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Release: Unknown

Grindplate: BBK

The Soap Sylon is a great value shoe. It is comfortable, has good protection, and has a very stylish upper. The Sylon features 1 exfoliant bar on each side of each shoe for protection when grinding in tweaked tricks such as royales, UFOs or while trying to brake on a rail. The older models of the Sylons (black, dragonfly and spectrum) come with replacable BBK grind plates, while the new models of the Sylons (black/silver and white/gum) feature replacable Octane grind plates and the oldest model, the white Sylons have replacable Original grind plates.

* Soap Sylon - Black
* Soap Sylon - Dragonfly

-Spectrum (charcoal / white / navy)
-Blue (black / grey / light blue)
-Gunmetal (charcoal / white)

Sizes: 5-13 (Gunmetal came in 14)

Wyatt Peterson hitting a royale at Summer Slam Daylon Smith sliding the huge Iowa City kink Sequence of Andy Ford (Fordy) busting a 270 backside royale during the recent UKFSW Ipswich trip. Wyatt Peterson sticking a backslide and throwin up Westsiiiide David Martin hittin a UFO

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Apr 12, 2006 teamhoax

I own a pair of Sylons and after i grow out of them, i think i'll just get another pair ! Great shoe, proper comfy and the BBK's make them ! Could look better though, lol

Apr 12, 2006 soaphoax

mm yeah my frend has a pair he says they are really good

Apr 12, 2006 Surfaced


Didn't your friend just say that?

Apr 13, 2006 soaphoax

damm u noticed, yeah, lol, i think they are ugly

Apr 13, 2006 Surfaced

Hey.... I've seen White Sylons in a size 14.

Apr 13, 2006 soaphoax

oo where?...

Apr 19, 2006 Surfaced

eBay and Blade School.

And by the by, the bottom of the Blue Sylon is black, but has the classic tennis-shoe color too. My point is that the bottom is not entirely black.

Apr 21, 2006 AnthoFlex

I agree its not supposed to be entirely black

Apr 21, 2006 teamhoax

Soaphoax...Not as ugly as your shit coloured brown one's !lol

May 17, 2006 TheShit

this shoes are the best. i have one pare i am so good with them. i wouled always bey this shoes.

May 18, 2006 chip

can you put a bbk on a shoe that comes with a a slow bro?

May 18, 2006 Surfaced

All removable grindplates are interchangeable. So yes.

May 18, 2006 chip

nice thanks but were do you get them

Jun 3, 2006 teamhoax

i have them in black and grey...sweet

Aug 26, 2006 SigmaPoe


Sep 27, 2006 Krammit

Just bought a pair off ebay. They any good, besides having the BBK's?
And.. exactly where can you get replacement BBK's? Haven't seen any replacements anywhere.

Sep 27, 2006 Slidey

Duuuude! U stole the 1 my friend was gonna get :S. loool. Just don't buy the next pair k?

Replacement bbks are avalible from ebay from keemaz store

Sep 27, 2006 Krammit

I originally had a bid on a pair of Praba's, but the price went to 60 :P

Thanks for the info on the plates

Sep 27, 2006 Wesker

The Dragonfly Sylons were my first pair of Soap shoes ever, they're awesome.

Sep 27, 2006 Slidey

I've got one person who has won the bid on sum sylons and one person waiting to buy sylons from ebay... 9 ppl on my team! lol

Oct 1, 2006 masterbrain0


Oct 1, 2006 masterbrain0

I want soap |(

Oct 3, 2006 highroller

Just got a pair of sylons on ebay for $40...psyched!!! Can't wait to break em in. Ebay is def the best place to get soaps right now, especially size 11 or 12.

Oct 16, 2006 Krammit

Just got my sylons today. They fit wonderfully, very comfortable shoe. I now realize an 11 would have proably been to small.

Oct 16, 2006 AnthoFlex

What plates came with it Krammit?

Oct 16, 2006 Krammit

Replaceable BBK's that say "patent pending"

Oct 21, 2006 snikas

Awsome shoes! ive had them for 2 years and there still kicken ass.

Nov 17, 2006 the5cooliest

i got some of these they are awsome they are comfortable

Dec 2, 2006 JVilleSoaper

can i get some input on how the original white sylons are

Jan 2, 2007 mrgrind

i juist got outbid for a pair of sylon spectrums

Jan 24, 2007 RamenRadio

My favorite shoes! These are the soaps that I use now, and they aren't bad at all. ^_^

Jan 24, 2007 AnthoFlex

No they arent. Actually (if im not misaken) The sylons and the Ordnances were favorites amongst the world's best Soapers

Feb 6, 2007 RamenRadio

Is it just me, or are these shoes THE MOST COMFORTABLE SHOES EVER!!!?!? I love these shoes so much, my feat are litterly begging me to go back in my sylons as soon as take them off. No joke. I don't know about other shoes, but god these shoes are one of the best. :D

Mar 5, 2007 kobansora

I hate the colors that are shown on this site. Show the prettier colors :O


Mar 5, 2007 matrix8967

gun metal is pretty. don't like the orange/gum sole though...

Mar 5, 2007 RamenRadio

Yo kobansora, do you have any of the other colors? Please upload if you do :D

Mar 5, 2007 Slidey

These are NOT "pretty" shoes, they are kick-ass shoes lol

Mar 5, 2007 JeiHeirumaru

The spectrums are awesome

Mar 5, 2007 RamenRadio

lol well said slidey

Mar 5, 2007 JeiHeirumaru

Yo,does anybody know where I can find a pair of spectrums?

Mar 5, 2007 kobansora

You betta ask on the forums.

Anyways, here's my pair:




Very nice. I'm going to take much better care of these than my Boltars... Because I made a lot of noob mistakes with the Boltars (Grinding on unpainted concrete, cess slides, falling, etc).


Mar 6, 2007 matrix8967

my friend has that pair. they're nice.


Mar 14, 2007 ordnanceflint91

got my black sylons today. i think they are my favorite soap shoe now. not 100% sure though. so far they are really comfortable. i love them great style soap shoe

Apr 6, 2007 kobansora

My gunmetal Sylons are now scuffed and tinted blue because of my pants lol. My friend scuffed them up :c I need some nail polish remover.

My Sylons are not white anymore! NOOOEs


Apr 6, 2007 Mart

Nail polish remover contains acetone, which could melt the plastics of the shoe. Since the dyes used in denim are water-based, cleaning them with water and a small amount of soap or detergent will do the trick

Apr 6, 2007 kobansora

Acetone is gonna be used to clean the scuffs off the soles of the shoe.. LIke the outside sole lol. I'm not gonna use that much though.


Apr 6, 2007 Mart

I wouldn't advise using acetone on rubber either, to be honest; synthetic rubber is a plastic, and what do you think nail polish is made of? Even if you use a small amount, it could still melt and deform the sole

I'd be more inclined to use methylated spirit or white spirit instead as they're both much less likely to attack the rubber. How are they scuffed, anyway? Generally speaking, scuffing is caused by physical abrasion and can't be 'cleaned' as a residue isn't formed

Apr 6, 2007 kobansora

NOOOOOOOOOOOES! I fucking hate my friend now :c Gotta be noob and fall off curbs and scuff my shoes, and do nothing but laugh about it.


Apr 6, 2007 snikas

damn i i dont really let my friends use my shoes accept for one he also soaps but any way orther peopl dont care if they fuck up ur shoes cuz there not theirs

Apr 7, 2007 Mart

Dude, they're shoes. The rubber is going to be scuffed and worn down over time anyway. How come you let him wear them if you want to keep them in good condition?

Apr 7, 2007 kobansora

I wanted to wear down my own shoes! lol

I let him wear them for like, one night b/c he wanted to try out Soaping. He got pretty good at grinding after a bit but damn lol. W/e, he has connections with his grandma in the UK so I can at least order UK soaps through him.


Apr 7, 2007 snikas

no i dont mean i keep me shoes in perfect condition its because i let my friend use my sylons for the day and he ripped the rubber of the soul and the sides had rips alover

Apr 7, 2007 RamenRadio

I try to keep my shoes in good condition too. Especially my sylons, they are one of my favorite shoes. Yeah, I know one day they will wear down, but I still respect these shoes more than I do my whole entire school. Maybe even the town as well.

Apr 18, 2007 kobansora

Someone knows what I'm talkin about ;P


Apr 18, 2007 RamenRadio

lol definitely :D

Apr 19, 2007 RamenRadio

If I were rich, I'd plop a million dollars on HSL's doorstep, and demand the release of these shoes lol. They were Chris Morris's favorite shoes, come on!

Apr 19, 2007 pepsi

or u could just buy soap :P...maybe

Apr 19, 2007 SonicSoaper

yep. He could wash all the people in the world with his Soap.

Apr 30, 2007 RamenRadio

hey, who else has a pair of these shoes?

Jun 12, 2007 SapAuthor

Hey everyone, quick question, do these shoes have the flexible rubber sole or the rock solid one? The flexible ones you can push in with ur finger and it will move, rock solid (like cleans) you can't. The flexible rubber is the most comfertable, i need it and the high arch of SOAPs for my feet to feel good. Right now i have cleans and the sole is rock solid >.>

Jun 12, 2007 RamenRadio

I believe the ordinances and the cleans had the rock solid sole and the sylons did not have the rock solid sole. I'm checking out my sylons and it doesn't really seem "rock hard".

Jun 13, 2007 AnthoFlex

I have a pair of Gunmetals

Jul 28, 2007 Megashadow77

Gunmetal Sylons= Sexy, not quite as sexy as the CObalt Boltars, but still sexy.

Jul 28, 2007 Page645

i think navy scabs are sexier than colbalt boltars

Jul 28, 2007 Megashadow77

That is why you fail!

Jul 29, 2007 AnthoFlex

Just to let you know Megashadow, the gunmetals aren't shown above

Jul 29, 2007 Megashadow77

errr....shit, I meant black....

Jul 29, 2007 AnthoFlex

The Gunmetals are pretty good-looking as well

Jul 29, 2007 Megashadow77

Really, what do they look like?

Jul 29, 2007 AnthoFlex

Jul 29, 2007 Megashadow77

oooo! Very pretty, I like. ^^

Jan 13, 2008 padricjoe

i have a pair of sylons i am a big inline fan and i adapted well to them.any idea where i can get soaps with a sole plate?

Sep 5, 2008 scuzzydontask

These r on ebay...not my size though.

Oct 28, 2008 IceMan

I think i have decided on they Sylon, i was guna get some squeeky Cleans, but i think this shoe is talked up more. idk, Sounds like a good deal, and they look sweet

Oct 13, 2009 Brad

These are the first (well, only) shoes i've worn and they're pretty nice. I've only been on them for a few weeks though.

Dec 16, 2009 sylonbroadsides

these shoes were pretty much my favorite for many years

Dec 21, 2009 Brad

I still wanna try another shoe since this is the ONLY one I've had. Including Heelys. But I guess I should consider myself lucky if these shoes are as good as you make them out to be.

Dec 21, 2009 Tedd

Yeah, I wanna get myself some of these, Broadsides, and some Expresses. Maybe a pair of Chaos. That'll happen in like 50 years. Lol.

Dec 22, 2009 Brad

Yeah, I'd sell my soul for some Broadsides and Scorchers.

Dec 22, 2009 sylonbroadsides

haha me three dude

Jan 25, 2010 sylonbroadsides

haha dude the sylonbroadsides look sooo sexy. Does everyone know that Chris Morris's favorite shoes were the sylon?

Jan 25, 2010 Brad

Theres sylon broadsides? o-o

and no i did not :p

Jan 26, 2010 sylonbroadsides

There were prototypes made, you can see them being used in oNe. It has a sylon upper, and a broadsides lower, that's all it is.

Yeah dude, Chris loved dem sylons.

Jan 26, 2010 Brad

That would be one sexy shoe to have.

Jan 27, 2010 Tedd

Yeah. I kinda wish I had connections to get some. Lol.

Jan 27, 2010 sylonbroadsides

HSL should stop being stewpid

Jan 27, 2010 Brad

I second that.

Feb 1, 2010 SuperAluigi

I really want a pair of these, but i just paid £37 for a pair of Navy Scabs. Would cost me an extra £60 for the Sylons. Will probs get them anyways before they stop selling them.

Feb 1, 2010 Brad

Sylons are the shit.

Feb 1, 2010 SuperAluigi

really? worth £67

Feb 1, 2010 Brad

Well, I paid just about $100 dollars for mine. So I'd say yeah. :)

Where you buyin your shoes from btw?

Feb 1, 2010 SuperAluigi

awesome, works out roughly the same then.

I'm getting mine from an English site FlyWalk.com (well thats where the sylons are)

but i got my Scabs from Rawk.com

not sure if either ship to the states, so im considering buying a shit load of soaps then setting up a site to re-sell them so you guys in the states can get your hands on them, not sure if theres already sites in the states you can get them or not.

Feb 1, 2010 sylonbroadsides

nah dude, sssoapshop.com doesn't have any inventory left.

Feb 1, 2010 Brad

Well, there's a UK site called k8ts sk8ts or something and they got a lot of soaps AND they ship to the US and Canada, but after shipping and all that jazz it comes out to like 200 something bucks.

Feb 1, 2010 sylonbroadsides

Yeah I wanted their whole inventory lol

Feb 1, 2010 Brad

The second I get a job I'm buying some.

Feb 2, 2010 sylonbroadsides

i thought you had sylons lol, which ones you got? post a picture of 'em.

Feb 3, 2010 Brad

I meant some shoes from that site sylon :P
Once I get a chance I'll link you guys a pic of 'em.

Feb 21, 2010 Brad

Here's a pic of my soaps if anyone was wondering.


Feb 21, 2010 Timuukun

I still want that pair you offered...I'll save up! They look really nice still!

Feb 21, 2010 Brad

...I offered to sell a pair of soaps? o-o
I just posted because Trav wanted to see what they look like.

Feb 21, 2010 Andrew

i have that sonic undergound doll too

Feb 21, 2010 Brad

I got another one off to the left, haha. You can just see his glove.

Feb 21, 2010 Brad

*right I mean.

Feb 21, 2010 Timuukun

Oh, man...I must've been tired. I mistook Brad for Travis in a post...that's lame

And sonic dolls FTW! I've got a massive Sonic Adventure 1 action figure sitting underneath my TV...I'll include him in a soap pic sometime, cause he's epic.

Feb 21, 2010 Brad

Haha, no worries.

And I think I have a Tails SA1 action figure kickin' around. Idk.

Feb 22, 2010 Timuukun

If we ever meet, we MUST take a pic soaping with those figurines!

Epic Sonic/Tails Manoeuvre! Fuckin' eh! (Watching too much Olympics, got canada on the brain XD)

Feb 22, 2010 Brad

Haha, for sure.

Mar 5, 2011 dirntsoap

these look nice

Mar 6, 2011 winglessavian

They are, i had a chance to buy a pair but i didn't act on it, which was very foolish.

Mar 6, 2011 Brad

yeah, you probably shouldve :P

Sep 24, 2011 sylonsforever

what do you think I'm going to say, just look at my username lmao these shoes are amazing

Apr 17, 2012 Relate2Videos

the "spectrum" design was used for the upper of the original broadsides, these broadsides can be seen on "oNe"

Aug 30, 2012 Relate2Videos

My favorite shoe....

Oct 25, 2012 Relate2Videos

still my favorites haha

Oct 27, 2012 rcondit

I have to agree one of my favs too.

Oct 27, 2012 Relate2Videos

pssst reply to your messages

Oct 28, 2012 rcondit

you got it bro.

Feb 7, 2013 Relate2Videos

btw someone needs to hit up brad one of these days.

Feb 7, 2013 winglessavian

Hit up brad for what? I tried to get him some shoes but he hasn't messaged me back yet.

Feb 7, 2013 Relate2Videos

see how he is and to update him about what's up. I tried finding him on facebook but I can't find his profile anymore. Also tell Frankie I'll talk to him next week as my work has pretty much piled up.

Feb 7, 2013 winglessavian

I think i can still contact him, i'll see if he's answering. I'll let frankie know too.

Feb 11, 2013 zelda

id like a pair of these

Mar 26, 2013 gongon1037

I love the white and green pair, but those black and grey pair look pretty badass.
They look similar to ordnance black/grey

Apr 20, 2013 LIGERZERO7

I know what shoes I'm gettin ^.^

Apr 20, 2013 Relate2Videos

And youre lucky bro I have a pair of these :P

Apr 21, 2013 LIGERZERO7

Just wondering do you have a size 8?

Apr 22, 2013 Relate2Videos

Nah. Sorry dude.

Apr 23, 2013 LIGERZERO7

Oh well guess ill just get it from another place ;(

Apr 25, 2013 zelda


May 30, 2013 camaro126

Man.... The soles of these do not hold up any more. The whole heel broke off of mine because the material just started to crumble. It is like a rubberized foam material. I'm going to see if some shoe repair places can fix it but I don't know if they can do anything.

Jun 1, 2013 zelda

Shoe goe works wonders

Jun 28, 2013 LIGERZERO7

YES!!! Finally got my sylons!

Jul 1, 2013 mindreader


Jul 4, 2013 camaro126

Hey, Liger, how did they hold up? Are they in good shape? I am thinking about buying some from Rawk but still not sure.

Jul 4, 2013 kowalski

I might buy a pair just for the BBKs that come bolted to the bottom.

Jul 18, 2013 VintageGMan

Since I have started soapin again I bought these from Rawk in white. They are a fantastic/hardcore shoe and take alot of abuse from on rail and ledge. The bbks are Sweeeet.

Oct 8, 2013 grug250

i got my pair coming on friday can't wait to use them

Oct 8, 2013 gongon1037

Nice find. Your in for a treat on Friday. Do you have anywhere to practice on?

Oct 8, 2013 zelda

sylons are AMAZING

Oct 8, 2013 manofmisery

good choice bro!

Oct 8, 2013 manofmisery

indeed these were Chris Morris's favorite shoes

Oct 9, 2013 grug250

i already have two pairs of scabs that i use i roller blade so i always take my soaps aswell and yes i have a few places i use them...i'm stoked i got them for $35 brand new

Oct 10, 2013 grug250

1 more day untill i pick em up want them now tho

Oct 10, 2013 mcgrinder2011

you and me both bro. you're lucky, I have to wait another 2 months just to try them out.

Oct 10, 2013 grug250

dam that sucks bro

Oct 10, 2013 mcgrinder2011

yeah. and ut's gonna be way too cold to use them too, I bet most of the grindables will be iced over.

Oct 11, 2013 grug250

ice dam that sucks .....where do you live bro ??

im on my way to pick up mine now

Oct 11, 2013 mcgrinder2011

United States, more specifically Arkansas. and it's coming a bit close to winter.

Oct 11, 2013 grug250

oh true summers just started over here loving the warm weather

Oct 11, 2013 grug250

anyway what can i say about my sylons i got today but they are bloody amazing. they are really tough and the BBK plates are sick....as i thought i do have to replace the inner soul of the shoe tho because its just to old and breaking apart. but besides that wow first grind was a UFO no probz.......just have to replace the inner soul now and shes all good to go .....

Oct 11, 2013 mcgrinder2011

sounds like a great shoe think these'll be any good for beginners learning backslides? and, damn you for getting warm weather!

Oct 11, 2013 grug250

yeah i think they will be great for beginners they are solid as and hold on to your feet really well and they lock onto the rails great

Oct 11, 2013 grug250

not sure if this link will work but here's my sylons .............https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10201224753959859&set=pcb.10201224754279867&type=1&theater

Oct 11, 2013 grug250


Oct 11, 2013 gongon1037

the shoes look great. Your gonna have a lot of fun with them.

Oct 12, 2013 grug250

oh did the link work ??...and cheers mate

Oct 12, 2013 gongon1037

wait, the link stopped working

Oct 12, 2013 grug250

damit i'm shit with links lol

Oct 15, 2013 mcgrinder2011

maybe we should add the option to add links here. sounds easy enough.

Oct 18, 2013 grug250

ok so i swapped out the inner souls in my sylons today with some from an old pair of dc's now i'm ready to soap loving them

Oct 29, 2013 zelda

yeah man sylons are excellent, the original broadsides actually had an upper like the sylons. you can see them in oNe

Oct 29, 2013 mindreader

luv sylons

Oct 30, 2013 mcgrinder2011

Ditto! great shoes.

Nov 12, 2013 mcgrinder2011

UGH anticipation's killing me. my black Sylons are locked in a safe and I can't even check the size til December, That's it! I'm cracking that safe!

Nov 13, 2013 grug250

crack it and post a pic bro :)

Nov 13, 2013 mcgrinder2011

will do, key locks; child's play!

Nov 14, 2013 mcgrinder2011

OMG I broke the lock last night! they were a pair of size 14 blacks with BBKs
SO AWESOME(worth the $157 I had to pay these shoes are dope)
now all I need is a pair of size 14 maxwells and I'm SET.

Nov 14, 2013 grug250

omg i want them post pics bro

Nov 14, 2013 grug250

where did you get them from bro??

Nov 14, 2013 grug250

and why were they in a safe lol?

Nov 14, 2013 mcgrinder2011

1. Didn't have time to get pics since I almost got caught
2. I got them from Bladeschool in Australia
3. They were in the safe because they're meant to be a gift for christmas and I'm not allowed to look at them until then.

Nov 15, 2013 grug250

ahhh yes i know the pair i looked at them 2 yeahs ago when i went there to get my first pair of scabs i was gonna go back a few weeks later and buy up all his soaps but i lost my job by then lol you are lucky i didn't get them :p..

and lol very sneaky

Nov 15, 2013 mcgrinder2011

I guess I AM lucky, and very, very sneaky

Nov 15, 2013 grug250

hahaha true that bro

Nov 18, 2013 mcgrinder2011

True. Very true.

Dec 5, 2013 grug250

hey bro being that those sylons are from blade school don't forget to replace the inner souls straight away....

Dec 7, 2013 mcgrinder2011

Thanks for the tip. I'll get right on that once I get mine about 18 days from now. DAMN THIS ANTICIPATION!!!XC
btw, do you know any place to get grind plates cheap cuz I am NOT buying them from bladeschool.

Dec 8, 2013 grug250

na man i don't know where to get any bladeschool doesn't have any either i was speaking to him about two weeks ago and he told me they are all gone he just doesn't update the site which sucks it gets peoples hopes up

Dec 12, 2013 mcgrinder2011

guess I'll just have to make my own then.

Dec 13, 2013 grug250

i'll keep an eye out for ya tho bro

Dec 13, 2013 mcgrinder2011


Dec 19, 2013 DirtyAdville420

There's still soaps out there. I hope they release a new line in 2014. I'll drop some pictures of mine when the Fedex guy gets here

Dec 22, 2013 mcgrinder2011

They're supposed to re-release the broadsides in 2014 and I'm hoping to get my idea for the glide in with them so I can say I invented a Soap shoe.

Dec 25, 2013 mcgrinder2011

the anticipation and waiting has paid off. I HAVE SYLONS!!! Grug was right about the soles having to be replaced. my insoles are crumbling a bit and I had to glue the outsole back to the body since it was partly torn off at the toe. otherwise my shoes are soooo comfy! and soaping in them does wonders compared to my old revolutions. I think I might try getting another pair once I save up enough.

Dec 26, 2013 grug250

sick as bro post some pics when you get a chance :)

Dec 26, 2013 mcgrinder2011

Will do, also, everyone was right about the BBKs. Lock-in is excellent and I like the large size. Didn't count on the soles crumbling apart a bit on me though. used hot glue as a temporary fix. Now I'm good to show these suckers off and soap all I want!
*soaper is cocky*

Dec 26, 2013 zelda


Dec 27, 2013 grug250

yeah bro the inner souls crumble because of the climate down here it sucks

Dec 27, 2013 grug250

lots of sylon love bro

Dec 27, 2013 mcgrinder2011

lots of love, these shoes are my babies!

Dec 28, 2013 mcgrinder2011

SOMEBODY HELP!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!

Dec 29, 2013 grug250

the same has started happening with my sylons mate is it at the front of the shoe?

Dec 29, 2013 zelda

The glue wore off, you use shoe goe to put it back on.

Dec 30, 2013 mcgrinder2011

It is at the front near the toe on both shoes, the upper outsole is coming off and is crumbling and falling off. I'm taking it to a shoe repair shop for restoration work. hopefully they'll get it fixed with new rubber AND keep the lower outsole with the plates.

Jan 10, 2014 LIGERZERO7

camaro126 ya they hold up pretty well.

Jan 13, 2014 mcgrinder2011

good to see yours are holding up well. give the soles some time though.

Feb 11, 2014 mcgrinder2011

DAMMIT I got the thing above the plate's position wrong! What's it called???

Feb 12, 2014 freesoaps

lol could you specify brotha?

Feb 12, 2014 mcgrinder2011

See the gray thing above the plate? That's what I'm talking about. I positioned it wrong so now it's higher than normal.

Mar 13, 2014 mcgrinder2011

FINALLY! I fixed them completely and they hold up great. Now all I need is some size 14 red BBKs and I'm good to go.

Mar 13, 2014 mcgrinder2011

So... Does anyone have some? Preferably new?

Apr 20, 2014 LIGERZERO7

I wish they had the other types of shoe goo in america... would've been so helpful. the soap o and the other spots above the plates are starting to tear again.

Apr 21, 2014 mcgrinder2011

I'd just recommend a midsole replacement. The Sylons' materials aren't that good considering mine tore to pieces after like 3 grinds after I got them. your choice though. btw, how is the Soap O ripping? is it just breaking off?

Apr 25, 2014 LIGERZERO7

I think they're good for now. I'll probably get a midsole replacement once they're unusable i guess? Anyway the closest shoe repair shop is like 2-3 hours away.

Apr 25, 2014 mcgrinder2011

They might not even be able to replace it though, that's what the guys at my shoe shop said. proved THEM wrong.

Sep 29, 2014 LIGERZERO7

So all colors of shoes aren't here right? Saw some bright blue sylons on ebay somewhere haha.

Sep 30, 2014 grug250

yeah thats true because i got a white pair no pics of them here

Nov 19, 2014 grug250

it says that the white ones came with stock uhf plates but my white ones came with bbk's

Nov 19, 2014 mcgrinder2011

Hmm. If only I were mod. I could fix that.

Nov 19, 2014 mcgrinder2011

Come to think of it, we could use a photo of the whites as well.

Nov 20, 2014 grug250

im gonna nsg derek again maybe he'll reply this time i doubt it tho

Nov 20, 2014 mcgrinder2011

I definitely doubt it, I messaged him a while back and he didn't reply at all.

Nov 21, 2014 grug250

it's a bit rude i think

Dec 3, 2014 grug250

travis's uncle and aunty sent me a pair of his nib Spectrum sylons i anit useing them the will be th center piece for my collection

Dec 4, 2014 mcgrinder2011

Ah man, those will be the perfect centerpiece bro. They're like a gift from Travis himself.

Dec 4, 2014 grug250

yeah true that bro i aint even gonna lace them im keeping them how they are

Dec 6, 2014 Waffle

I never really liked the look of he Sylons they just look a bit too default in my opinion

Dec 7, 2014 grug250

they arent the best looking but not the worst either lol but i must say the were light and comfy..
to bad the break

Dec 8, 2014 mcgrinder2011

Waay too bad... Good thing I fixed my own! Now I'm waiting for my ass to heal so I can get a good unity clip.

Maybe I'll just pull a cheesegrater instead.

Dec 8, 2014 grug250

well i cant do either of those lol

Dec 11, 2014 mcgrinder2011

Really? I'd think a unity would be easy for you. Ah well, I don't judge.

Maybe I'll get cheesegrater footage instead, I'm still a little scared of busting my ass again doing unities.

Dec 11, 2014 grug250

na i cant bro i kinda fucked my legs last month staacking my dirtbike

Dec 12, 2014 mcgrinder2011

ooh... that must really suck then. I'm sorry bro.

AANnd I can't fucking put the video out this week. and I just got good footage too!

Dec 12, 2014 grug250

sucked heaps bro ....and noooooooooooooooo hurry up lol

Dec 13, 2014 LIGERZERO7

Sucks that every time I fix these up with shoe goo the cracks get deeper and deeper :(

Dec 16, 2014 mcgrinder2011

That sucks bro.

And I'm sorry to tell everyone this, but my laptop's busted, again... (third fucking time this year) my wifi card's worn out so I'm gonna have to replace it. Should be a simple fix

Feb 17, 2015 LIGERZERO7

Finally got to a repair shop :D Won't have to keep repairing these every few weeks :D

Feb 17, 2015 Waffle


Feb 25, 2015 Waffle

These came with octane plate.

Mar 15, 2015 Waffle

These are sick. I have a pic of the gum ones with octane somewhere.

Nov 11, 2015 SuitandGrind

Wonderful shoe that performs exceptionally and looks great aesthetically. So glad I'm well stocked up on them; as there is (has been for sizes 10 and up) a great shoe drought coming with sizes 7-9 now disappearing.

Nov 11, 2015 Waffle

These with octanes are the shit1!

Jan 6, 2016 LIGERZERO7

No way one left in my size!!! Someone will probably grab them immediately...

Jan 7, 2016 Waffle

They break like Goa.

Jan 7, 2016 LIGERZERO7

If the midsole starts to rip, I just have to take the inside out and fill it with shoe goo. My sylons ripped and I just took it out since the shoe goo wasn't sticking but now it does. I was too late for the sides so they permanently have cracks on the sides. I went to a repair shop and told me they would have just cut the midsole completely and sew something on there but I wasn't too sure about it. Guess I might try it out next time.

Jan 7, 2016 LIGERZERO7

*just the inside was what I took out

Jan 12, 2016 LIGERZERO7

... Got sylons but they gave me a size smaller...

Mar 26, 2016 Novasoaper

selling a pair of size 9 spectrums

Jan 25, 2018 nktrain64

Rip I cant wear these because "Fall apart"

Aug 27, 2018 megamac

nk, lol.

Mar 10, 2019 LIGERZERO7

Really liked these, I wish the midsoles passed the test of time.

Mar 23, 2019 jeff

my only pair, midsoles almost completely shot.. RIP

Mar 27, 2019 LIGERZERO7

Haha I hear ya, one of the two pairs of soaps I have with brake pads, that other being the boltar which is also busted. Would be nice to have mine back in action for those brake pads if I ever get decent enough for steeper rails
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