are found when you aren't looking.

Draker, I think Steve said he only had a couple ordnance (none in 13s) and the Express he is selling (but the largest Heely's is making is 12s, so you will have to find your SOAP shoes from another person, like southernbelt on ebay who sells 13s).

Oct 22, 2006AnthoFlex

You larged footed mofos......just kidding haha :D

Oct 23, 2006masterbrain0

:(... There was nothing good in my size... 0.o twitch (runs off and pouts)

Oct 23, 2006SapAuthor

master, what is ur size again?

Oct 23, 2006masterbrain0

size 6/7

Oct 25, 2006SapAuthor

Alright, I got the info from Steve, so i'm working on constructing the site. I've decided to snaz thigns up (and illinate all the navigation) by going with a flash application, which allows for more creativity and a more smooth navigation (plus you can put in more media). I've drawn up the bare bones of it, just my idea of the layout, what do you all think?


Like i said it's very bare bones, just the layout of it, I will add a nice scheme, animations, pictures, etc as i make it.

Oct 25, 2006Jard39

its nice

Oct 26, 2006shdook

I might be interested in those broadsides.

Nov 1, 2006SapAuthor

I've decided to change the goal from 2.5ft to knee high, that should make it easy for anyone.

Nov 12, 2006SapAuthor

alright, i took the tutorial video of the 6 goals. I'm going to get them ready and upload them onto my buzznet video account soon.

Nov 12, 2006SapAuthor

alright, i uploaded the 6 tutorial videos. Now onto desigining the soap site.

Nov 13, 2006Krammit

The vids are nice, would have prefered youtube though, it loads a little bit faster.
In any case, your #4 has the wrong video title, it says "Backside" but the video says "#3 goofy/regular"

Nov 13, 2006SapAuthor

thanks for telling me, i thought i changed that, it must not have went through >.>

Nov 13, 2006SapAuthor

okay, fixed ^.^
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