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black sheep
Dec 20, 2006 by Kru

Well I have to say after having these heelys for awhile now I feel kind of like a black sheep. I dislike advertising for heelys. I need the real thing because there really is no substitute, even if you are desperate. Now to get the right pair. Oh boy will this be ever so fun.. wish I could of gotten those turnables from square one. *sob*

Dec 20, 2006SSAndroid

thats too bad, well, ebay is ur best bet for other styles than expresses and ordanances, otherwise, u should go to steves store

Dec 20, 2006ordnanceflint91

yeah go to sonicandpals and order from steve, its the best

Dec 21, 2006Sigma

Yeah man you can easily pick up a pair. Steve offers both Express and Ordnance models, so I would get a pair from him.

Dec 22, 2006SapAuthor

the models Heely's sell with grind plates, the grind plate is most likely the same as hte Express plate, so there's no difference htere. But Heely's feel isn't the same, they are harder soled for the wheels, larger, bulkier, and when u have the wheel in u feel like ur walking in high heels. I love soaps equally as much for their grind as their comfert. As i have said before, even if i stopped SOAPing, i only wear SOAPs from now on.
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