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Released: 9/21/2005

Grindplate: Express

-breathable mesh upper
abrasion resistant toe piece
nylon grind plate
"Gel-Pack" heel cushioning
"Wave" comfort heel bracket
abec 7 608 bearings
steel "Coin Axle"
"Big Deuce" PU wheels


Zach larson with a Christ Grind in a Des Moines parking garage Derek Brooks with a backside farfegnugen in a Des Moines parking garage

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Apr 8, 2006 soaphoax

yo peeps wiv heeleys, are they ne gd??!!!

Apr 9, 2006 Surfaced

Hoax, if we have the time to spell out words, then so do you.

Apr 13, 2006 skbgsky

are shoes easy to use even if they have heelys?

Apr 23, 2006 Surfaced

You can always remove the wheel. The hybrid shoes aren't much more difficult; both grinding on shoes and wheeling on shoes are little feats that are easy to accomplish in about 5 minutes. It gets difficult when get start doing combos, such as wheel in, grind, wheel out.

Apr 23, 2006 Louis

its funny how they decided to put a hole in a grind plate the same as the hole in BBKs...
Anyone used heelys with plates before? what is the lock on like?

Apr 23, 2006 Surfaced

If you've used the Express... well, it's the same. The Soaps distributed by HSL have the logo inside the who, just like BBKs and SloBros, but on the heelys there are shingles inside, which match a pattern on the bottom of the sole. At least usually.

Jun 30, 2006 broox

Yeah, it is the Heelys plates are pretty much all molded after the Express now. They are actually pretty decent - not quite as comfortable though.

Jul 2, 2006 AnthoFlex

I am not a Heely's kinda person at ALL but these look pretty kool

Jul 2, 2006 Mart

That hole is identical to the ones in the BBKs and Slo Bros

These do look quite nice, to be honest. It'd be interesting to see how they perform compared to Soaps

Jul 7, 2006 AnthoFlex

The holes are SIMILAR to the BBKs and Slobros, but i checked my express plate and a BBK and Slobro plate and the hole on the Express plate is smaller and is more slanted.

Jul 7, 2006 AnthoFlex

*i meant to say "because i checked my express plate" not "but"...sorry about that

Jul 30, 2006 SonicSoaper

I like the look of these shoes. How is the grind plate on them?

Jul 31, 2006 AnthoFlex

Like all the other Express plates....awesome

Sep 16, 2006 gbajosh

I want to buy these, but I don't like the wheel in them. Anyone like the wheel these use? I never tried it and am used to the fats.

Sep 19, 2006 broox

Zach and I did a session with these last weekend, they grinded really well, however if you're going to be doing any kind of torqued grinds on ledges it will tear up the sides of these shoes. The sides aren't made well for that.

I miss the kevlar patch shoes that Soap put out.

Sep 19, 2006 broox

Also (gbajosh). These wheels are pretty good, they are just as fast as the fats. The fats are slightly easier to use since there is more surface area and no rounded edges... but they're still good wheels.

Plus you can always slap your fats into this shoe.

Sep 29, 2006 crazyheelykid

The wheels suck even know I never used the before (gbajosh). Check out my pro

Oct 10, 2006 mnsoaperns

the wheels were fine kid its just that the shoe didnt hold up well to grinds the express plate was great it was the first pair I owned, but one day after landing my right shoe ripped in half (not even a hard landing) and I superglued it back together untill I got my scabs Express Plate= good shoe= bad

Oct 12, 2006 SonicSoaper

The Torch with Express plates are better.

Oct 13, 2006 SPSR

this shoe blew, thats all i can say about it. the express plate was awesome and i love it. the shoe itself broke amazingly fast(under a year.) i will give them one thing, my freind who is 6'4 and 300 some odd pounds got his size 14 foot in my size 11 shoe and went grinding in it (the mess was already ripped from myself this just finished the job.) i'll post some images of them on the fourms latter.

Oct 13, 2006 mnsoaperns

haha he made that size 11 atleast a size 13 last I remember when my neighbor tried on those shoes from him he said they fit perfect (he wears size 13). I was angry when he wanted to try and squeeze his gigantic size 14 foot into my 11 scabs when I first got them. terrifying thought

Oct 13, 2006 SonicSoaper

Surprisingly you can fit into most HSL Soaps that are one size less than your normal size. I'm a seven(Yep, I'm that small) and I can fit into a six with ease.

Oct 14, 2006 AnthoFlex

Im a 10 and Rob made me put on size 8 Heelys, and they fit JUST fine, but heelys suck....haha....Rolling can be fun, but taking that shit too seriously.....its just for kids...

Oct 14, 2006 SonicSoaper

True man, waaaay true.

Oct 30, 2006 pantone332

those are old school torches

Oct 30, 2006 SonicSoaper

HahaHAAA! They don't make these anymore.

Nov 1, 2006 Kru

Since torches are the new evos I will say this. The wheel has alot more in for it then just to roll around on. It can also be used as a drone to pull grinds on rails and edges. I'm gonna find new ways to use these shoes now that I have a pair.

Nov 1, 2006 SonicSoaper

They really should get the Torch shoes up on here.

Nov 3, 2006 Kru

Yes they should. Heelys keeps recyling or frankensteins their grind plate shoes and just renames them... kinda chinsy. Heelys are so cheaply put together too.. I know mine will fall apart within a couple of months.. what a damn shame

Nov 3, 2006 AnthoFlex

That is why I soap....

Funny picture i made


Nov 3, 2006 Kru

Well the difference here is. Soaps, you have to cause a bit of mischief to have a good time. Heelys do not because of the wheel, thus why they replaced Soaps so fast. Like there moddo "Freedom is a wheel in your sole." Soaping to me has alot more for it then a wheel in the heel will ever have.

Nov 3, 2006 codykolling

ya there motto should be "theyll break ur fuckn ankle"

Nov 4, 2006 Kru

not to mention how unnatural the posture is.. it feels like my legs are gonna rip off.

Nov 8, 2006 AnthoFlex

I forgot where i saw this but i heard somewhere that prolong Heeling can lead to SEVERE spinal damage in the future

Nov 8, 2006 Kile

yeh these shoes are garbage lol heelys suck

Nov 8, 2006 snikas

its true the wheel in the heel that says Ya im a homo! alright

Nov 8, 2006 Kile

that was a good one james my boy lol

Nov 8, 2006 snikas

hey thanks !!

Nov 8, 2006 snikas

but kile when we were a dereks house you were using them you homo

Nov 8, 2006 Kile

lol so i was beating on them when we were havign the royal rumble
beat down....i owned ur ass

Nov 8, 2006 snikas

ya ok brad you got your ass handed to you peter!

Nov 8, 2006 snikas

hey kile you spelled having wrong peter

Jan 17, 2007 Kile

I think the shoe itself is the most ugliest thing ever i only like the
color of this shoe (charcoal and silver that is)

Mar 4, 2007 killakyle

i have these shoes and i think there the uglyest thing ever, but there not too bad performence wise

Mar 4, 2007 RamenRadio

These shoes aren't THAT bad

Mar 4, 2007 shdook

these shoes are actually pretty good, that surprised me!

Mar 5, 2007 RamenRadio

I'd still prefer to use soaps, but these shoes didn't turn out horrible

Mar 18, 2007 heelyhailey

These are by far the best heelys. Also just so you guys know the next heely grind model doesnt have the hole that they have with the slo-bro and express soaps.

Mar 18, 2007 Slidey

Yeah, they have the Grind Rails. The plate is featured on this website.

Mar 18, 2007 heelyhailey

yeah, grind rails were on their older models, the fall line (i think fall) will feature a new grindplate though

Mar 18, 2007 heelyhailey

i mean its still express, they just took out the little rectangle thing the soap logo used to be in

Mar 18, 2007 sam

Just like the heely mack too correct?

Mar 18, 2007 Surfaced


Mar 18, 2007 heelyhailey

except with the heelys logo in the center of the plate

Mar 18, 2007 AnthoFlex

hehe, stupid HSL....thats gonna be their downfall....that plate is gonna fuck everything up.

Wanna know why? i'll let you figure it out...think physics

Mar 18, 2007 heelyhailey

nah man, the plate works awesome actually, i just tested it out at the skatepark yesterday.

Mar 18, 2007 Surfaced

If the shoe is to be released in the fall, then how were you able to test it yesterday?

Mar 18, 2007 AnthoFlex

prototype dude

Mar 18, 2007 sam

You should post pictures if you have the prototype so we can see if it might possibly appeal to soapers.

Mar 18, 2007 heelyhailey

sorry, but i dont know if they would approve of that :/ although IMO its probably the best looking shoe heelys has made

Mar 18, 2007 AnthoFlex

I doubt it, all Heelys look rather strange

Mar 18, 2007 heelyhailey

well if all heelys look rather strange than it wont be hard for this to be the most attractive will it? (i dont think all heelys look rather strange though :)

Mar 18, 2007 AnthoFlex


Mar 18, 2007 sam

Soaps are designed to look like normal shoes, look at dash, fader, mb tank, clean, even scorchers. Now look at just about any heelys models they practically all have the same werid material and look to them that looks gay.

Mar 18, 2007 heelyhailey

i strongly disagree with all these comments saying heelys are ugly. they use same/ similar material because its durable. and i really dont think they have the same look. I agree that some heelys dont look like normal shoes, but there are definately some that do

Mar 18, 2007 sam

Ive looked throgh all of the heelys designs, and the only one that comes close to a normal shoe is atomic or something like that. My friend had that model and they feel like cardboard, not even joking.

Mar 18, 2007 heelyhailey

yeah, atomics are the most normal looking and the most uncomfortable, also drives, they are the same thing basically but without the huge logo on the side.

Mar 18, 2007 AnthoFlex

Atomics are ugly

Mar 18, 2007 heelyhailey

i actually do agree with your comment antho but still other people like it

Mar 18, 2007 sam

See, you said atomics are the most normall looking shoe, then you agreed with anthos comment. That proves that heelys are ugly.

Mar 18, 2007 heelyhailey

a shoe doesnt have to be normal looking to be good looking, maybe its the fact that its not normal that makes it attractive

Mar 18, 2007 AnthoFlex

How about u guys call me up when you got sum Grind competitions going on.

Take this number down Hailey, and give it to HSL so that they can call me when they finally decide to do grind competitions


Mar 18, 2007 Slidey

Unfortunatly, most people do not want to stick out.

Mar 18, 2007 heelyhailey

grind competitions like soaping or like heeling?

Mar 18, 2007 Slidey

Aren't they the same thing?
Grinding with shoes is called soaping, so soaping

Mar 18, 2007 heelyhailey

i guess you could say that, although i though soaping was when you were grinding wearing soaps :/

Mar 18, 2007 Slidey

Well its not like grinding with Heelys is going to be called heeling is it?

That really wouldn't make any sense...

Mar 18, 2007 heelyhailey

*shrug* i dunno, well you dont want grinding with heelys to be called soaping would you? It would be connecting you with heelys

Mar 18, 2007 Slidey

If you are wearing blades or riding a sk8board it's going to be called grinding, because soaping only applies to grinding while wearing shoes.

That's the idea that Chris Morris came up with when inventing Soaps; that you could grind wearing shoes. So grinding with Heelys is still called Soaping, because Heelys were not made specifically to grind.

Mar 18, 2007 AnthoFlex

perhaps i didnt make this clear....call me when you have GRIND competitions...

Meaning, the Soapers will Soap, and the Heelers will grind with their plates

Mar 18, 2007 Slidey

Heelys have bought the idea, so we HAVE to be connected with them, wheter we like it or not.

Mar 18, 2007 heelyhailey

true, did chris morris invent the whole shoe with wheels too?

Mar 18, 2007 Slidey

haha, Renny you just wanna show them we can grind so much better with soaps don't you ;)

Mar 18, 2007 Slidey

Chris Morris didn't invent shoes with wheels,
it was somebody in the Soap company though

Mar 18, 2007 heelyhailey

ok, and antho/slidey, i completely agree ive never seen a heeler grind like you guys do, thats why i dont know if they'd have a just grinding competition with heelers, most roll firsthand, grind second

Mar 18, 2007 Slidey

Well if they had that, it would be a start...
and a pretty good idea too.

Mar 18, 2007 heelyhailey

yeah, i guess so, i do really wanna see some soaping action. I have never in my life seen a pair of soaps other than through the internet

Mar 18, 2007 Slidey

Well ya know, thats strange because I see Heelys everyday you know ;)

Mar 18, 2007 heelyhailey

looks pretty sick in vids though (and i must admit this is the most dedicated crowd ive ever seen)

Mar 18, 2007 matrix8967

heelyhailey where do you live!? i'll come bring you all my soaps and let you explore the most divine footwear ever.

Mar 18, 2007 heelyhailey

lol, nah, with only express plate soaps out i feel i can do the same onn my evolutions as i could on some soaps,

Mar 18, 2007 matrix8967

also, heelyhailey, you wouldnt happen to want to just watch us soap like mad, and you report the great things of soap to HSL and use that against us??? just thinking Machiavelli here.


Mar 18, 2007 heelyhailey

. . . i dont get it.

Mar 18, 2007 matrix8967

nvm i'm just being re-donkulous. :)

Mar 18, 2007 heelyhailey

lol, nice

Mar 18, 2007 matrix8967

i've become alot less "fuck HSL" l8ly... because it's not helping soap any. I just want me soaps...like the trix rabbit wants trix lol.

Mar 18, 2007 heelyhailey

lol, i want some A-side soaps

Mar 18, 2007 matrix8967

ha, who doesn't!? gah, i'd sleep with a male to have those...it doesnt even have to a human male! jk. but if i had those, i'd never take them off, i'd have them surgecally attached to my feet.

Mar 18, 2007 heelyhailey

ok . . . a little scary at the beginning . . .

Mar 18, 2007 matrix8967

yeah, so you've seriously never ever seen real soaps? do you live anywhere near arkansas? i'll come with all 5 pairs of my soaps (including broadsides)

Mar 18, 2007 heelyhailey

nope, i live in michigan

Mar 18, 2007 matrix8967

let's not clutter this thread with our conversation, if you want, you can contact me at matrix8967@yahoo.com

Mar 18, 2007 Surfaced

The most devine footwear ever made are Air Jordans.

Mar 18, 2007 AnthoFlex

Grinding competitions would be best trick/ style....and i think i heard somewhere that they were gonna start holding Heelys competitions....like rolling competitions, and Grinding ones.

Obviously, i would enter the Grinding

Mar 18, 2007 pepsi

lol...heeling competitions would be stupid.

...but the grinding ones would be cool..depending on whether your using heelys or soaps :S.

Mar 18, 2007 heelyhailey

Heeling competitions may be most likely to be at a skatepark at this point since that is the thing many heelers are working towards

Mar 19, 2007 RamenRadio

Good lord, how off topic can we get? XD

Mar 19, 2007 AnthoFlex

Skatepark? i guess thats cool.

I like to keep it street but if you wanna hit up the ol' sk8 parks, im down for it

Mar 19, 2007 Slidey

Sk8 parks are pretty good, most of the handrails at skate parks are at a great hieght for grinding, but most times they aren't very long...

Mar 20, 2007 SonicSoaper

Or they're of a questionable shape, like square.

Mar 20, 2007 AnthoFlex

God i hate Square rails....keeps me from unleashing the true power of my Broadsides

Mar 20, 2007 RamenRadio

yeah, I think grinding on them feels kinda weird XD

Mar 21, 2007 SonicSoaper

And yet you do it anyway.


Hey Travis, how was Heely's resort? Was the plastic scooping any good?

Mar 28, 2007 sam

I now have a pair of these! They grind pretty good, but I have to agree with broox 100% on the shoes will get torn up easily.

Mar 28, 2007 sam

Oh, and before anyone starts bashing on me for getting heelys, I did not buy them they were 100% free!

Mar 28, 2007 SonicSoaper

And we know the old adage!

If it's free, it's for me.

Mar 28, 2007 SapAuthor

Or, you could pay less, and get the Express, which last longer, and dont' have that darn annoying wheel, and you will support SOAPs, which if i remember right, is what we've been working hard to revive!

Mar 28, 2007 SonicSoaper

Yeah, true.

Apr 17, 2007 Tasslehoff

the evolution is the stealing of the Express grind plate from SOAP

Apr 17, 2007 Surfaced

Since HSL developed the Express plate its not really stealing. It's just... borrowing.

Apr 17, 2007 Tasslehoff

i guess ur right... ... ... ... ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. O.O im watching you!

Apr 17, 2007 Tasslehoff

GASP!!! so thats what the wheel is for! a secret government tracking device! ok even i admit that was weak

Aug 19, 2007 greenfire8484

i know no ones commented on this in a while... but i dont like these shoes. I have them, and have worn them maybe twice. Even without the wheel, the back is bulky and I assume it feels like wedge high heels... but i dont know what thgose are like... Im just assuming lol

Aug 19, 2007 vault

yah thats y ppl just get soaps instead of wasting more money on heelys

Aug 19, 2007 greenfire8484

exactly! then ppl that are tryin to stand up for Heelys are like well they have wheels and grind plates Soaps just have grind plates. I think of the wheels as a liability. (Did I use the word right?)

Aug 27, 2007 greenfire8484

i think i did....
so anyway the plates are kinda small... a little hard to hit a rail right cuz the middle goes in and the edges are higher, which gives me good lock on, but its hard to run and hit a rail right.

Feb 4, 2008 Kain

Best heelys ever. The wheels suck though, I'd replace them with megas or megavertz

Apr 23, 2008 misterterse94

wtf? express shoes with a wheel? dam it all.

Apr 23, 2008 Altman

Mr. Terse? SOunds like a teacher at my school.

Apr 23, 2008 misterterse94

might hav sumthin to do with "Mr".. tats a little off topic, but w.e.whats the name of the teachr ur reminded of

Apr 24, 2008 Kain

actually, I think express came from evos/torches....so they're like the shoes without wheels.

Apr 24, 2008 misterterse94

well yeah, but i meant it in a soap/heely sort of way. i mean they do look exactly like expresses, minus some designs, and logos.

Apr 24, 2008 Kain

yeah......but the plate's a little different, I think. All soap shoes have the plate set a little more back than heelys b/c there's no wheel to get in the way.

Apr 24, 2008 misterterse94

idk i cant even see where the wheel is, lol. so i made a bad comment, meh i dont know 2 much about HSL history, so cant blame me. :)

Apr 24, 2008 Altman

Wow Kain, nice fail. The Express were released BEFORE the Torches and Evos. Before then Heelys had a Grind Rail grind plate. WHen the accusistion of Soap came into play they took the Express and stuck them onto the Evos and Torches.

Apr 24, 2008 wyattpeterson

looks like someone didnt do their research

Apr 24, 2008 Kain

So why did everyone start talking about express years after torch/evolution came out?....

Apr 24, 2008 sam

Whadda mean kain? HSL released 3 very similar models all at the same time. This doesnt mean nobody starting liking the express untill heelys came around, which is what your thinking.

Apr 24, 2008 Kain

wait....are we talking about express plates or express shoes?

Apr 24, 2008 sam

It doesnt matter, the express shoe came out 2 years earlier than the evos and torches.

Apr 24, 2008 Kain

so....why did they change the designs?

Apr 24, 2008 sam

Change the designs on what?

Apr 24, 2008 Kain

they changed the designs on express for torch/evolution.

Apr 24, 2008 sam

The express plate is exactly the same... There is no difference...

Apr 24, 2008 Kain

I mean the graphics/materials etc.

Apr 24, 2008 sam

They changed the design, because they are 2 entirely different products. The only similarity at all is they both have the express plate. Questions like that are just asking to get flamed man.

Apr 24, 2008 Kain


anyways....I don't like express that much, I prefer BBK

Apr 24, 2008 AnthoFlex

Kain, ur confusing yourself

Apr 25, 2008 Spano565

i lol'd.

Apr 25, 2008 mets603412

kain ur fucking gay

Apr 25, 2008 wyattpeterson

yoou dont like expresses but you like heely's wtf

Apr 25, 2008 mets603412

who kain

Apr 25, 2008 mets603412

o yea kain its stupid to defend heelys so much if u dont even lik the grind plat on heelys

Apr 25, 2008 mets603412

sry i thought u were talkin bout me for a sec cause i dunt lik express very much cause it skids on the rubber so much

Apr 25, 2008 wyattpeterson

no i was talking to kain

Apr 25, 2008 mets603412

someone is bout to win the scabs hurry

May 5, 2008 Faytmerc

anyone know where you can get these?

May 5, 2008 Kain

at this point......pretty much nowhere

Feb 7, 2012 spinny0700

Okay this is a good pair of grind shoes people should get these me and my friend Tony Hawk are planning on doing a skate tournament where you can win a pair of these

Feb 8, 2012 wyattpeterson

dude ! ! ! your so lucky you hang out with Tony Hawk i want your autograph LOL funny stuff
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Chris Corrado hittin a Steep Frontside
Derek Brooks hittin a Backside Farfegnugen
Alexei Tajzler hittin a Sidewalk
Aaron Taraboletti sliding a square kinked rail at Drake University
Louis Selby busting a frontside 'nugen during the recent UKFSW trip to Ipswich.