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New Solid Grind Shirts?
Dec 4, 2006 by broox

What would yall think of some new solidgrind shirts? I've been kicking the idea around lately, but I want to make sure there is interest before having them printed up.

The new shirts will be much less "advertisey." I'm thinking about a green shirt with the black soaper on it (featured to your left). It might say SolidGrind somewhere on the shirt, but it won't be the primary graphic...

Let me know what you think. I'm definitely open to design ideas. If there's enough people interested, I'll print them and sell them for just enough to cover the cost.

Dec 4, 2006 Curtinator

I'm in for it. Thatd be awesome.

Dec 4, 2006 Slidey

Totally amazing idea, I want now lol. just make sure you can get them to the UK and it won't b super expensive, I think everyone will want one, and i need more green shirts

Dec 4, 2006 SSMikey

wikid, u gotta get me one, that wud be awesome
not too sure about the green though maybe black backround and red writing.

Dec 4, 2006 broox

eh, too many shirts are black with red writing

Dec 4, 2006 Slidey

I agree with derek, try blue jeans and green shirt, that always looks awesome

Dec 4, 2006 SSMikey

I guess so how about black and white or white backround and red writing.wat bout dat

Dec 4, 2006 SSMikey

do you have msn? lol

Dec 4, 2006 SSMikey

only jokin.

Dec 4, 2006 Kile

excellent idea i would deffinatly buy some, maybe mix the colors up like purple and yellow, green and black, blue and yellow, orange white and black.

Dec 4, 2006 JVilleSoaper

yea make it really stand out so plp see who we are and what we do
ill buy one for sure

Dec 4, 2006 AnthoFlex

what do i think? i think, HELL FUCKING YEA! i would rep that shirt all over my school, I dunt even think that should be a question, i think all of us here would buy one....and us spreading the word, you'll have maaaaaaaaad customers

Dec 4, 2006 matrix8967

pft, broox are you kiddin? I'd buy like 3 of em...they'd make excellent x-mas gifts. do it


Dec 4, 2006 Sigma

I'm definitely in... sounds like a great idea.

Dec 4, 2006 100rings

ya man that would be freakin sweet, if you get some would you post it on the main page so ill know?

Dec 4, 2006 shdook

I will buy one as soon as you make them, green with the black soaper sounds awsome. Let me know when you make them I will defintley buy one.

Dec 4, 2006 Kru

I'll throw up some ideas.

Green and yellow would be sweeter.. let it stand out amoungst itself. have a little "solidgrind.com" on the back at the top so you have to be close to read it. Then have a line around the entire shirt and on the front not center would be the soaper on the line (being a rail) . this way people would wonder what the other side of the shirt looks like..

Dec 5, 2006 AnthoFlex

*cough Jamacian colors *cough, im not jamacian....Sorry to flame you there Kru

Dec 5, 2006 SonicSoaper

I think those shirts would be awesome. It'd be an even better way to spread the good word.

Dec 5, 2006 JVilleSoaper

BROOX in other words
YESSSSSS make the shirts and announce it on here then sell them
i would say after u make them u should sell them all to Trevor so trevor could put them on sonicandpals.com
then evryone doesnt have to worry about scams or nothin and we know where to go and order the shirts

Dec 5, 2006 mnsoaperns

Frankly Derek im surprised that you even had to ask if we would be interested, most people who post really are working hard and doing there part to bring soap back the T shirts are a great idea and would be a great xmas gift for any soaper. but I guess you asked because its something to do with you own personal cash, never can be to careful

Dec 5, 2006 AnthoFlex

I have already submitted this idea to Derek

Dec 5, 2006 AnthoFlex

Dec 5, 2006 JVilleSoaper

thats a kik ass lookin T AnthoFlex has there

Dec 6, 2006 Jard39

ill definatly get one maybe two if there under $20

Dec 6, 2006 shdook

Thats my t-shirt it origianly looked better but the tranfer paper stuck so i had to leave some white on.

Dec 6, 2006 broox

the design idea i had is very similar to anthoflex's, however it won't have the soap logo due to copyright issues.

Dec 6, 2006 shdook

I will still denfintly buy one when you make them.

Dec 6, 2006 Slidey

so when do u think they will be made Derek?
I can't wait dude

Dec 6, 2006 SonicSoaper

Hell if he can get themout before the 25th then it's Merry Soapin Christmas!

Dec 6, 2006 snikas

great idea id would buy a hole bunch!

Dec 8, 2006 mrgrind

Id buy one

Dec 9, 2006 SonicSoaper

One more thing, you should make a black shirt with a green Soaper.

Dec 12, 2006 broox

what are your sizes?

Dec 12, 2006 AnthoFlex

OOOOH MAN, reading that gave me a chill down my spine, haha, HES GETTING THE SHIRTS! WHOOHOO XL for me dude

Dec 12, 2006 AnthoFlex

How about we just put our Sizes down only? For example:

XL - AnthoFlex

Dec 13, 2006 SonicSoaper

Medium - SonicSoaper

Dec 13, 2006 Slidey

Medium - Slidey

Dec 13, 2006 shdook

medium- Shdook

Dec 13, 2006 ksaxdm6


Dec 14, 2006 Slidey

How much would it cost, because my mum wants to buy my little bro one but she doesn't know whether it will be worth it.

Dec 14, 2006 Mart

If you do black with a green graphic, make mine a medium

Dec 14, 2006 mnsoaperns

L - mnsoaperns
I do like Mart's idea but im fine either way.

Dec 16, 2006 SPSR


i'll probably buy 2

Dec 17, 2006 Jard39

im a large

Dec 19, 2006 blakeashake

Large - blakeashake

Dec 21, 2006 Slidey

Any idea on the cost of an XS one yet?

Dec 29, 2006 DemonGrinder

Dat would b well kl u could make a shrt with da griner like u said and on the back get ppl 2 ask wat txt day would want on it with a limate on haw meany words 2 save money

Dec 29, 2006 Louis

put me down for a medium...sorry i mean:

M - Louis

Dec 29, 2006 AnthoFlex

yo DemonGrinder, you'll ge tit the way they come....

Dec 29, 2006 Slidey

shuush lol, hes NEW 2 this, and anyways I just told him about that after he posted.

Dec 29, 2006 matrix8967

well...if anyone is taking sizes...i'm a small...


Dec 30, 2006 Locke

Holy hells, I need to check this site more often. That's a jawesome idea. It'd definitly help raise Soap's popularity quite a bit.

Dec 30, 2006 Mart

How on earth would this 'raise Soap's popularity'? There won't be any Soap logo on it, and nobody with half an ounce of dignity would go up to someone wearing this tee and say 'omfg dudez wat iz dat tite shert al abowt init LOLZ'

Dec 30, 2006 AnthoFlex

Thats what i thought too....but come on, its a Solidgrind t-shirt! I always wanted one

Dec 30, 2006 SonicSoaper

Yeah. Always so negativo, man.

Dec 30, 2006 Go2Crew

Hey Derek,
Count me in. Two XL's, please.

Jan 6, 2007 siuol7

i would get one size L

Jan 6, 2007 snikas

how much are they goin for $$ wise

Jan 6, 2007 livinloud08

i definetly want one. how much are they going to be?

Jan 6, 2007 livinloud08

i'll take 2 meduims

Jan 6, 2007 snikas

whats is it gonna $$ wise

Jan 6, 2007 chip

ok i can use a new soape shirt were would we grt it thow

Jan 10, 2007 siuol7

if these are going to be less then 40 bucks i'll use the rest of my christmas money

Jan 10, 2007 siuol7

and i need a green shirt to match a hat i have
it seems that nothing matches a green hat

Jan 14, 2007 Kile

Sorry to say but this is never going to work

Jan 14, 2007 snikas

kyle dont be a nerd man. Hey broox when you make the shirts dont give kile one ok. im only kidding kyle i think broox would give one to you. or maby not i could be wrong. ??

Jan 14, 2007 Kile

i said its never going to work because broox obviously does not care. if he cared he would have commented all these people back answering their information. but no, get the picture james ? i could care less if i didnt get one. James call me and come over

Jan 14, 2007 AnthoFlex

Dude.....damn Kyle....Did you ever think for ONCE, that MAYBE he is figuring out a design for the shirts? or that MAYBE he's looking for a place to get them done?

dude, You and Snikas, please think before you comment

Jan 14, 2007 Mart

Derek 'doesn't care', he's a very busy guy; I asked him about this a week or so ago and he said he's been too busy to look into this more

Jan 14, 2007 AnthoFlex

there ya go

Jan 14, 2007 AnthoFlex

oops, i guess i was wrong then :p

Jan 14, 2007 snikas

AnthoFlex. i dont know what your talking about. i havent sayed any thing to sart anything. correct me if im wrong but i havent siad any thing bad since that heelys thing. but i could be wrong. so if i am im sorry

Jan 14, 2007 AnthoFlex

just leave it alone dude, its cool

Jan 14, 2007 snikas

alright cool

Jan 14, 2007 snikas

hey broox when you get the time try www.creodo.com. they could make shirts for you. so when you get the time check it out its pretty cool.

Jan 25, 2007 RamenRadio

I would like at least one please. x-large ^_^

Jan 25, 2007 ordnanceflint91

XL for me ordnanceflint91

Jan 26, 2007 RamenRadio

Anything yet about the price?

Jan 26, 2007 SonicSoaper

Dude, he ain't making em.

Feb 14, 2007 cherryman696966

so what ever happened to these shirts?

Feb 14, 2007 RamenRadio

yeah, broox never said himself he wasn't making them

Feb 14, 2007 cherryman696966

but were they made? i haven't seen broox on the site in a while

Feb 14, 2007 RamenRadio

Broox hasn't logged into solidgrind in AGES!!! What's going on?

Feb 14, 2007 shdook

These were not made, but there were blue solidgrind shirts you can see in pictures on this sitem and in the saint louis demo.

Mar 18, 2007 Slidey

I'm pretty down that these wern't made. It would have been soo cool to have one...

Mar 29, 2007 Slider388

yeah.. I would og ordered 3 or somethin... I mean look at everybody who would have got one...

Mar 29, 2007 RamenRadio

Such a shame

Jul 13, 2007 Kile

how about this will never work either way forget it lol

Jul 13, 2007 LVsoaper12

i go with kile it won't work

Aug 31, 2007 juno

Broox. DO IT

Aug 31, 2007 juno

Broox. DO IT

Sep 9, 2007 greenfire8484

juno, I'm pretty sure he abandoned the idea a while back. And be careful with the double-clicking.

Sep 9, 2007 greenfire8484

oops, that was a while back. Not a while, but... anyway. Late reply. My bad.

Mar 14, 2008 wyattpeterson

yessss! i would buy one

Apr 4, 2008 afrogunso


Apr 4, 2008 afrogunso

aw man I guess he isnt making em... I do needs me some soap shirts

Apr 4, 2008 wyattpeterson

go to the shop @ sssoapshop.com

Dec 14, 2008 dlynch

!!!!!!!!!!!!!I want a shirt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dec 2, 2009 Brad

!!!!!!!!!!!!!I want a shirt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dec 3, 2009 sylonbroadsides

haha I'll try to bump up the threat for the stickers and shirts guys

Dec 3, 2009 jackswhack

iwant 1

Dec 4, 2009 Brad

Stickers and shirts would be raaad.

Dec 6, 2009 sylonbroadsides

yeah dude we'll see, email me if you ever wanna know what's up

Dec 6, 2009 Brad

if it concerns soap, i always want to know whats up.
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