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Win Free Soaps
Nov 19, 2003 by derek

mike writes, "Soap is giving away a free pair of shoes each month, check it out here."

derek adds: Might as well enter. And tell all your friends!

Nov 19, 2003 Benji

Its been there for a long time, but i never hear about anyone wining.
Has anybody on this site won?
and how about the bizo's free giveaways, Are they still doing that?

Nov 19, 2003 Smokey

Bizo's are so cheap, they're almost free anyway.

Nov 19, 2003 derek

cause they're crap, ha. i won a couple pairs of them. they're worse than the old school grindplates.

good for flat grinds only, no lockon, etc.

Nov 19, 2003 dunk

Yeah, I had a pair too. They worked well for torqued stuff.

Infact, I wore them today... never again.

Nov 19, 2003 Mart

I 'won' a pair too. They never came

Nov 19, 2003 Smokey

Hey, don't be dissin' the old schools. They performed well for me.

Nov 20, 2003 Mart

And you've all seen Ryan's royales... seriously man, I have no idea how you do that with those plates

Nov 20, 2003 zeek309

hey me too!

Nov 20, 2003 Smokey

lots and lots of really torqued backslides on ledges. It wore in a verrrry deep groove.

Nov 23, 2003 fordy

royalle grooves is my sylons middle name. so much so that they won't slide for shit anymore. so, whos buying me new plates then?

Nov 24, 2003 Marc

I entered.. and yea.. bizo's suck.. but anyway.. has anyone even won a pair? no one really answered the question..(About the soaps.. not the bizos)

Nov 24, 2003 Joey

Do they have anything like this in the UK?

Nov 24, 2003 fordy

anything like what?

Nov 24, 2003 Mart

There isn't a UK soap site
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Derek Brooks hittin a Cheese Grater
Ryan hittin a Royale
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