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Nov 22, 2006 by Kile

First off i think i could pretty much speak for everyone on this site, that uhf grindplates suck. I was wondering if we all told heelys how we felt about the grindplates they would maybe stop producing them, and maybe could produce diffrent ones. For example curb-busters or slo-bros and maybe sell them on ebay. I am only one person with this idea and i think if we all come together as Soapers we could have a slight chance to pull this off.

Thank you.........Kyle

Nov 23, 2006matrix8967

i can get slo-bros
and bbk's


Nov 23, 2006Jard39

u can get slobros from where? ebay?

Nov 23, 2006Go2Crew

Kile, HSL isn't inclined to produce any new removable grindplates. They reset all production to fixed plate shoes in 2002. I have been trying to get them to produced replacement plates for the vintage Soaps, but so far, they are not buying my appeal.

Jard39 and Alex, Monday I ordered some BBKs, and Slo-Bros. I'm expecting them in Friday, if they shipped them on time. More later when I know something. .... Steve

Nov 23, 2006Kru

UHF plates don't suck. The express plates(HSLs current production model) suck. Not having lock on in some instances if REALLY NICE compared to being thrown off a ledge or loosing balance because the groove gets in the way. I would say even the T-bone plate is better then the express plate. Plus UHF plates are bolt on.

You don't speak for me on this one. UHF plate is much more pleasing to me then to others.

Nov 23, 2006Kile

express is mad good idk what your talking about....but were do you get slo-bros off ebay or what been trying to find some


Nov 23, 2006AnthoFlex

I think that Kru has sum serious anger problems, you are entitled to your opinion, leave it as that

And the Express kill UHF anyday :)

Nov 23, 2006Kru

I don't have anger problems. I just can't get past why people don't see what I see. If UHF plates suck, would you rather pay 50-90 bucks for a new pair of plates then 10 bucks and get a couple sets? See The replacable factor wins for me here, regardless how crappy the plate might be to some you can replace it.

Express plate being set it changes how the shoe reacts to grind surfaces. On the UHF plate the reaction point is completely different. On the bolt plate all the weight is transfered to a load point (one or more of the screws) causing excessable difference in surface slide. The set in plate since glued in there is no surface load point and the weight from your body acts like a greased sandbag.

Which to some can be better, but others its not. I'm old school here.. hook me up with bolt on plates any day. These express plates are too funky and blah to me.

Nov 23, 2006Kru

Also, we should be boycotting HSL. Regardless if they have Soaps name. Because they have completely ruined what Soaps stood for and give us this half arse quality new-gen shoes that are basicly heelys without a wheel. I rather of Soap shoes when under in honor then being zombified for some patent and liscening rights.

Nov 23, 2006Kile

kru has a point , inever thought of it that way adn he is corrct about hsl sorry for speakin for ya about uhf wont happen gain

Nov 23, 2006AnthoFlex

I still think you need to calm down BUT, i agree with you....to a POINT ABOUT HSL

Not boycotting it but about it being a Heely without a Wheel....Look at the T-bones, Using the Half sole is the same as Heeling...

And yes, they have ruined Soap.....to a POINT
But at least its still alive....be grateful for that

Nov 24, 2006Kru

No, Soap isn't alive at all- its a droned company now. Think about it. My Heelys torch have Soap plates on them and they are not even accredited just "nylon grind plate" when on the Soap website they are "express".

You honestly believe even if we bought shoes from Steve that HSL would actually think about remarketing shoes? sure we'd buy them but where only a couple 100, a minority- when you have a million or so heelers. The majority always prevails. Even if they where all sold I doubt HSL would flinch at the reaction. They can stick the Soap plate right unto the heelys brand shoe so you have to buy them (as I did, mistakingly shouldn't of graffitied them within 24 hours I got them.. damn. I wanted to return them but it was already too late)

If I could Id go down to texas to HSL headquarters and repent "WHERES SOAP DUDE? WHERES SOAP?" .. I honestly believe Chris Morris pulled a black goose just ditching Soap for these kiddy shoes but whatever.. everything was starting to look so good and then... we have Heelys 2.0.. which probably will happen within a couple years. Heelys with just a plate. Watch for the future.

Nov 24, 2006mnsoaperns

hmmm a great prank would be to Sticker tag a shitload of soap stickers all across HSL's HQ hahaha...

Nov 24, 2006AnthoFlex

HAHAHAA, and then get your stupid asses in trouble! And put SOAP in jeapordy!....

Nov 24, 2006AnthoFlex

Before Kru continues to cut himself over the whole SOAP IS DEAD thing, i wanna remind you that:

When was Soap EVER advertised? When were there ever Billboards, or commercials? Never...But yet, For 9 fucking years, Soap has somehow stayed alive......why? I'll tell you why.....Its underground...Soap is never meant to be an all time huge thing like Heelys....Fads come back dont they? Just like now....When i first got into the whole Soap scene, NOOOOOOOOOOOOONE Soaped at all, A few months later, Solidgrind was back up and Running and the next Generation of Soapers was born.....And THATS whats gonna keep Soap alive, So just stop with the Emo SOAP IS DEAD bullshit, and continue to spread the word and get better.....Then HSL will realize that we are super seirous about this and THEN they'll bring Soaps back...

Nov 24, 2006AnthoFlex

I wanna see someone not agree with this, you ALL know that im right

Nov 24, 2006matrix8967

Kru, you should join the Revolution, You too Anthoflex. HSL has beaten soap pretty bad, but I'm predicting that soap won't die. We must agree on some noble truths.

HSL fucked up soap...but not to bad...it gave soap a black eye and bloody nose, but soap is still here.

boycott heely's, but keep buying soaps.

soap will never be mainstream. and if it is, it will flicker back out in no time. We need to spread the word. tell EVERYONE they need to buy soaps..."It's better to burn out than fade away." If Kru and Antho keep fighting, we'll get no where...they cancel each other's arguments out. Kru, Antho, join the http://www.solidgrind.com/forum/7273/">Revolution.

(I hope that worked)

http://photobucket.com/" target="_blank">http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i231/matrix8967/soaprevbannercopy-1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting">


Nov 24, 2006AnthoFlex

Ok, Alex, i love the energy, but that Viva la Soap is Korny, and is being played out....i like the idea but you sound like a Mexican who just hopped the border, make up something else, please

Nov 24, 2006matrix8967

ok...like...what? it was just something i came up with, i'm open to any ideas.


Nov 24, 2006Slidey

All this talk about soap dieing is depressing. all i know is that if I keep soaping, keep showing my vids 2 ppl at school, keep (slowly) gaining team memebers and keep arraging day where we go and soap in the middle of towns wiv loads of people, soap will never die. As long as I soap, It's not dead, I don't want it to be dead and it never will be. All because we make that slight difference... soap will never die

Nov 25, 2006AnthoFlex

And also my last post as well.....Soap was underground then, its underground now....
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