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im getting soaps!
May 23, 2007 by iwantsoapshoes

im getting boltars in cobalt blue, with a replacable bbk grindplate, is that any good?

May 23, 2007Mart

Boltars are a very solid shoe, very versatile and look really great. They should last you quite some time

May 23, 2007RamenRadio

DANG MAN! Where'd you get a pair of those!?!?

May 23, 2007pepsi

yup, they are good lol, and the cobalts look cool as well :P

May 24, 2007SonicSoaper

Lucky dude, pure luck.

May 24, 2007iwantsoapshoes

i getting them of rawk.com. but its only for uk.

May 27, 2007iwantsoapshoes

bringing back to top.

May 27, 2007SonicSoaper


May 27, 2007SapAuthor

Dude! This rocks, they have my fav boltar whites on there in my size. I'll be taking a trip to the UK with kristy, i'll pick up another pair ^.^
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