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Worst Problem You've Ever Had with Security?
May 16, 2001 by alexei

mikro writes "hey guys, was wondering what was the worst problem you've ever had with security? ..have you ever had serious problems with authority or something like that? For me, there's that one time when five of us were doing a rail on a main street in the city at 1 o'clock am..and a police car stopped and the guy asked us what we were doing but he didn't believe all the grinding story. So he made another police car came and soon enough there were 5 police officers and we had to talk with them for like 15 minutes. It wasn't until the guy asked me to prove him I was doing that by grinding the rail. I went up and did the rail in front of 5 police officers, it was a small kink landed it perfectly, the 5 police officers got back in their cars and we never saw them after.. It was one of the best day in my life :)"
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