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SoapShoes hits Myspace
Oct 26, 2006 by AnthoFlex

Yes yes yes, you all heard correctly....SoapShoes now has a home at myspace.com....This should greatly increase Soap promotion and sales....Hurray for SOAP!

Http://www.myspace.com/SoapShoes">Here is the link directly to it

If not, here is the URL:


So to all you myspacerz and myspace whores, request em! I already did

Oct 26, 2006AnthoFlex

What i especially like about it is that it has all the teams that link to team pix and sites when you click on them

Oct 26, 2006AnthoFlex

and videos.....could use more pix though

Oct 26, 2006qnzwarrior

i love this site cuz it about soap yeah soap

Oct 26, 2006snares

Ugly site. Seriously, thats one of the worst sites i've seen in a while.
The background is distracting, most of the graphics are poorly cut with rough edges (or just bad attempts at making transparent gif's).
And the layout is cluttered.

Sorry for flaming the poor kid, he's obviously put some work into it, it has some neat features and its a great idea. Just poorly executed.
If your going to display information to people.
Make it easy to read/navigate(good formatting).
Maybe its just me and my hate for myspace (make a webpage instead, you actually have controll over the page that way).

Oct 26, 2006AnthoFlex

Hey Snares, hating cause you didnt think of it? >:D
Whoever did that page did a sick-ass job, and i think EVERYONE would agree.....Yes, the sides ARE a little rough hmm...maybe Trev can help him out with a little vectoring...

Oct 26, 2006Jard39

the background kind of makes it hard to see but other than that it was great

Oct 27, 2006AnthoFlex

Hey look, the backround its different now.....I guess the backround was a bit distracting.....I think the dude can use a lot more profile pix though.....send him a message and tell him what you guys think

Oct 27, 2006Go2Crew

Go ahead and flame if you must, but I think it is a good, honest attempt on someone's part to set-up a portal on something that is important to them. And after all, it is MySpace, or more precisely His-Space, so if you think you can do better, do it or even better, be collaborative and constructive by suggesting improvements and providing some assistance.

Oct 27, 2006Jard39

no i think its really good to the background is all that i dont like

Oct 27, 2006AnthoFlex

Thank you STEVE! omfg, finally, someone who agrees with me! I spent ONE WHOLE WEEK NONSTOP PLANNING AND CONSTRUCTING EVERY GRAPHIC, LINK, PICTURE!! All you haterz are just ungrateful bastards who are mad that you didnt think of it first

Oct 27, 2006AnthoFlex


Oct 27, 2006snares

sorry if my little rant came over a bit too harsh. I was mearly expressing my honest oppinion.
Aside from the slight flame, my comment did offer suggestions/pointers for improvement.

But i understand what works for some, doesnt for others (like regular or goofy-hehe).

As far as hating it because i didnt think of it. lol - your not serious i hope?
I'm sure everyone here has thought of it?

While not many people have done anything with that thought. I respect you for getting off your ass and making it happen.
Soap needs all the back-up it can get and using whatever means to get soap out there is something we should all applaud here (after all we are all 'friends' here)..

So sorry for my bluntness!
I didnt mean to offend or drag you down at all.
However i'm not sorry for my oppinion, as its how i feel towards the design/layout of the page.

Have you considered making a web-page instead at all?

It would enable you to space things out more and improve the look by making it less 'cluttered'. As you would no longer be restricted to the set myspace-structure.

But if myspace is where you want to be, then so be it.
Good luck with the site.

Oct 27, 2006AnthoFlex

Hey man i was too harsh.....its just i planned it out for a WEEK non-stop even in school.....i thought of the graphics....But everyone has their opinions....thats what makes a site great.....i still need A LOT of work to do on it....one HUGE problem, i dunno how to increase the size of the page's borderline.....as for The Graffs, imma take Trev's advice.....

The thing is, i thought it would come out transparent perfectly.....i ran through the tests over and over again.....i was SURE that it would be transparent.....oh well

But one thing is for sure....imma keep UKFSW like that....the Logo looks sick all broken up like that

Oct 27, 2006AnthoFlex

Please send me MESSAGES (not comments) IF you wanna suggest things to the site.....for everything else, you can comment if you wish, just keep it cool...(you can curse...but dunt leave any bad feedback)

Oct 27, 2006Sigma

Just saw the myspace... looks sweet! good work!

Oct 28, 2006AnthoFlex

Ok guys, i smoothed out the Teams and took away the stray pixels that lurked around them....go check it out

Oct 28, 2006snares

Good work, they look Much better :D

Oct 28, 2006AnthoFlex

now, if i can only get the page to grow bigger so that the vids wont be soooo crammed up.....anyone know how to do that??

Oct 28, 2006AnthoFlex

Hey every1, get all ur friends to request the Soap shoes myspace

Oct 28, 2006Slidey

Sweet site antho, I've just added it, thanx for the comment and keep up the sick work :)

Oct 29, 2006AnthoFlex

So is every1 getting their friends to request Soapshoes?

Oct 30, 2006AnthoFlex

Are you? come on people....lets advertise a bit harder...

Oct 30, 2006SapAuthor

good enthusiasm Antho. Everyone should try to do something if possible. Also, if anyone wants ot buy SOAPs from Steve to help support SOAP shoes and it's recovery, please just email me at trevorfayas@sonicandpals.com. I'm still building the flash site, it will take a while since i have to build the order form and set it up so people can order them on the site, as well as all the other things (you would not beleive how much i HATE coding in flash). Anyways, keep it up everyone. I know you can get SOAPs cheaper on ebay, but Steve is teh only one that sells them directly from HSL. If no one buys SOAPs from Steve, then HSL will see they aren't selling, and will probably kill production again. That means that when the ebay soaps finally run dry, there will be no more soaps available. Buying from Steve means HSL will see the sales and say "hey, maybe these shoes are really worth more investiment" and maybe they will try to revive the BBK plates, scorchers, Broadsides, etc.

Oct 31, 2006AnthoFlex

I think the only way to get the old models back would be to contact the In-stride owner....If im not mistaken, although they didnt realease any new models....They were still in production of the Scorcher, Broadside, Goa, etc. .....So i think In-Stride may still have the moldings for the shoes......

And i think the Ninja, Warp, and Quickdraw was In-Stride's creation that never made it past production......Maybe not soo much the Quickdraws though....

Oct 31, 2006Jard39

thats sweet and i havent been on since sunday but im trying to get everyone to buy SOAPs but im the new kid so noone listens to me. if they made more scorchers i would definetly by them.

Oct 31, 2006Krammit

Broadsides would be a perfect buy for me. I'm still waiting for them to possability hit ebay again.
If anyone has a pair, im willing to strike a deal with you. :P

As far as the myspace goes, it could use some dashing up visually, but its a great idea. I think Soap'ers need to connect. So if you soap, add me up as a friend, just check out SoapShoes myspace friends, my name would be listed as "I Can Fly!"
Definitly willing to friend up anyone that soaps.

Oct 31, 2006AnthoFlex

why dont YOU just request ME? :)

Nov 1, 2006SapAuthor

Hey, anyone buying SOAPs, need i remind you we have new soap shoes from Steve? Email me at trevorfayas@sonicandpals.com I'll just put up a new form.

Nov 1, 2006AnthoFlex

Ok guys, check it out, i redid the videos section on the myspace page.....now the site isnt so crammed up....Stupid HTML codes.....took me forever to make up a code that'll grant me the option of putting the videos side-by-side

so go check it out:


Nov 1, 2006snares

Looks better with each update Anthro.
Keep up the good work mate and if ever you want a hand making some graphics or whatever, give me a shout.
(yeah i feel like an asshole for my earlier comments an wanna makeup for it - lol).
later.. :D

Nov 2, 2006Go2Crew

Yo Ren, I gotta agree. Looking even better every day you work on it. Snares, props to you on making amens!

Nov 2, 2006AnthoFlex

No worries Snares.....you were just being honest....and besides....i worked on the shit for a week nonstop....BUT i didnt think anything of the graphics or the profile pics.....i just wanted to get it "up" but thanx for all the advice....and if you guys got ANY suggestions.....leave me a myspace message or hit me straight at AnthoFlex@yahoo.com

Thanx again guys

Nov 2, 2006AnthoFlex

im a little teary-eyed here....not really but im just in a really grateful mood....heres the story:

This Chubb Institute college guy came over to interview me about that college.....all the stuff he told me was cool about it.....i showed him what skillz i had in graphics design and he was ready to write me a SUPER recommendation.....But....He started talking about the dinero (money) and i realized, if i dunt make up all my credits this year, myt parents will pay for all that money for nothing...gone into the wind....I didnt know WHAT to do.....Thank god for my good friend Dario Nieva......he told me straight up..."Renny, dunt do it...its not worth it"....Even my parents agreed...anywho...The guy was like "you are an excellent graphic designer and you are gonna change ur mind just cause one of ur friends say not to do it? i thought you were independent" Then i was like "Chillz bro, its NOT worth it, get home safe...*closes door*.....i felt bad for the guy....i still kinda do...then i log into good ol' Solidgrind, and people are telling me my site is kick-ass, gets better with every update, and it makes me feel good...So, i wanna say to every1.....thanx...for everything.....out..

Nov 2, 2006AnthoFlex

why is the word college, money, and pay in green? why are they links?

Nov 2, 2006AnthoFlex

Soooo ummm is anybody spreading the word of myspace.com/Soapshoes

Nov 2, 2006AnthoFlex

? are you ? HMMMMMMMMMM.......... :D

Nov 3, 2006Kru

Soap shoes must be afflicted like a SUPER VIRUS and spread into the veins of anyone which glares among them. Muhahahaha

Nov 3, 2006Rictor

I hope you don't mean like Heelys Kru. Heelys were cool but after seeing every 7-10 year old kid in every store gliding around, it got too repeatative, they're not cool. Soaps just need to be at the higher Underground level. where they're still known enough to stay in production (we'll known enough to stay selling mass numbers, so we can get some new threads once and a while), but low enough so you don't see every person trying to bust out on rails.

Nov 3, 2006Kru

Heelys won because heelys can transform the wheel away. Alot of people disliked soaps for the reason that the plate was always there and such they where slipping on ledges or curbs by accident. I think soaps need to be worn regardless of plate or not and hell if it come to it produce a shoe like the spin with no plate and just great looks.

Because not every one likes these shoes and not every kid will wear them. I've been around and know that a majority of skaters, boarders and whatnot think these shoes are what we think of heelys. The "fad" thing is what killed these. People thought, people bought, then they put it in the closet and moved on.

Because if soap shoes are underground, then what good are they to HSL?

Nov 4, 2006Kru

Giving second thoughts. Its not quite wanting them to be everywhere. But soaping is a very unique thing and requires those unique people who like it. It has to be apart of the person.. to bust out on a rail or curb. For soaps to be revolutionized they need to be in some sort of action demo. Not just a buncha guys standing around a rail or walking around (thought thats the purpose) finding things to prop style on.

I was thinking today of some sort of almost Sonic esque speed thing having someone being chased and they happen to be wearing soaps and they just glide down rails.. thats as far as I got though, I couldn't think of an ending and still would have to put some thought unto that

Nov 4, 2006Rictor

Kru I've got your answer.

Parkour + Soaps. Parkour: that urban street tricking stuff, biggest Parkour movie, District B-13. If they made a movie that had Parkour and Soaps in it, it would be totally sweet. Even a YouTube movie with a guy jumping over a wall, wall flipping and then grinding a rail in the same scene would be totally sweet.

Nov 4, 2006Kru

thats what Im talking about. Would have to make the rail look like no object, it would have to be so smooth. But oh would that make people go "damn that was awesome"

Nov 5, 2006AnthoFlex

For all of those who have myspace, Whenever you see SoapShoes's bullitens, hit reply, then copy down the whole html code then repost it, its the best way to get it around for advertising

Nov 5, 2006Rictor

^ i'll start doing that once I get my soaps and start bustin' out, I don't want to be a soap poser.

Nov 6, 2006AnthoFlex

Soap posers suck, thank god ur not one

Ok, lets get back to what this post was originally for...

Nov 9, 2006AnthoFlex

Lets get some more friend requests for www.myspace.com/soapshoes

Come on people, lets be seirous about this

Nov 9, 2006Kile

heyy renny you think you could tell em how to soap movies from youtube on my myspace ?

Nov 9, 2006AnthoFlex


Nov 10, 2006Kile

you know how you have soap videos on soapshoes myspace ?
well i was wondering if you could tell me how to put them on my myspace

Nov 10, 2006Rictor

Youtube gives you a code you can insert into your profile.

my friend request is still pending.

Nov 10, 2006AnthoFlex

If your thing is the Shaun....something, then i JUST accepted you, yea....on youtube, theres is this long-ass HTML code they give you to the right of the video.....you copy that into your "About Me" section

Nov 18, 2006AnthoFlex

Im not going to stress enough that I need friend requests for the soapshoes myspace, I am not a myspace whore but I am a "SHOWING HSL THAT SOAP ISNT DEAD" WHORE... Come on people, tell your friends, family, classmates, Co-workers, ANYBODY to request Soapshoes on myspace


Nov 18, 2006AnthoFlex

oh crap, i hope i didnt just.....

Nov 18, 2006AnthoFlex

yes, i did.....fuck....everything is blue....

Nov 18, 2006AnthoFlex

There we go

Nov 18, 2006AnthoFlex

Ok im pissed.......Just a week ago Heelys had 120 friends.....now they're at 800!

Nov 19, 2006matrix8967

goddammn...heelys = plague. simple as that...Need to think of a battle strategy...to show HSL that soap is indeed alive...if they kill soap, it's gonna be chaos...(not 6028 either) (attempt at HTML, I hope this works)

Viva La Soap


Nov 19, 2006AnthoFlex

ok, it works dude, we get it lol

Nov 19, 2006matrix8967

yeah, i've been learning some html...and i saw how you made it blue and i was like "hmm..." and i've seen other people do bolds and stuff like that...sorry...i'll try to keep it to a minimum.

also, i'm working on the soaprevolution myspace...i think i might switch to xanga though...xanga is less...bleh.....but I still hate xanga...and myspace...but I'll do anything for soap.


Nov 19, 2006matrix8967

oops...double signatures again....

Nov 19, 2006Kru

Heelys may have wheels but we have the original fire! Heelys would die and would of never been born if Soaps were never created. He should pay homage to them!

The soap still burns strong in us all and they can't take it away! That's something heelys can never have.

Nov 19, 2006matrix8967

damn straight kru.


Nov 20, 2006Jard39

may the soap be with u all

Nov 20, 2006Slidey

Hey dude, have you fixed up the logo for our team yet?

Nov 20, 2006AnthoFlex

HOly shit! LMFAO! haha, i didnt even know you wanted me to fix it, i have been meesing around with it, but i wa waiting for you to give me the OK to do so, ok.....i'll finish it up soon then

Nov 25, 2006AnthoFlex

So lets get more friend requests people....The more friends we have on myspace the more HSL will take us seriously, Tell your friends and stuff

Nov 25, 2006matrix8967

you should incorporate xanga into this...alot of people use xanga too. I'm gonna make a Soap Revolution xanga...to keep people updated on things.


Nov 26, 2006AnthoFlex

You should make 2, Myspace AND Xanga .....That would be super sick....Not only that, it will double the Advertising effort

Nov 26, 2006matrix8967

yeah...I think it will be done with in a week or so.


Dec 26, 2006AnthoFlex

Nice people, we are kicking ass, Soapshoes's myspace currently has 309 friends! Keep it up! We are making VERY good progress here,

Also, we need signatures on the petition to go up, come on people, keep the good name alive

Dec 26, 2006Kru

Question. What does making buddies on an internet website have to do with Soap shoes? I don't see how it will effect Heelys production line. They can't do anything with Soap shoes until 2008.. even so. By then the Myspace fad will pass on. Just something to keep in mind.

Dec 26, 2006AnthoFlex

Just to keep sumthing in mind KRU, more friends equals more fans of Soap....more people who want Soapshoes, more people who want to SOAP....It'll make HSL think "Shit, maybe we should start advertising Soapshoes..."

Get the picture? Thats what having lots of "buddies" on an internet website

Its just another version of the Soap petition....

You may wanna think about these things before you try to make me look like an idiot

Dec 26, 2006AnthoFlex

also, you may wanna look at the site....its not one of those little fan sites...i wanna make it look as official as possible. So people will actually use it as a reference

for example: Solidgrind, Soapshoes.com. Soapshoes.info ;)
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