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New SSS Site also up, and SSS Shop on Soapshoes.com
Apr 13, 2007 by SapAuthor

Okay, this was around the 10th (my birthday), but the new SSS site is up, with the SSS sections attached.

Also, although HSL won't let us put the new version of the site up, they did finally put up a link to our shop (2nd one from the top, SSS SOAP shop) on soapshoes.com under buy online.

Also, the soaps.sonicandpals.com link is working.

So if you got stickers, you can start handing htem out, just tell them to go to the buy online, although we are 2nd, we are the only one that has all sizes and at the lowest cost (although rollerwarehouse is going to stock all sizes soon)

Apr 13, 2007Surfaced

hmm.... if Roller Warehouse stocks them, then gotswag.com certainly will also. They are run owned by the same people.

Apr 13, 2007adamblock

Speaking of stickers, where can we get some stickers?

Apr 14, 2007AnthoFlex

Come to the demo, we will be giving them out

to all you sticker whores haha

Apr 14, 2007Ohanzee

gaa... i cant make it to New York.... im on the opposite side of the country!

Apr 14, 2007SapAuthor

lol Steve and I are looking at getting more stickers, but we have to buy in bulk, and it's costly >.> like 500 bucks for 10,000 expensive.

Apr 14, 2007Mart

You think five cents a sticker is expensive? Sounds like a bargain to me

Apr 15, 2007SonicSoaper

In buisness sense it might be but I'd like to see someone crap out five c-notes and say it was nothing. You gotta play to get paid.

Apr 16, 2007SapAuthor

Yeah mart, 5 cents a sticker isn't bad, but in order to get 5 cents, we have to buy in bulk. And plus, we need to determine what amoutn of stickers will be needed, if the ends will justify the means, etc.

Plus, we don't make a ton of money, neitehr me renny nor steve. Right now this is almost charity work, selling htem so low to get the name back out there. Luckily neither of us really depend on the shoe for living lol, so to it's just a little extra cash , with the awesome bonus of keeping the SOAP shoes in supply and out there again.

Apr 16, 2007Mart

Oh for sure, I'm not saying that $500 is pocket money, but if you can scrape that kinda cash together then you could see it as an investment; 10,000 stickers would last you years. Have you shopped around for different rates, or is this HSL giving you another huge incentive not to do it?

Apr 16, 2007AnthoFlex

HSL said they have No plans to continue production of stickers or shirts without some re-assurance.

so basically, whats left is whats left, until we can get them to make more.

For awhile now Trev and I have been looking around for places to make stickers and such.

Its kind of a bitch though, especially with Demo preparations and all (May 26th, 2007).

As we speak im getting transportation info and MUCH MUCH more to put as a Solidgrind post, Myspace bulliten, and to replace the current "EVENTS" tab on the Flashes. So its busy busy busy, but we'll get it done

well, back to work, : )

Apr 16, 2007AnthoFlex

Now i need to get MORE waivers printed.

i also need to get order forms printed...

as you guys probably guessed, this stuff is the real deal

Apr 17, 2007SapAuthor

Mart, HSL won't help out much at all lol. So advertising wise, we are pretty much on our own. And as for the 10,000 lasting years, dunno, maybe. I have about 250 and it's only a small stack, and we want to spread these stickers around a lot, but like i said it's hard cuz we are almost putting more money into the shoes than we are getting back, most of this of course is initial costs. I guess it's more of an investiment, just got to make sure it's a good one.

as for shopping around, not really, i don't have much time but this was from one company. Maybe we should make only like 5000 or 1000 for starters or soemthing, mroe per sticker but less initially, and see how it works, see if it would be worth investing more.

I'm just glad I took my business classes in highschool, really prepared me for all of this. Not to mention my e-commerce competitions.
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