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New Tricktionary Online
Jan 15, 2007 by AnthoFlex

I have put a new tricktionary up on Myspace.com/Soapshoes

So go check it out if you want. Its below the 4 videos on the page.

I also made it so that you can click on the trick you want, and have it open up a new window.....I know how frustrating it is to click on a link....have it open up, have to click back and have the page reload just so you can click on another link

And with that, i have made EVERY link on the site so that when you click on them, a new window pops up

Jan 19, 2007jreid1992


Jan 19, 2007AnthoFlex

about time


Jan 20, 2007Rynasty

Power slides and power glides and all that shit are not even real tricks. They are just excuses for not being able to do a real royale or farf.

Jan 20, 2007AnthoFlex

i just put them in there because Dario has them on his NYCS site....so just cool it dude

Jan 20, 2007Rynasty

Oh because, you know, Dario knows everything... I'm pretty sure he made those names up himself, don't ask me why, but the point is those aren't real tricks.

Jan 21, 2007ordnanceflint91

why so many haters on this site? what does it matter if its a "real" trick or not? if you dont like them dont do them, simple as that. some people may like the simple stuff

Jan 21, 2007AnthoFlex

I know they arent Real tricks. It was just to give a bit more variety.

So dude, seriously, cool it with me, i didnt say anything wrong

Jan 21, 2007AnthoFlex

and i know Dario made them up....*sorry didnt add that before

Jan 21, 2007ordnanceflint91

Anthoflex, i was backing you up man, im not against you

Jan 21, 2007AnthoFlex

Yo ordnanceflint91, i know ur not

So dude, seriously, cool it with me, i didnt say anything wrong was aimed at Ryan

Jan 21, 2007ordnanceflint91

AnthoFlex, aight man, just makin sure

Jan 21, 2007Rynasty

I'm pretty sure I'm the only one hating at the moment, but that's because I want to see some changes. The way soap is going now is not flattering at all to me, and it will die so fast if no one does anything.

Jan 21, 2007Slidey

Heelys is dieing too, I've seen a LOT of lost intrest with all people I know. What are HSL going to do...

Jan 21, 2007AnthoFlex

yea, im agreeing with Slidey.....

My own cousin had Heelys and she would taunt me and Say that Soapshoes sucks and now she doesnt want the wheel and shes currently getting Soapshoes

The annoying kids from upstairs used to have Heely races....one day i pulled out my PR and starts grinding and they wanted to know how to do it....since then, the Heelys races have stopped

And i believe that everyone is doing their part to keep Soap alive


Me (Renny Castillo)
Trevor Fayas
Steve Deel
Dario Nieva
David Vileta

are the ones doing the most work....and if anyone wanna hate and flame....shut up and look at what work we've done and what we have accomplished

Jan 21, 2007AnthoFlex

I kinda ended that wierd, Ryan, that "shut up" and stuff at the end wasnt aimed at you

(im saying this cause you were the last to comment)

The last paragraph in my last comment is to anyone who disagrees

Jan 21, 2007AnthoFlex

Im dubbing us (excuse the Korny name) The Revivers

Korny, but true

Jan 21, 2007Rynasty

Dude, you don't have to apologize for everything you say... I'm not going to take offence.

And I congradulate anyone who is working hard trying to get soap out there, it just seems to me like people are either doing the wrong things or their ideas just aren't working at all...

Jan 21, 2007AnthoFlex

I completely and totally agree

and i appreciate the congrats, thanx

Jan 21, 2007MrWaterBuffalo

we should make a movie. We could film ourselves seperetly, than send it to someone whos good at editing and make a movie! But my ideas all suck, so who cares. I do like the name "the Revivers"

Jan 21, 2007ordnanceflint91

you know theres one bad thing to all of this though. yeah some of us are giving soap shoes some publicity and all on myspace, here at solidgrind.com and a few other places as well, but how many people are we actually reaching that dont already know about soap shoes? we all need to work together to get the word out there. im down for anything it takes. lets all come up with some ideas to get this going. i wear soap shirts into town and what not and i get people asking what its about and i show them my shoes and they think its cool. most people around here where i live forgot all about soap shoes. but the ones of us that do know and remember it love it still. we just all need to come together as one big team and get soap back on top somehow. any ideas?

Jan 22, 2007MrWaterBuffalo

We could make fliers and put them up on poles and around schools and crap like that. They could say something like "Join the revelution! Join the Revivers!" With the soap logo under it. We could also explain our situation of how were trying to bring back soaps.

Jan 22, 2007AnthoFlex

In reply to ur comment ordnanceflint91, The Revivers are advertising in A LOT more places than people normally are on SOlidgrind, and Myspace.

For example, Me and Dario have gone to a few Skateparks and shown off the shoes.

I have gone out in public and Soaped everything i see, with a Soap shirt, and Soap Hat on.
Friday's Winter Carnvial at my school was a HUGE ^^^ for Soapshoes. My friend randy was in charge of the video game entertainment room and brought over Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. He also brought a rail over (i cant believe thay let him bring one) and i did a mini Soap demo there. With my Soap shirt and Soap hat on

and when i come back from school, im going to tell you what Steve Deel, Trevor Fayas, and David Vileta have done

Jan 22, 2007ordnanceflint91

Im not saying that Soap isnt being advertised in other places. Im just saying that we all need to come up with more ways. Like where i live we used to have this one shop that was all extreme sports. it was well known by alot of people and it was an authorized soap dealer back in the day. What im asking is if anybody has any better ideas for me to use around here. its a small town and we dont have a skate park anymore. Plus im not in school anymore so thats not an option for me. I have tried different things with no luck. Also there is one skateboard shop here, do you think if i went to them they could possibly become a soap dealer? i know of one here and one that is about 30 mins away that i know the owner and he used to be a dealer for soaps. do you think they could get back into it if they called about it?

Jan 22, 2007ordnanceflint91

AnthoFlex, also i didnt mean to come across as an ass. I didnt mean that soap wasnt being advertised in other places. I was just stating the obvious places. I know that there are other places that soap is being advertised, it just seems like we all need to do more but im stumped on it.

Jan 22, 2007AnthoFlex

dude, please.... you are FAR from being an ass....u are just trying to help

Jan 22, 2007ordnanceflint91

sorry man, just wanted to clear things up, sometimes i may come across as an ass but i dont mean to, if i do call me on it. i just tryin to figure out ways to get soap goin again

Jan 22, 2007AnthoFlex

No problemo bro.

to keep you motivated, think of this:

1. You are doing a GREAT thing. Not only for Soapshoes, but for the Soaping community as well

2. Your efforts will be rewarded

Jan 22, 2007ordnanceflint91

do you think that if i went to talk to the owner of a skate board shop that he may be able to become a soap shoes dealer? and also the other skate shop i know of, i know him personally and he used to be a dealer for soap. If i could talk him into it again do you think HSL would let them be dealers again if eht owners of these 2 shops would call HSL?

Jan 22, 2007AnthoFlex

Yea, i think u should do that....Just talk to him

Also, where do u live? The area that ur in effects this situation as well.

Like if you live in the middle of a dead state (not to offend anyone) like Arkanas, or Alabama.....it may not be a good idea. The population in those areas and the likely of interest is low....

Now, if you live in Texas, California, Florida, or NY (of course ;P , its a VERY good idea. High population + likelyhood of interest makes it a good idea

What state do u live in?

Jan 22, 2007AnthoFlex

forgot to mention:

You dunt wanna put ur friend at risk for financial trouble by putting a deal with Soap if it isnt gonna get him ANY money

Jan 22, 2007ordnanceflint91

i live in alabama. but where im at the big thing is skateboarding. but the place where i have the friend with the skate shop is also a skate park. that area is big time into inline, boards and bikes. we have 2 pro riders for bmx street and they both have won different contest and are active at this skate park. the only reason the skate shop quit selling soaps is b/c it was when HSL wasnt really putting any new ones out so he gave up on them. but they were a good seller...

Jan 22, 2007AnthoFlex

Well, if u put it like that, My faith goes into u. Talk to ur friend, and see what he thinks. But talk about it face-to-face, site down and drink coffee as you have a LONG serious talk about it.

you dunt wanna be making any mistakes

Jan 22, 2007ordnanceflint91

yeah i think im gonna make a trip up there this weekend and talk to him about it....it may work and if it does its just another small part to gettin soap back on top

Jan 22, 2007SonicSoaper

Alright! Big up's man.

Jan 23, 2007AnthoFlex

Ight, im with u all the way

Jan 25, 2007SonicSoaper

Friggen spammers.
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greg with a cess slide and sweet cast
A kid sliding on the Soap Van
Aaron Taraboletti hittin a stickin a backslide
Aaron Taraboletti sliding a square kinked rail at Drake University
Daylon Smith with a frontside in Iowa City