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SOAP Demos are on!!
Feb 14, 2007 by SapAuthor

I just got word from Steve, and HSL has agreed to give us size 8-12 demo shoes for NYSC, plus they sent all the rest of their Promo stuff to Dario to use in the Demos! Things are starting to look up, expeically thanks to all the hard work Renny did in getting this thing going. Thanks Anthoflex!

We are still working out the details, but we have shoes on the way (still may take a wee bit of time to arrive) but they are on their way! Wootzers!!

Feb 14, 2007ordnanceflint91

damn that kicks ass...jus wish i could be at the demo but im way too far away... good luck on the demo and have fun with it

Feb 14, 2007RamenRadio

YES!!!!!!!!!! Awesome, I can't wait to get going to the demo! So exciting!!!

Feb 14, 2007AnthoFlex

Just to let everyone know, Im STILL not releasing the the demo spot. I will release the date as soon as it becomes available.

about 2 1/2 weeks before the demo i will release where it is gonna be

But dunt despair my friends, after school today, im going to head over to the demo spot and take pictures so you guys can see what this place is all about

Feb 14, 2007RamenRadio

Schweeet. Just so I'm all caught up, the date hasn't been released yet, right?

Feb 14, 2007SapAuthor

if this goes well, maybe HSL will be willing to get us another demo set so we can get them in different locations once we get more serious SOAPers like Renny, Trey D, and others. Anyways, like we've been doing this, one step at a time. let's get the shoes in Renny's hands and then set the date.

Feb 14, 2007AnthoFlex


Feb 14, 2007SonicSoaper

And let's hope the weather clears up for this thing. It's been friggin Satan's Armpit out there for too long now. Can't wait to get directions for the demo. *sigh* Until then...
Google Earth,
Gooooogle Earrrrrth.
*hides under a table* I'll come out when they're gone.

Feb 14, 2007AnthoFlex

until what is gone?

Feb 14, 2007RamenRadio

I don't know. But I don't know what you are talking about AJ. Today was pretty serious, but it hasn't been very bad at all...

Feb 14, 2007ordnanceflint91

i just talked to a friend of mine that owns a skatepark/shop and he is willing to do a demo there at his shop and help me with it. we just gotta find a way to get some shoes to use...and he is also considering trying to become a soap dealer again

Feb 15, 2007matrix8967

I wish I could be there man. I'm there in spirit.


Feb 15, 2007AnthoFlex

back to top

Feb 15, 2007shdook

OH MY GOD!!! The lady from xtreme wheels got a reply back to me and said she WOULD LOVE the idea of a grind shoe demo. She told me to call her phone tommorow.

Feb 15, 2007AnthoFlex

xtreme wheels?.....she probably thinks they are Heelys

Feb 15, 2007AnthoFlex

anyway, the only demos going on now are going to be NYCS demos.

Because noone else is:

1. either on the team

2. They are either to lazy, or just dunt wanna do a demo

Feb 15, 2007shdook

no its a skateboarding place, i even clearly said THESE ARE NOT HEELYS.

Feb 15, 2007shdook

in the email that is

Feb 15, 2007ordnanceflint91

Renny does that mean that there is no way i can get a demo going here where i live?

Feb 15, 2007matrix8967

i'd like to help with a demo in little rock...if it's possible. I'd talk to the people i need to talk to. hell i'd peddle my ass if i had to lol. jk


Feb 15, 2007shdook

no you could still get a demo where you live.

Feb 15, 2007ordnanceflint91

well i have a place to do it at a friends skatepark. he also used to sell soaps back in the day. he said he would help me do a demo if its possible. he is also interested in selling soaps again
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