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The Soap Revolution
Oct 20, 2006 by matrix8967 In the past 72 hours...Soap has hit my friends in the face like a sock full of batteries. About 9 people in my town have bought soaps (mainly from Steve {go2crew}) and I'm buying some for me and my girlfriend, and some of my friends...(friends will pay me back, my girlfriend gets them for free) Soon we will shoot some videos and take some pics. However, we need a name...I think our tag will be "Viva La Soap!" but we need a name...my friend jokingly said we should be called "suds" but anyway, if you have any ideas Our group is still being formed...and if we don't let people in, they'll try to make thier own groups...also, after one night, they think they know everything about soap...they don't even know who founded it, or how it was founded or anything... d@_@b ...anyway just leave some comments about how you think this is going to work out...I'll have all members sign up for solidgrind... also, maybe if we take some video, we could be a sub-branch of the SSS...but that's NOT for ME to decide, it's just an idea I'm throwing out... Anyway, comment and tell me how you think it'll work out... ---Alex Replies
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Oct 20, 2006SapAuthor
Oct 20, 2006mnsoaperns
Big Busty Soaping Bitches...
has a ring to it and impacts!
go with it no royalties needed kthx bye
Oct 20, 2006matrix8967
Oct 20, 2006Kru
I want to do the exact same thing. But I'm in maryland so as far as I know I am a one man band.
Soaps need to have props. There needs to be people to show "hey, see these babies.. we can go anywhere. ANYWHERE."
Those "no skatboarding/blading/bmx" signs can't stop us.. hahahaha. Oh yeah.. may freewalking be reborn again fellow soapers!
A good team soaping name would be S.U.D.S "Soapers United Demostration Squad." Or something like that.. just popping ideas
Oct 20, 2006SPSR
Oct 20, 2006matrix8967
keep the comments comming...thanks for the help...
Oct 20, 2006SonicSoaper
Oct 21, 2006arjay
Here's a pic of me representing soaps in Australia! (the pics are HOSTED on a NZ site tho)
Oct 21, 2006Kru
Hmmm I think that with the right moves and a bit of inventiveness, reviving soap shoes shouldn't be too hard. Its time for freerunning 2.0
Oct 22, 2006matrix8967
The Revolution is growing...more organization is happening...we should hit the town in 2-3 weeks...but we still need a name...I'll enter them in and we'll take a vote...also, what do you think about my tests? I think it's a good idea, what do you guys think? because i don't want some hot-shot douche bag on my team, I want them to know thier stuff and not be ignorant to the shoes history and etc...
Oct 22, 2006SapAuthor
Matrix, i dont think a atest would be very fun. I would base it on skill, even I don't know every shoe (although i'm getting better at seeing a soap shoe and saying "That's a Goa with BBK plates" or "those are cleans" etc. But it's hard to know all of them. If they can soap and want to improve and get better, then i say that should be the leading thing.
Oct 22, 2006matrix8967
Now, the point of that rant was: I don't want douche bags in my group...and I don't want to just let people in...so they have to really want it to be in...but I see what you're saying SapAuthor, because that was the original Idea was to let anyone in...then people started wanting to be in it like mad...and we can't let them all in...so I had to have some sort of filter...If they want to start thier own groups, thats cool...but I uno...we'll see...maybe just a trick/skill test...if they pass thier in...maybe I'll have ranks?? but I just want the original 5 members for now...we'll hold try-outs later...
Oct 22, 2006SapAuthor
Oct 22, 2006SapAuthor
Oct 23, 2006matrix8967
Keep names and advice comming.
Oct 24, 2006matrix8967
Oct 24, 2006Kru
I won't be soaping for awhile now looking at my order seeing it cancelled.. some guy got the last pair before I did! dammit! Now I'll never get a pair of soaps.
Oct 24, 2006Surfaced
sounds good to me...
Oct 25, 2006matrix8967
Keep 'em comming (good alkaline trio song...)
Oct 29, 2006matrix8967
so far these are the founding members and thier soaps...
Alex: Express, Ordnance, Scab
Robert: Sylon
Zack: Ordnance
Moriah: Crowbars
Charlette (my g/f): Nitro's (soon)
Oct 29, 2006SapAuthor
Nov 1, 2006the5cooliest
Nov 1, 2006the5cooliest
Nov 1, 2006the5cooliest
Nov 1, 2006Kru
Also.. heeling is a BITCH.. hahahaha. My right foot wants to say down XD.. forget the wheel thing for now
Nov 2, 2006mnsoaperns
Nov 2, 2006Kru
Oh I also on the upper back part of the sole I sharpied in "Soapshoes.com Soaps never die" on one shoe and "Soapshoes.com Solidgrind.com" on the other one. heheh
Nov 7, 2006matrix8967
Nov 7, 2006matrix8967
Soap Revolution
Revolution Soapers
something like that...
Nov 8, 2006mnsoaperns
Nov 8, 2006Jard39
Nov 8, 2006matrix8967
Nov 8, 2006matrix8967
Nov 8, 2006Jard39
Nov 9, 2006SSAndroid
and how do u buy soaps from him?
Nov 9, 2006matrix8967
Steve is an awesome soap salesman...His email can be found in alot of forum threads. I can't remember it, it's in my address book....I'll post it here tomorrow....It's bedtime now @_@....
Nov 9, 2006SSAndroid
Nov 9, 2006matrix8967
that's steve's email. He's good, it may take him a few days to get back to you but he will.
Nov 11, 2006matrix8967
Nov 12, 2006matrix8967
http://photobucket.com/" target="_blank">
(included link to the pic)
Nov 12, 2006matrix8967
Nov 12, 2006Kru
Nov 12, 2006matrix8967
Nov 12, 2006AnthoFlex
Nov 12, 2006matrix8967
Nov 12, 2006matrix8967
this is what it started out as (again, large and out of center, i'm sorry)
http://photobucket.com/" target="_blank">
i kinda see what you're talking about antho, and i didnt see it until after I made it, if you want I can make another one thats different. but what can I say, Great minds think alike, eh?
Nov 15, 2006matrix8967
Nov 15, 2006Krammit
Nov 15, 2006AnthoFlex
Nov 15, 2006AnthoFlex
Nov 15, 2006matrix8967
Nov 15, 2006AnthoFlex
Nov 19, 2006matrix8967
what about flyers...having the logo, and giving a description of them and some pics that my frinds and I can take?
(I'm learning some HTML...and I'm playing...)
Keep the revolution alive...
Viva La Soap
Nov 19, 2006matrix8967
Nov 19, 2006AnthoFlex
Nov 19, 2006SonicSoaper
http://photobucket.com/" target="_blank">
Nov 19, 2006matrix8967
Also, I'm gonna start telling people about the sonic on the myspace...I've been telling people to buy from steve and they're like "ok" and they never try to get in contact with him.
Viva La Soap
Nov 20, 2006soaprev2
I really like the logo. Maybe the fist should be a bit bigger, though. And then have the neon glow around the soap logo too. Just a thought.
I'm gonna go TRY to get on facebook now, we'll see how things work out.
Had lots of fun soapin' today. See you tomorrow.
Nov 20, 2006Kile
Nov 21, 2006the5cooliest
Nov 21, 2006matrix8967
Nov 21, 2006SapAuthor
Nov 23, 2006LovesMusic
Nov 24, 2006matrix8967
anyway, back to business
Happy Thanksgiving all my young revolutionaries. how's the revolution going on your front? do what you can to keep it alive. times might be tough, but together, through us, soap lives.
Viva La Soap
Nov 24, 2006DeanSoaper
Nov 24, 2006matrix8967
http://photobucket.com/" target="_blank">
Nov 24, 2006SonicSoaper
http://photobucket.com/" target="_blank">
Nov 25, 2006matrix8967
Renney said he doesnt like Viva La soap...but anyway...I made this pic as a beta...It'll be messed around with soon.
http://photobucket.com/" target="_blank">
Nov 25, 2006Kru
Nov 25, 2006AnthoFlex
Nov 25, 2006Kru
Nov 25, 2006AnthoFlex
Nov 25, 2006matrix8967
kru, if you can, email me the pic @ matrix8967@yahoo.com
yeah, Jard already said he has a team called revolution. but I think he's thinking more along the lines of like...spinning...like hard drive platters or a vinyl record. or atleast I'd like to think so. I'm talking more of a bringing soap back. my "vision" so to speak is have all the kids at my school go "oh yeah, soaps, i know what those are" and so far, it's working. I want it to spread to other places.
blah blah blah, I'm rambling, anyway, keep the revolution alive.
Nov 25, 2006matrix8967
Nov 25, 2006Kru
Nov 26, 2006LovesMusic
Nov 26, 2006AnthoFlex
Nov 26, 2006matrix8967
Jard has never given me much crap, but it doesnt matter if we have simular names.
Nov 26, 2006matrix8967
made by Kru
Nov 26, 2006DeanSoaper
Nov 26, 2006DeanSoaper
Nov 26, 2006Jard39
Nov 26, 2006matrix8967
Nov 26, 2006Kru
Nov 26, 2006Jard39
Nov 26, 2006matrix8967
anyway, the soap revolution xanga is offically online...
tell me what you think. I havn't used Kru's pic yet, but I will soon.
Nov 26, 2006AnthoFlex
Nov 26, 2006AnthoFlex
Nov 26, 2006AnthoFlex
That way, u got your sick ass site, Linking out to a bunch of other Sick Soap sites, and thus the Soap community gets bigger....fuck that, HUGER!
Nov 26, 2006matrix8967
Nov 27, 2006Soopahsonic
Nov 27, 2006matrix8967
Nov 27, 2006matrix8967
Nov 28, 2006the5cooliest
Nov 28, 2006the5cooliest
Nov 28, 2006AnthoFlex
Nov 29, 2006matrix8967
Nov 29, 2006matrix8967
Nov 29, 2006Soopahsonic
Nov 29, 2006AnthoFlex
Nov 29, 2006PENIS
Nov 29, 2006AnthoFlex
Nov 30, 2006matrix8967
Penis, go away.
Anthoflex, I'll have a video in a few weeks when I have access to my sisters camera.
Soopahsonic, the EOB logo is not mine.
I'm at school, gotta go, teacher's a hawk eye.
Nov 30, 2006matrix8967
renny, i do agree...penis is a shitwad, and should leave quick like. and I'll have a video in a few weeks when i can get access to a camera. I'm gonna post some pics i took in class today on the soap rev xanga. it'll be of me and robert but they have nothing to do with soaping, it's kind of a know who you're talking to thing. Also, I'm probably gonna print off some stuff that says "www.xanga.com/soaprevolution" and throw the around school. to get some visitors. and post some pics from solid grind.
Nov 30, 2006AnthoFlex
Dec 3, 2006matrix8967
Dec 3, 2006matrix8967
Dec 14, 2006matrix8967
things have been sorta slow l8ly...I've had alot to do @_@ but i'll stop dragging ass soon, especially over x-mas
Dec 14, 2006matrix8967
Dec 14, 2006shdook
Dec 14, 2006shdook
Dec 16, 2006matrix8967
http://photobucket.com/" target="_blank">
Dec 16, 2006matrix8967
also, nice viva la soap pic...very vegas
Dec 25, 2006matrix8967
Dec 25, 2006Slidey
What were you thinking!?! Yeah I know its a way of getting soap around but you could have worn black cleans or somthing instead of WHITE EXPRESS?? lol your funny man
Dec 25, 2006AnthoFlex
Dec 25, 2006mnsoaperns
Dec 25, 2006AnthoFlex
i wonder if i'll get kicked out.... :)
Dec 25, 2006matrix8967
Dec 25, 2006matrix8967
Dec 25, 2006Slidey
Dec 25, 2006mnsoaperns
Dec 25, 2006AnthoFlex
Dec 25, 2006matrix8967
Jan 10, 2007matrix8967
Keep 'em comming people. I've seen this community grow more and more in the past few months. Keep up the awesome-ness. people like Anthoflex and SapAuthor and of course broox, are kicking some ass on that front.
Jan 10, 2007AnthoFlex
Jan 19, 2007matrix8967
the soap facebook group is going good...new members, and i loaded all my pics of shoes, plates, and soap revolution banners on there...some of the members don't soap, but they atleast support soap and think they're cool. if you have face book, join my SOAP shoes group.
Jan 25, 2007SonicSoaper
Jan 31, 2007matrix8967
Jan 31, 2007AnthoFlex
Feb 1, 2007matrix8967
I made another one because the other was biased to my team. this is just soap shoes in general.
(someone already had "soapshoes" and it was blank since 2005 @_@)
so, anyway, everyone, link to it like a mad man. Also, a few of the UKFSW team have joined my Soap shoes facebook group...so go join that too.
Feb 2, 2007matrix8967
has nothing to do with the revolution...but it was awesome...wish i could have taken some pics...
Feb 2, 2007SonicSoaper
Feb 2, 2007shdook
Feb 3, 2007matrix8967
Feb 3, 2007SonicSoaper
Feb 12, 2007matrix8967
Feb 12, 2007AnthoFlex
Are they pretty?
Feb 12, 2007SonicSoaper
Feb 13, 2007matrix8967
g2g teacher
Feb 13, 2007RamenRadio
Feb 13, 2007AnthoFlex
Feb 13, 2007RamenRadio
Feb 14, 2007SonicSoaper
Feb 14, 2007RamenRadio
But anyway, this is not a geek forum lol, so onto soaping details! Renny, I think you would win first place no problem using the broadsides at a talent show. Heck, I'd take the day off from school to see ya in action man. One school to another, so I don't think it'd be that big a deal lol. I wonder though, what moves would you plan on doing?
Feb 15, 2007matrix8967
Feb 15, 2007matrix8967
maybe "soap revolutionaries" or something?
Feb 15, 2007RamenRadio
Feb 15, 2007RamenRadio
Feb 15, 2007matrix8967
ok, so check it out, got like 8 pics from the other day posted on the soap facebook. xanga is being bitchy and not letting me upload. should I HTML them here or would derek get pissed because i didn't "submit photos" (which I'm about to submit some of them anyway.)
if you wanna see them, let me know, it's just a curb, but it's a good start considering it was improvised and just "hey, lets take some soap pics"
Feb 15, 2007RamenRadio
Feb 15, 2007RamenRadio
Feb 16, 2007matrix8967
this is me powersliding into a UFO (or powergliding?)
I just mounted on this one:
This one is where i stick my arse out like a rusty cannon on a sunken ship...it looks cool, but it's really un-balanced.
anyway, pics of my friend robert later, (i've got to get his permission first)
Feb 17, 2007matrix8967
Feb 17, 2007AnthoFlex
There arent any rails around where you session?
Feb 17, 2007matrix8967
here it is:
but the camera is a casio and it's super good...i'm gonna try and use it for all my soap pics, but i don't know how long i can convince the teacher i'm taking pics for my project lol
Feb 17, 2007shdook
Feb 17, 2007Wesker
Feb 17, 2007matrix8967
my practice rail is an 8 foot long balance beam for kids at an old playground. so it has what I call "oh shit handles" so if you fall, you can catch urself. it's the perfect rail for beginners. i'll try to get a pic of it soon. and when I get the time, i'm gonna try that rail...but i want to do it when no one is around, and it's kinda hard to find that place when no one is around...cuz if i bust my arse, i'd prefer not to be laughed at...but it might just come down to embarrassment in order to get it.
Feb 17, 2007AnthoFlex
Feb 17, 2007matrix8967
Feb 17, 2007AnthoFlex
i think im in love with a rail....
Feb 17, 2007snikas
Feb 17, 2007AnthoFlex
Thats in Arkanas, where Alex lives...i live in NYC
Feb 18, 2007matrix8967
Feb 18, 2007matrix8967
Feb 19, 2007SapAuthor
Feb 19, 2007matrix8967
hopefully some GOOD ones commin soon.
(these where kidnd improvised)
Feb 19, 2007AnthoFlex
Im not flaming you, i just think you got better potential then that
Feb 19, 2007matrix8967
i do know what ur saying. I wish i had a good rail around. I appreciate the feed back though...but check this out, fresh off the photoshop.
it was kind of an accident, but i thought it looked cool. but yeah, i think i'll grow some balls and start just doing big rails and hoping for the best. i'm gonna start off on that black rail. i think i have an idea how to do it. anyway, thanks for the feed back, more feed back is welcome.
Feb 20, 2007AnthoFlex
Feb 20, 2007matrix8967
Feb 24, 2007matrix8967
Feb 24, 2007kobansora
Feb 24, 2007AnthoFlex
Alex, u think you can make a new one, this one is rather annoying. (how long it is i mean)
does anyone agree?
Feb 24, 2007matrix8967