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Soaps made in china
Nov 7, 2006 by Kile

I am quite pissed that we have a Soap Company in Texas but yet
the Soaps are made in China. I live in the United States and I
would deffinatly want a Shoe that is made here in America and has
good quality. I just wanted to let you guys know that.


Nov 7, 2006matrix8967

oh hush, they're good shoes no matter where they are made...


Nov 7, 2006AnthoFlex

Yo Kyle, if they were made here we would pay like $300 for a pair......its cheaper to produce it over there

Nov 7, 2006Kile

Yo renny um after the demo idk if u still wanna try the both of us
trying to come up with new models or anything for Soap.

But just wanted to know

Nov 7, 2006Kru

Thats not true actually. What makes the price really high($300) is not cost but middle man profit. If soaps where factory direct they'd be the same price even if made in america. You can sell anything for any price- american made stuff should be the same as made in china stuff. But its not.. even though it takes FAR less money to run a company in america without having to wait for cargo ships. They do this so they don't have to pay taxes. So the inflation goes WAY the hell out of proportion to the consumer. Big business are just greedy MF's.. thats why we soap up their railings.

Nov 7, 2006Kru

It probably only cost like 10 bucks or less to actually make a pair of soaps for HSL

Nov 7, 2006Kile

thank you for pointing that out. The price would be the same if they were directly out of the factor. its just people are greedy and will
backstab anyone to save a penny

Nov 7, 2006matrix8967

yeah, I don't care who makes em...I'd buy them if shoe elves (or gnomes) made them...


Nov 7, 2006Kru

It'd be nice if the quality on the new Soaps was as good as the old ones but HSL produces quanity over quality. I like toughness of products, stuff that does break in a couple months (days,hours... minutes?) as most imported cargo items are rarely vigorously tested.
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