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May 28, 2006 by Louis

I wondered if any of the older soapers had pictures of the soapshoes posters/ads from back in the day. I cant actually remember any of them but i think they had some pretty funky designs.


May 28, 2006Surfaced

Yup, that's Betty the Soap chick.

I don't know who will give one up, but if you want to see what they looked like, Broox did a Cribs imitation thingy where he showed off what I think was his apartment. Anywho, in his office, he had all of the posters. Or most of them.

May 28, 2006Louis

I vaguely remember one with a swimming pool in it or something....

May 28, 2006Mart

Derek's got a poster of himself... lame

May 28, 2006dunk

Yeah, there were a few crazy illustrations. Will see what I can dig up.

May 29, 2006SapAuthor

they aren't the white and blue "SOAP" posters, the plain ones, are they?

May 29, 2006dunk

Uploaded an old http://www.soapshoes.info/soap-shoes-pictures.php">Soap Shoes Advert to http://www.soapshoes.info">Soap Shoes Online.

May 31, 2006Louis

yeaaaaaaaaaaaaah thats the one dunk!

May 31, 2006Louis

what a completely random and seemingly un grind related advert. With advertising like that, is it any wonder soapshoes didnt scuceed to their full potential? The person who came up with that advert wouldn't have got very far if Alan Sugar was his boss....

May 31, 2006NatchDan

Nobody would get very far if Alan Sugar was their boss. I bet the winner of the first series has been fed to sharks already.

Jun 1, 2006Curtinator


Look for the "My Crib" Video
Derek Shows posters of soapers and himself soaping :P.
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