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Funny Story
Apr 18, 2008 by Hattmac02

I was walking to walgreens today which is about 10 minutes from my house. So i was walking with my flints on and i see this guys fence its one of the wooden ones with three different poles at different hights. so i saw that the lowest one was sticking out so i decided to grind it. well the first try went fine and i grinded it but its short so diddnt last long. So i decided to grid the next one, i was on it for like half a second and crack it snaps in half so i had to walk away and there neighbor went all bitch on me and ratted me out

Apr 18, 2008AnthoFlex

haha, nice

Apr 18, 2008Kain

nice lol

hope they didn't call the police

Apr 18, 2008AnthoFlex

if they woulda called the police, i woulda just ran

Apr 18, 2008anaholaboys

poop in a paper bag
and light it on fire on their doorstep
knock on the door
and runnnnnnnnnnnn

a classic

Apr 18, 2008blakeashake

Did you end up getting in trouble?

Apr 18, 2008Hattmac02

she made me go tell the dude
he wasnt home so i just walked away

Apr 18, 2008SpiderSoaper

tell her to fuc off, wat the hell, i wouldnt let some bitch tell me to confess like that, she should jus mind her buisness

Apr 18, 2008iwantsoapshoes


Dec 18, 2008Altman

Hey, shit happens man. At least you got a good story out of it.
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