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Soap Shoes UHF Original

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Apr 21, 2006 teamhoax

I'm not a fan...they are just too basic! also, my mates are always complaning they are crap to grind in, not recommended

May 1, 2006 Primal

Not so. They're a decent plate to learn in. Granted, you have to wear a lock into them to grind straight, and they're good for just messing around with. Recommended more for practise than showing off or competitions.

May 30, 2006 AnthoFlex

A lot of people say that they're flat.....like flat flat....but if u look at this pic.....theres good concave....i wouldnt know yet....my scabs havent come in...just a thought.....


May 30, 2006 Mart

Yes Primal, they're a decent plate, if you're not pushing the limitations of the hardware. There is no Royale groove on the outside edges (present in pretty much every plate Soap released after this one) so torqued grinds are an absolute arse. They feature no natural lockon, no real control and they're thin, resulting in them wearing out quicker than other plates. These plates are pretty much redundant now

Jun 6, 2006 AnthoFlex

OK imma take back that thing i said about them not looking liek they suk.....they do....at least mine do.....i got some today along with slobros and they arent too good.....the lock-on is SO bad but its slow.....slower then the slobros

Aug 4, 2006 Kile

these are good plates to learn on not to much tweakage in these
plates, but are good for beginners with frontsides...i took off these grindplates off my MB Tanks and put on a pair of BBKs the shoes
grab better and have more groove for less slipping.

Sep 21, 2006 shdook

they dont look that bad.

Sep 21, 2006 AnthoFlex

The suck dude......trust me

Oct 23, 2006 lilbrainsoaper

just got a pair of MB tankz. there da only grind plate iv tried and der not bad. i fink. like i said neva tryd any otha.

Nov 2, 2006 Kru

These where on my scabs I had around 98-00 before I grew outta them. I liked these plates even though most don't they can take alot of damage and are great for ledges on alot of surfaces. Because since theres no groove or molding you can plant down the momentum with one shoe and with the other have the top of the plate near the bolts on the drone leg and it still slides. These plates were not intended to me anyways for like super trick use but rather the daily shoe wearer who may have an oppurtunity to get some grinding in their day

Jan 3, 2007 snikas

they last long but nearly impossible to do cabdrivers or any trik with both feet bent

Feb 5, 2007 ordnanceflint91

i used to have some of these on my old smoke scabs....i found the work good on curbs and ledges even tho they are thin plates....not good for rails though....but if youre careful on curbs and what not they are good enough

Feb 6, 2007 snikas


Feb 13, 2007 AnthoFlex

i got bored one day and used my friends UHFs....horrible lock-in, slow as shit, pure hell....so i thought, fuck it, how are they on hard, rocky ledges.

The ending result was BEAUTIFUL grooves for tweaking and speed....

I like these plates now ^_^

Jun 4, 2007 RamenRadio

Yeah, I like them too. i'm glad my scabs came with them :D I hope I can find some more of these plates.

Jun 16, 2007 iwantsoapshoes

hey, guys im gettin some mb tankz off of ebay from that greedy bicth gmbus

Jul 12, 2007 Page645

these in my eyes are the best plates if you can grind grooves in to these

Jul 12, 2007 AnthoFlex

Anyone want a brand new pair of black ones?

9/10, i'm selling them. Im sorry, i just cant flow with Originals

Jul 12, 2007 Page645

i would buy them but i got to save up in case the broadsides are re-released which will probably happen

Jul 12, 2007 AnthoFlex

They are 2nd generation too.

Meaning they are quick release Originals.

(Meaning you ONLY need to take out one screw to remove them)

Jul 12, 2007 Page645

i have both

Jul 12, 2007 Page645

1st generation and 2nd generation

Jul 13, 2007 Megashadow77

Mine are 1st generation, and one of the screws is stuck on my shoes(one on each shoe)....I would totally buy them

Jul 13, 2007 Page645

wow that really sucks

Mar 7, 2008 Revengasaur

I like to look at these like a "Make your own plate" Just repeatedly attack some rough shit to get some grooves going and there you go, personalized plate.

May 27, 2008 ryana

i like these lates alot the tweak is good and looks in nice at least thats wat i think

May 27, 2008 ryana

locks in nice i mean

May 27, 2008 AnthoFlex

That would be a first. These plates suck when they're new

May 27, 2008 ryana

o thats weird cause there workin for me good

May 27, 2008 scuzzydontask

What's the "A" at the end of ryana stand for?

May 27, 2008 ryana

the first letter of my last name

May 27, 2008 scuzzydontask

Yeah, I know. I was wondering what your last name is cause I know someone who soaps named Ryan, and his last name starts with a too.

May 28, 2008 ryana

why who this?

May 28, 2008 scuzzydontask

It's Michaela. I wanted to trysoaping, so I ordered a pair of expresses. they should be here in like 1 or 2 days.

May 28, 2008 ryana

well i no u then im from s&j

May 28, 2008 scuzzydontask

Yep. Can't wait 4 my shoes 2 get here. It looks awesome. Probably harder that it looks.

May 28, 2008 ryana

a little bit , i just got a new pair of mb tanks

May 28, 2008 scuzzydontask

See if u can go to XW Friday with other people. Sam said he can probably go. I'll go 4 inline & if my soaps r here i'll bring them 2. (if i can go)

May 28, 2008 ryana

ill try but i can only go if my knee gets better and i no a couple more peeps who soap that ill ask 2 go

May 28, 2008 scuzzydontask

K. I've never seen NE soapers there. BTW what happend 2 yer knee.

May 28, 2008 ryana

umm its reactive arthrightis , theres fluids i my knee

May 28, 2008 scuzzydontask

O. So u like...have troule walking n stuff?

May 28, 2008 ryana

kinda its mostly my mom dosnt want me doin stuff wit it

May 28, 2008 scuzzydontask

O. That sucks.

May 28, 2008 ryana


May 28, 2008 scuzzydontask

Do the shoes only ship on the weekend, or dring the week too?

May 29, 2008 scuzzydontask

YAY! I finally got my shoes 2day! but all i do can right now is grind a plastic tube that i found in my garage.

Aug 9, 2009 failmaster

the only good thing about these is they come in almost every color

Mar 12, 2012 zelda

These are so slow, killing me softly kind of slow. Thank god for bbks

Mar 12, 2012 gongon1037

there not bad on painted curbs and ledges also on some flat surfaces. But fails on rails compaired to BBK's. So UHF's are more basic, good for beginners. I kinda like these plates, but not as much.

Jan 11, 2013 Revengasaur

Good old UHFs. Just remember that these are better than nothing.

Jan 12, 2013 gongon1037

I still use these sometimes

Jan 12, 2013 winglessavian

I dearly love these plates. they last forever and i never feel bad about grinding nasty stuff on them. mine have a groove worn into them that's about 30 degrees off of straight, and they're still great. tweaking is totally possible with these, you just have to be comfortable in them.

Jan 12, 2013 Relate2Videos

Uhfs are somewhat usable in scabs and cleans, sylons with bbks are still much better especially with grooves

Jan 13, 2013 winglessavian

I've never seen/tried sylons. Would like to though.

Jan 13, 2013 winglessavian

I've never seen/tried sylons. Would like to though.

Jan 14, 2013 Relate2Videos

don't worry I have some for you :)

Jan 15, 2013 blakeashake

I still have a few sets of slo bros, bbk and uhf plates, all size 11/12 and different colors so idk if you guys are interested but ive been trying to think of a way to raffle or some kind of competition to win the plates!

Jan 15, 2013 Relate2Videos

Blake I forget whats your email?

Apr 29, 2013 camaro126

So my smoke scabs came with grey original plates but they aren't nearly as fast as the black ones on my black scabs. They didn't feel slick to the touch like the other plates. Heck when I first got them they didn't want to slide at all. After some breaking in and wax I got them to slide but they are still much slower than the other plates. Could it just be how old the material is? Maybe something in the color made it age poorly? Could it be a lemon or just need more of the top layer worn off? Anyone know?

Apr 29, 2013 Relate2Videos

All grind plates are going to be slow until you break them in with some grooves bro. Plus the slowest grind plates are the slo bros and the uhf originals. Uhfs just because theres more contact on your grind plates, whereas on the bbks theres a soap o instead of more plastic. That makes it more faster. Also, if you really want those uhfs to speed up, put some grooves at the sides of each so it goes into the rubber of your shoe, not just for speed but so you can even use the rubber as a break. Also, best combo is the sylons with bbks

Apr 8, 2014 LIGERZERO7

Sorry for being stupid but... does UHF stand for anything?

Apr 9, 2014 mcgrinder2011

Not that I know of, It's just a mini brand created by Soap.

May 1, 2014 LIGERZERO7

Tried a unity on these... Obviously not a good idea. Almost killed myself :D

May 2, 2014 grug250

unity will work if you have a grove worn in bro

May 13, 2014 SoapyJehosaphat

hey mcgrinder2011











how are your mom

May 13, 2014 mcgrinder2011

Who are you and I hope your return key's OK.

May 14, 2014 SoapyJehosaphat

i hope you're ok too my broseph, i am a survivor of the soaping apocalypse and a prophet for all of those looking to get back into soaping

May 14, 2014 soapshoeisgay

SoapyJehosaphat please leave this sight is for dedicated soapers and not for trollers like you. remeber.... trolling is bad for yer health ya dingus.

May 14, 2014 SoapyJehosaphat

yew wanna fookin fite m8

May 14, 2014 soapshoeisgay

all soapshoers get no pusyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

May 14, 2014 SoapyJehosaphat

your name is even soapingisgay, which is blasphemy

May 14, 2014 SoapyJehosaphat


May 14, 2014 soapshoeisgay

faggits like mcgrinder2011 need to kill themselves

May 14, 2014 soapshoeisgay

faggits like mcgrinder2011 need to kill themselves

May 14, 2014 soapshoeisgay

faggits like mcgrinder2011 need to kill themselves

May 14, 2014 soapshoeisgay

faggits like mcgrinder2011 need to kill themselves

May 14, 2014 soapshoeisgay

more like mcsuckdick2011

May 14, 2014 soapshoeisgay

should i change my username to soapydick?

May 14, 2014 SoapyJehosaphat


May 14, 2014 soapshoeisgay

should i change my username to soapydick?

May 14, 2014 SoapyJehosaphat

mcgrinder2011 has the coolest scabs around, so hop off his back soapshoeisgay, you can go shove your thumb up your wazoo, mcgrinder, you have a lot to live 4

May 14, 2014 soapshoeisgay

hop off this dick bitch ass nigger

May 14, 2014 soapshoeisgay

nigga nigga nigga im 200% nigga

May 14, 2014 soapshoeisgay

nigga nigga nigga, why you eat so much chicken? nigga nigga nigga, why you make it in mt kitchen?

May 14, 2014 SoapyJehosaphat

Whoa, no need to fight brother, we're all fans of soaping here, and i'm white, so no i'm not an 'n' word

May 14, 2014 soapshoeisgay

mcgrinder2011 is a fuckin' nigger bitch.

May 14, 2014 soapshoeisgay

mcgrinder2011 is a fuckin' nigger bitch.

May 14, 2014 soapshoeisgay

mcgrinder2011 is a fuckin' nigger bitch.

May 14, 2014 SoapyJehosaphat


May 14, 2014 soapshoeisgay

ill just make another account dipshit

May 14, 2014 soapshoeisgay

ill just make another account dipshit

May 14, 2014 soapshoeisgay

ill just make another account dipshit

May 14, 2014 soapshoeisgay

ill just make another account dipshit

May 14, 2014 soapshoeisgay

ill just make another account dipshit

May 14, 2014 soapshoeisgay

ill just make another account dipshit

May 14, 2014 soapshoeisgay

ill just make another account dipshit

May 14, 2014 soapshoeisgay

ill just make another account dipshit

May 14, 2014 soapshoeisgay

ill just make another account dipshit

May 14, 2014 soapshoeisgay

ill just make another account dipshit

May 14, 2014 soapshoeisgay

ill just make another account dipshit

May 14, 2014 soapshoeisgay

ill just make another account dipshit

May 14, 2014 soapshoeisgay

ill just make another account dipshit

May 14, 2014 soapshoeisgay

ill just make another account dipshit

May 14, 2014 SoapyJehosaphat


May 14, 2014 SoapyJehosaphat


May 14, 2014 soapshoeisgay

ill fuck your mom off

May 14, 2014 soapshoeisgay

ill fuck your mom off

May 14, 2014 soapshoeisgay

ill fuck your mom off

May 14, 2014 soapshoeisgay

ill fuck your mom off

May 14, 2014 soapshoeisgay

ill fuck your mom off

May 14, 2014 soapshoeisgay

ill fuck your mom off

May 14, 2014 soapshoeisgay

ill fuck your mom off

May 14, 2014 soapshoeisgay

ill fuck your mom off

May 14, 2014 soapshoeisgay

ill fuck your mom off

May 14, 2014 soapshoeisgay

ill fuck your mom off

May 14, 2014 soapshoeisgay

ill fuck your mom off

May 14, 2014 soapshoeisgay

ill fuck your mom off

May 14, 2014 soapshoeisgay

ill fuck your mom off

May 14, 2014 soapshoeisgay

ill fuck your mom off

May 14, 2014 soapshoeisgay

ill fuck your mom off

May 14, 2014 soapshoeisgay

ill fuck your mom off

May 14, 2014 soapshoeisgay

ill fuck your mom off

May 14, 2014 soapshoeisgay

ill fuck your mom off

May 14, 2014 soapshoeisgay

ill fuck your mom off

May 15, 2014 VintageGMan

Wow spamming. Man you must have worked hard to achieve this cretin status. Grow up. The rest of this community actually wants to talk soaping.

May 15, 2014 VintageGMan

Wow spamming. Man you must have worked hard to achieve this cretin status. Grow up. The rest of this community actually wants to talk soaping.

May 17, 2014 mcgrinder2011

You know, just because this prick *points to soapingisgay* says something and spams a lot doesn't mean you should respond. Leave the dumbass alone and he'll return to his sad little life.

p.s. SoapyJehosaphat is right, I am one of the last true soapers period(along with the fine crew here on solidgrind) I've already went through getting my first and only pair, seeing them break, fixing them and the many grinds and bails I've had, not to mention the year I've been on here too supporting you fine folk and giving advice to all the newbies to help them be the best they can be.

To put it bluntly, people like soapingisgay are just trying to put us down so we won't soap anymore and continue a boring life.

p.s. Please, give Soapy a break, he/she is new here and was really just trying to be funny. Plus, they actually try to support Soap by attempting to bring down a troll/spammer.

May 17, 2014 mcgrinder2011

To SoapyJehosaphat:
I know you were just trying to defend my purity and I greatly appreciate it. You really are a fine example of what this community is: informal soap support with a cup of humor and a pinch of trolling here and there.

Now, even though I do appreciate you defending me, I never was fazed by soapshoeisgay in the first place. That's because I'm the lead moderator of another forum and deal with spammers and trolls regularly.

It's perfectly fine to like something and stand up for it. Just don't let opposers (and sometimes some heelers) get in your way and get your spirits down. Let them faze out.

p.s. I never had scabs and that's Ok, because I don't need them. I'm perfectly happy with my sylons. ~mcgrinder2011

May 23, 2014 VintageGMan

Mcgrinder. Very well. Have a good life and peace out brother. Hope all this spamming s!!t stops soon. Gman out.

May 24, 2014 mcgrinder2011

Never worry, I will just delete the spammers by IP banning them with my EPIC MOD POWERS!!!

Oh right, I'm not a mod on here... WHAT-ever!
*throws soaps out window* MY SYLONS!!!

Dec 7, 2014 Waffle

What does UHF stand for?

Dec 8, 2014 mcgrinder2011

UHF is just a mini brand created by Soap for its Grindplates. It stands for nothing.

Jan 18, 2015 Waffle

Good these faggots. Spammers are gay!

Jan 19, 2015 mcgrinder2011

So are shitheads who start fights. They always want to cause a flame war. 100% agreed Waffle.

Feb 9, 2015 Waffle

How do I wear a groove into them!? I need to know!

Feb 10, 2015 grug250

run it along a brick wall

Feb 10, 2015 Waffle

Aint gonna do dat.. Dont wanna damage no plate!

Feb 11, 2015 justalilslow

A none waxed rail and time will do it.

I'm picky about what I grind on, conserving plates for future use almost ruins the fun.

Feb 11, 2015 grug250

i started grooving my slobros by running the plate againts a concrete wall untill a groove started to form thats all ya need to do its not doing damage because ones it starts to form thats all you need than you start grinding on rails or whatever

Feb 11, 2015 Waffle

Dude those are scarce dont wreck em..

Feb 12, 2015 mcgrinder2011

I'd just say a non-waxed rail and time or a wooden box and time. Wearing a groove takes time Waffle. Especially if you're picky about what you grind.

Feb 12, 2015 grug250

im not wrecking them bro im grooving them. once the groove is in than i'll hit waxed rails only and theyll last for ages thats how it works

Feb 12, 2015 Waffle

dude i got my finger crushed after a practice rail fell down on it.. Me and my friend tried to create Skate Wax and.. Well it did not go well on rails!

Feb 15, 2015 LIGERZERO7

I tried making a groove in mine... All I got were tiny grooves on the side and barely any lock on... Ran it along a brick wall for a decent while but nothing ...

Feb 15, 2015 justalilslow

Insert a picture of Picard giving you a face palm.

This infamous groove yall keep talking about and wanting only comes from going out and grinding stuff with your feet. Give it time and be patient, you are trying to break in (shape) a hard piece of plastic to your own personal stance.

Feb 16, 2015 grug250

i disagree i got a sweet groove but thinking how my feet are when grinding and than running the plate against a ledge on the same angle only took me a few mins to get the perfect groove

Feb 16, 2015 Waffle

Oh.... Well Ryan said you should sharpen rhe plate to create a perfect groove!
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