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How to Grind Rails
Jan 7, 2002 by broox

scooter writes, "Hey everyone! I just turned 13 on January 5 and for my birthday I got a new pair of Blue Srochers. I've never grinded in my life and now I can do benches and curbs, but can't do rails. I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to grind handrails? And yes, I'm a girl."

broox adds: Sweet, a girl soaper. I think that an easy way to begin is to do a hand plant on the rail while trying to get onto it. once you're comfortable with this, you can start jumping onto them. You can see an example of this at the end of the Iowa City video.

Jul 11, 2007 robz20

i only grind with bikes and dirtboards and skateboards

Jul 11, 2007 Altman

....Then why are you here?

Jul 11, 2007 Megashadow77

........yeah, for real. And why did you bump up this 5 year old post?
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