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Foolish People
Nov 21, 2006 by Curtinator

Ok my friend's cousin bought a pair of Soap Shoes from Wal-mart and he tried them and bailed bad now he wants to kick my ass hehe. Because I was advertising how good Soap Shoes are and what they can do.

Nov 21, 2006SapAuthor

they sold Soaps at wal-mart O.o when did this happen?

Nov 21, 2006Kru

yeah WTF.. soaps at wal-mart?

Nov 21, 2006SPSR

im going to go out on a lim here and say that they were heely's (do they sell heely's at a wall-mart? i dont even know.)

Nov 21, 2006AnthoFlex

Yea, imma go with SPSR (solace) on this one......I thikn they MAY have been Heelys

Nov 22, 2006Kru

wal-mart does not sell heelys.... I just checked..lol

Nov 22, 2006Jard39

they dont seel soaps at my walmart though i havent been in the shoe section in like 5 years

Nov 22, 2006zeek

lol i havent been to wal mart in 5 years but my cuz bought heelys at target so im sure they sell soaps at walmart

Nov 22, 2006Kru

Target is not wal-mart. Wal-mart is not Target.

I've been in both many times.. since soaps are discontinued and heelys would not in hell retail to either of those.. you how many shoes would have to be produced?

Only way to prove anything is pictures and a Reicept! .. so what'ya got?

Nov 22, 2006Jard39

yeah id like to see a receipt too

Nov 24, 2006Curtinator

Well maybe that guy ment some where else or ebay. But he said Wal-mart lmao.
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