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Grindplate: Slo Bro

The Soap Warp has got some serious futuristic styling. The Warps are lower cut than most previous Soap models. Soap Warps also have excellent comfort levels. Standard grind plates for the Soap Warps are the replacable Slo Bro plates. Finally, the Warps come with a stylish color gradient.

-black / grey

Sizes: 3-14

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Mar 7, 2006 Mart


Apr 7, 2006 pballer917

how much do they cost

Apr 7, 2006 soaphoax

Apr 7, 2006 soaphoax

i agree how much du they cost?

Apr 8, 2006 Surfaced

Uhh...they aren't out. They never came out.

Apr 17, 2006 AnthoFlex

Dude....why the fuck do they show the shits if they never came out?! SOme of us actually like these "Never Borns"

Apr 18, 2006 Louis

"serious futuristic styling"? Does everyone in the future wear butt ugly shoes or something? Hey, i thought everyone in the future had to wear a unfiform, i hope this isnt part of it

May 18, 2006 Jard39

hey i think they look kind of cool!

May 18, 2006 Surfaced

Well.. obviously most people didn't.

May 18, 2006 Jard39

so i would have bought 5

May 20, 2006 chip

thay cist about 70$

May 20, 2006 Louis

well actually they dont cost anything because they were never released..........

May 20, 2006 Jard39

good point

Jun 2, 2006 teamhoax

look nice in white..Lokks like your walking on X box's ion black though

Jun 2, 2006 AnthoFlex

Oh man i didnt even see those white ones....wow, they are kool

Jun 2, 2006 James

Yeah they are pretty cool...personally I think all shoes that have Slo-Bros look awesome.

Jun 2, 2006 Mart

The white ones do look alot nicer. White Slo Bros would have looked dope though

Jul 3, 2006 Rick

Looks like something Nike would've put out on the high end back a few years.

Aug 10, 2006 snickahz

chip is an idiot. cost $70 when it was unreleased. haha

Aug 26, 2006 SigmaPoe

these would be 70 dollors if release but since they weren't we don't have to worry about that and these things are ugly

Nov 4, 2006 Kile

i dont liek these shoes but i love
the grind-plates. Does any one sell
them on ebay ?

Nov 4, 2006 AnthoFlex

I love the white ones

Nov 4, 2006 Krammit

Kile, they were never released.

Nov 4, 2006 Kile

not the shoe itself the grind-plate
damn are you retarded ?

Nov 5, 2006 Krammit

Alright smart ass, they don't sell the plates on ebay either, try looking before asking. Not that hard to type "slo bro" or "replaceable grind plate" in ebay unless your a total idiot.

Nov 5, 2006 matrix8967

wow, you guys are mean to each other...just chill out...


Nov 5, 2006 AnthoFlex

Yo, Krammit, clam down, Kile, you too

Nov 5, 2006 Krammit

Throwing offense at a perfectly normal comment, is something I don't appriciated, I was technically liable to flip.

Nov 5, 2006 Kile

yo dude shut your damn mouth.
I was just asking, got a problem with
that. And yeh ur the idiot not me

Nov 5, 2006 matrix8967

wow, again, stop being mellow-dramatic, just calm down, this place is about soaps, not fighting. We're the last of a dying (but soon to be rising) breed.

Now to get back on topic, what size shoe do you wear, I might be able to hook you up with some slo-bro's kile


Nov 5, 2006 AnthoFlex

If you guys are going to continue your fight, take it to the forum, stop wasting space here....


Nov 5, 2006 Kile

oo hey alex i wear size 10-11-12
but if you cna hook me up with some
i would greatly appreciate this.

Nov 7, 2006 Kile

if you could hook me with with sum slo-bros
how much would you want for them ?

Nov 7, 2006 matrix8967

I don't know give me some time to talk to HSL and all that...make a forum thread...stop wasting space here...


Nov 8, 2006 Curtinator

These look nice.

Nov 28, 2006 dudeman

shield yur eyes!!!

Apr 17, 2007 RamenRadio

I'd like a apir of these in white, they look pretty kick ass

Apr 17, 2007 pepsi

yeah lol, they look kinda like..futuristic, but in a good way :), and the things are glowy :O

Apr 21, 2007 Tasslehoff

SWEET!!!!!!!!! dude, a STOCK slo-bro plate?? id kill for these!!!

Apr 21, 2007 AnthoFlex


right at the top

Apr 21, 2007 Mart

Tons of shoes came stock with Slo Bros dude

Apr 21, 2007 rhinoskater30

Scorcher 2: Rise of the Slo Bro Plate
That's my idea.

Apr 21, 2007 Surfaced

What? Scorcher 2?

Apr 21, 2007 rhinoskater30

i was only kidding, if they made a scorcher 2, i thought it might look like this

Apr 21, 2007 kobansora

I don't like it.


Apr 22, 2007 Surfaced

It probably wouldn't look like this with "Scorcher" in its name.

Apr 22, 2007 Tasslehoff

actually mart, the only SOAP shoe released with a slo-bro grind plate were the vectors. the other two went unreleased.

Apr 22, 2007 AnthoFlex

Really? hmmmm, then how about:

The Scab
The Septum
The Clean

Those came stock with Slobros

Apr 23, 2007 Surfaced

Tasslehoff, if you took a good look at the shoe database, you'd see the shoes that came stock with them. Apparently we all know this except you, and it's not difficult to learn.

Don't try to correct people like Mart. You're only going to made a fool of.

Apr 23, 2007 Surfaced

I'll add this to eliminate some confusion, the Scab and the Clean were rereleased a few years after their original debut, and that's when they came with Slo-Bros.

Apr 23, 2007 Tasslehoff

Im SICK of shit like this. so im new to SOAPs. so what? maybe im a little uneducated. so just tell me im wrong and why and SHUT THE FUCK UP! CONVERSATION OVER!!!!

Apr 24, 2007 adamblock

i thought cleans had uhf originals or whatever that normal one is.

Apr 24, 2007 SonicSoaper

They did.

Apr 24, 2007 kobansora

Way to freak out, Tasslehoff. Eh, you SHOULD do a bit of research before doing much else though.


Apr 24, 2007 Tasslehoff

sorry, its just Im one of the smartest kids in my school, but im also the most individual, so ALOT of people hate me. and they jump at every chance they get to basically boast that im wrong, then I get a book, read an article on the specific subject, realize that im wrong, and then the whole school shits on me for the next 2 weeks. not to mention my little sister is retarded (litterally) and thinks that she has to compete with me for the love of my parents. so I dont get almost any breaks.

p.s. I actually DID check every shoe on the shoe tab of this site, but I had a few typos in my reply.

Aug 20, 2007 greenfire8484

thanx for that...

Sep 25, 2007 AnthoFlex

Blue Slobros look the best on the white warps, as opposed to the stock black slobro on it

Sep 25, 2007 Page645

yo renny watch ur back cuz ima shank u for ur warps :P

*comes up behind anthoflex with an 8 in survival knife*

Feb 13, 2008 rhinoskater30

i must say, these are sweet

Feb 14, 2008 AnthoFlex

They are, they are some of the best looking soaps in my opinion. especially the black ones

Feb 14, 2008 Kain

meh...........they're ok. I like plain soaps better.....like cleans.

Feb 14, 2008 Revengasaur

I'm gonna have to go with you Kain... these things ain't got no alibi.

Feb 14, 2008 rhinoskater30

i agree with renny. maybe the white ones could be for girls. idk

Feb 14, 2008 Spano565

If you don't like the clor then spraypaint um they turn out realy nice that's what i do

Feb 14, 2008 Kain

Colors are fine....I just don't like the way the patterns are arranged

Dec 28, 2009 Brad

These look pretty cool imo. If they had been released I'd try and get me some.

Dec 28, 2009 Timuukun

Ditto. All the more reason to try and get through to HSL, huh?

Dec 28, 2009 Brad

Haha, yup ;P

Dec 28, 2009 sylonbroadsides

these were only made in size 9's, all proto's come in a size 9

Feb 8, 2012 wyattpeterson

these and the ninja's are so sick looking : P

Apr 26, 2013 Revengasaur

I need some of these ugly turds.

Jan 10, 2018 grug250

I have a pair of these they are dope

Jan 25, 2018 megamac

Greg, do they have a polyurethane midsole?

Feb 5, 2018 grug250

Unfortunately yes they do

May 28, 2019 grug250

I wish I could wear these
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