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Where to get Replacement GrindPlates?
Feb 14, 2009 by DamienBlack

I just got some Scab's and the grind plate looks a little worn. There the UHF Originals and my shoe is size 13. I was wondering if there are any websites where i can order?

Feb 14, 2009Spano565

Where you can order what, plates? Ebay's your best bet, unless you live in the UK.

Feb 14, 2009DamienBlack

oh that sucks. Ya i live in Hawaii so ebay is probably the only place...

Also if i find some should i stay with the originals or get other kinds? These are my first soaps so sorry for sounding noobish...

Feb 16, 2009DamienBlack

does this site deliver to US? It lists US sizes so i think so...

Feb 16, 2009NagoyaFox

Most deff! If you look at the bottem of the page there is a currency converter from AUD to USD which puts the shoes at about 64USD. Im saying im going to order about two pairs when the pay check comes in~

I'll send an Email asking about how much shipping is..which will probabaly make it about 60+ dollars....

Feb 16, 2009NagoyaFox

I just sent them an email asking how much it would be to send things over to the U.S. I'll post the replay ASAP.

Mar 5, 2009Joshua3109

One time my friends and I were making a pizza, so one of my friends decided to spray me in the face with Pam. So to get him back I took a piss on his pillow, he still dosent know to this day I did.

Mar 7, 2009Joshua3109

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