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the box says u can die
Nov 13, 2006 by the5cooliest

does anyone know anybody that has died from soaping.

Nov 13, 2006SapAuthor

Not that I know of, although quiet a number of bones have been broken. So far the only thing i've suffered from was some bruises.

Nov 13, 2006shdook

My friend sprained his ankel the first time he tried on my soaps. Now he wants to buy a pair since he is healed, and said it was worth it to use soaps. As for me I have only gotten brusies too, and fell half way down the stairs at my school but didnt get that injured.

Nov 13, 2006shdook

They just put that on their beacuse if you get hurt (which is likely) or die(You probaby wont) they dont want to get sued and they wouldve Im sure if they didnt put that on their. If you ran a buissness you wouldnt want to get sued either

Nov 13, 2006Kru

well you could die if you did something stupid like try and soap a rail on the top of a parking garage stairwell and go out instead of in.
Pretty much is a disclaimer though so suing is not an option.

Nov 14, 2006AnthoFlex

Yea, dude, just be smart about it....dont be spooked.....Dont do sumthing stupid like playing Chicken with an Oncoming train grinding the Tracks Or holdong onto a train while grinding the 3rd rail....

Actually, i think i wanna try Holding onto a train while grinding the track haha

Nov 14, 2006mnsoaperns

well aside from witnessing my friends future children die multiple times (multiple nutbusts to the extreme) no, no deaths.

Nov 14, 2006matrix8967

lol, good one mnsoaperns...Robert (the5cooliest) almost straddled the rail the otherday...and I was changing plates, and this dickhole coach came up and was like "what are those for boy!?" (boy being mis-pronounced in a white southern accent...like BORE with out the R) and Robert was like "grinding" and the coach just gave him a blank stare and Robert slid his foot across the rail and the coach was like "I wanna see one of you fall" and we where just like "no..." and when he asked what they where, i was about a second away from saying "they're for...HAVE SEX WITH YOUR MOM!"
just thought I'd share that...


Nov 14, 2006SPSR

i would have said that they were for lubing up his wifes ass before a night of hawt seck with me and there pet dog. just thought i'd share that...

Nov 14, 2006mnsoaperns

Hmmmm kind of like when I worked at Target and litterally called my boss a cum dumpster.... but enough of sharing stories back to soaps...

Nov 14, 2006the5cooliest

i have only fallen once that i got hurt on just a scrapebut i had my backpack on i have fallen many times tike matrix8967 said i almost cracked my nuts

Nov 14, 2006AnthoFlex

I've "Hung Up" (is the correct term) countless times....When you push yourself to do the highest rails, you kinda tend to.....But for some reason i never landed on my nuts....Thank god....when i'm falling i lean back (dunno why) and i land on my Tailbone....or in that area....It hurts, yea, but i'd rather have kids when i grow up lol

And besides, i got buns O' Steel Bitch! haha :)

Nov 14, 2006Kru

I've yet to bail on anything.. I generally miss the rail with the plate sometimes or I skid too fast and I will just relay my foot back on the ground. I'm gonna try this huge kinked rail at my college sometime.. theres gotta be over 10 kinks in it. Its crazy

Nov 14, 2006SapAuthor

although we all agree that it's there to protect them against suing, the question is has anyone died. So far no, but does anyone know of any of them?

Nov 15, 2006Kru

actually it says at the end of the sticker "the agreement is intended to provide a comprehensive release of liability, but is not intended to assert any complains or defenses prohibited by law."

Nov 15, 2006Patrick

I died......oh wait no I didn't

Nov 15, 2006AnthoFlex

And why was this posted again? Its kinda pointless.....Your answer....NO, noone has died from Soaping.......yet

Nov 15, 2006Slidey

I remeber my bail at tesco rail, that is why I haven't jumped up to hip hieght rails for a while now lol, I hand up more coz it's so much safer, but I gotta nail that one soon. Check out why hip hieght rails are scary here, http://www.bebo.com/FlashBox.jsp?FlashBoxId=2504833757 lol

Nov 15, 2006Slidey

Another way to ruin school uniform I guess...

Nov 15, 2006AnthoFlex

That link just insulted me

Nov 16, 2006Go2Crew

ya Ren, me too. So his link s/b ... http://www.bebo.com/FlashBox.jsp?FlashBoxId=2504833757

If you send the lol as part of the string, it laughs back at you by printing smack!

Hey Stuart, tough way to bail-off the rail!

Nov 16, 2006mnsoaperns

Slidey that was an awesome bail (not being sarcastic or anything) if my bails looked that fucking sweet I would show everyone all the time and compare like when people are talking about a good movie and go yeah but I almost cracked my fucking skull open through my nuts... yeah HARD fall... props man props.

Nov 17, 2006SapAuthor

that rail was far from hip height dude. Lol. that was lower rib cage height.

Nov 17, 2006the5cooliest

my school wont let me go to the sight

i will try at home when i get internet back

Nov 17, 2006Slidey

Yeah dudes, it was a super high rail, but there arent many rails next to my school that I can practice hip hieght jumps on. There aren't many rails a little lower than that anywhere near where I live. I've gone back to handing up onto that rail lol, It's left me scared :S lol. I might try it agen if the weather conditions are safer, I've done it properly 10 times, but they were b4 the bail

Nov 17, 2006Slidey

and soz about bebo being such a crap site for stuff, ill get them on our teams website when ive finished it

Nov 17, 2006SPSR

awe holy crap slidey your awesome. that rail is freaking huge. highest i ever jumped was about lower ribcage hight and that was on my practice rail in my own backyard angled from my steps. i think having a major bail sets fear in your mind set as after i sprained my ankle it's been harder and harder to grind.

Nov 17, 2006Slidey

lol I'm not that good, If you wana see one of the times I actually managed it then look at this link.
I didn't get very far -.-, i can do the whole thing if i climb

Nov 17, 2006ripreppin

Hey dude...Stop showin off your video lol all you see is me bloody bailing -.- not funny

Nov 17, 2006Slidey

no, im showing off MY bail, i may have put ur bail on the team vid but it fits ok lol

Nov 17, 2006ripreppin

Yeah but all of my vids bail...SO thats really what im saying

Nov 17, 2006Slidey

These are the videos of me doin the whole rail when i climbed


so yeah lol, I done a crap amount of it when I jumped lol

Nov 17, 2006Slidey

You have more video than bails ian

Nov 17, 2006ripreppin

Well im Dumb I get confused easily and don't remember things well!

Nov 17, 2006Slidey

lol ok, enough wasting space
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