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WHo should be team Captain?
Feb 12, 2007 by RamenRadio

Trevor Fayas and like every other Soaper want either Renny, or Dario to be team captain. What to the people of solidgrind think? Post your thoughts here.

Dario, you are an awesome guy, but I'm going to choose Renny. This is because, when I first started soaping, I LOVED IT. I loved the feeling and everything else more than I have loved anything else. However, I felt like I was in love with something that was dying. I mean, my sylons were discontinued, and plates are no longer made, and I wondered what I would do if all three pairs of my shoes and plates wore out. However, with the A-Sides being made and with such success with all the hard work Renny has done, I have to vote for Renny. He's the person that saved the thing that I love most in this world from dying. Thanks so much Renny, for all that you have done. I'd recommend you for A soap devision in HSL to arrange for all the kinds of soaps shoes to be made if possible. Thanks again


Feb 12, 2007AnthoFlex

Oh shit.....wow o.O

Thanx dude, i dunno what to say...its an honor..thank you

So this post is about people being voted to be the Team Captain?

Feb 12, 2007RamenRadio

Yes it is ^^
I think that peopel on solid grind should speak up about who should be Team Captain. Let the votes come tumbling in!

Feb 12, 2007mgm

Team captin of what?

Feb 12, 2007Slidey

Actually, thats a great idea! Renny has the spirit to inspire everyone to get better. I don't know what the REALLY good soapers will think about it though...

Feb 12, 2007davebellair

team captain of what?

Feb 12, 2007AnthoFlex

Team Soap

Feb 12, 2007cherryman696966

like the soap team as in HSL sponsored? i though derek brooks was captain of it.

Feb 12, 2007davebellair

yeh man lol, what the hell r u guys on about? a team already exsists. frankly ive never seen any of ur guys skills, can you actually hit a handrail?

Feb 12, 2007RamenRadio

davebellair, if you have nothing nice to say, just don't talk. Seriously, stop trying to make everything we do impossible. And like you said, you have never seen any of our skills (how about checking the pictures that we have? Are you serious? Are you even looking at anything here, or are you just dissing everything we do?) Sorry everyone, but I don't like it when people talk trash for no reason, and he kinda made me mad the last time he did it.

Feb 12, 2007AnthoFlex

Umm actually, there really ISNT a Team Soap anymore. So, when Soapshoes finally does come back, they are going to need a new team.

And i guess thats where this thread came in

Feb 12, 2007ordnanceflint91

yup Renny, thats where we come in and get on the Soap Team

Feb 12, 2007davebellair

trash trash trash. good luck with it all.

Feb 12, 2007ordnanceflint91

davebellair, why dont you just leave solidgrind.com? ur no help and all you do is hate so do us and yourself a favor and get off solidgrind

Feb 12, 2007RamenRadio

thanks ordnanceflint91 for saying something about it. I didn't want to feel like the only one saying it lol.
But yeah, davebellair, just leave. Why don't you go make out with a pair of torches or something. I don't give a crap about your stupid ass dissing, but I have too much respect for solidgrind to say some of the stuff I would say to you (and I wouldn't say "make out" for one thing) So shut the hell up. You should show some respect that actually do things with their lives. All you do is make fun of the people that have done a damn good job with helping get soap back into the eyes of the people again. What have you done? I bet just play with some torches.

Feb 12, 2007ordnanceflint91

RamenRadio, yeah i speak my mind even if it means i hurt someones feelings, but when it comes to haters i dont care...Me and Renny have worked our asses off with promoting Soap Shoes and we both have been doing our best to get something going again and even us trying to get on the Soap Team...but you Davebellair, ur of no help at all. keep your smart ass remarks to yourself and go be a fan boy of whatever you like. but we are here to keep Soap ALIVE!!!! you must not care but that dont mean the rest of us dont. we car alot about Soap Shoes and we WILL get Soap Shoes big AGAIN!!

Feb 12, 2007RamenRadio

Exactly. Now I apologize to everyone on solidgrind and anyone that does like heelys (I did overreact a little, but god damn, davebellair had to shut the hell up). So I think we have gone off-topic enough with him, I recommend that we just ignore him unless he gets banned for harassing the users on solidgrind. But lets get back on topic, I think Renny is a great choice for team captain. That's my vote. Who does everyone else think the best choice is? Dario, or Renny?

Feb 12, 2007AnthoFlex

yea, sorry to say it Dave, but ur no help. Do us a favor and leave Solidgrind, or shut the hell up....simple as that

Feb 12, 2007AnthoFlex

and by the way, you wanna see my skills you shit? Wait until i release my Sponsor vid. And you ALSO forget all the stuff i've done for Soapshoes. So Dave, you can either take it like a man and apologize, or go jerk off

Feb 12, 2007RamenRadio

Yeah, don't make fun of the people that actually did stuff, and deserve respect for it. Don't act like you own HSL or anything, cause your just a depressed piece of garbage. You make a diss about ANYONE again, and I'll make it so that you wake up to find all your heelys' wheels cracked or shattered (that was meant for you only, not for ANYONE else with heelys)

Feb 12, 2007SonicSoaper

....Anyway, RENNY FOR PRESIDENT!.....I mean captain. If there's going to be a new official Team Soap then it looks like me and the E.O.B. boys are going to have to push it to the limit. And Dave, shut the fuck up. Seriously man, you're like some sort of pissed off skater or something.

Feb 12, 2007davebellair

ouch u guys really dont like things being ashaken up do you,i made ONE comment and ur carrying on like i slept with your mom! "leave, leave now, fuck off, shut the hell up!!"
seriously though, get a grip guys and stop taking shit so seriously! Perhaps ur not old enuff to realise but u cant make a judgement about a person from reading one sentence they write on an internet forum.
As for Soap captain/president/whatever, just remember why u do this shit. Fuck the politics, forget about the fame and go out and have some fun for once,thats wat soaps are all about RIGHT?

Feb 12, 2007RamenRadio

This is me ignoring you.

Anyway, that's two votes Renny, none for Dario. :(
Come on people, lets get a voting!

Feb 12, 2007davebellair

this is me telling you to grow up

Feb 12, 2007RamenRadio

How about you grow up and learn not to diss people that should be respected? I never judged you on a sentence, I never judged you period. And it was a lot more than one sentence, you said stuff all over the forum. So either say something nice, or just shut up. I'm not saying it again. SHUT UP! This thread is for voting, not for your defense trial. Go to some other forum if you want to do that.

The count is 2 votes Renny, and 0 Dario.

Feb 12, 2007AnthoFlex

Time out time out.

Let this thread die.....its waaaaaaaaaaay too early to start talking about a new captain.

Feb 12, 2007AnthoFlex

NO votes for anybody!


Feb 12, 2007RamenRadio

Yeah, no one is posting in this thread yet. I think Dario should get a lot more votes than 0!

Feb 12, 2007AnthoFlex


this isnt a contest

Feb 12, 2007AnthoFlex

when the time comes, then we can discuss it

Feb 13, 2007SonicSoaper

.....Daaaayyymn. Seriously, let's just forget about this topic and as far as Soaping for money or fame, you're sadly mistaken.

Feb 13, 2007Surfaced

A-Sides aren't being made yet. Chances are with HSLs current stance it still won't happen (for all we know, they threw out the dyes and molds years ago). It could happen though, despite the odds. People will get angry at me if i demolish their hope.

As for voting... count me out... not something I feel I should be doing.

Feb 13, 2007AnthoFlex

Nope, they still have it. Steve told me
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