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I emailed SBG! Check it out!
May 23, 2015 by bdavis8576

Hello SGB,

I'm pretty sure you are the company that owns the popular 90s brand "Soap Shoes". I'm also sure you've had a lot of Soapers in the past couple of years bugging you guys about bringing back the brand. I don't want to sound like one of them coming at you with the same message over and over again, but hear me out.

I understand the shoe didn't sell all that well, but there are hundreds of people STILL in the Soap community and there still is a way to make them happy and appease to their wishes. First off, why not start by having the shoes available online instead of retail? This way, you'll know exactly what the demand is for the shoe instead of having to find out via retail. And why not only start with manufacturing 3 or 4 different models? That way it won't be a waste of time and money trying to manufacture all of those other models and finding out which pairs don't sell well, and again, you'll be able to see how many people want a certain shoe (starting with common models like the "cleans" in my opinion would also be a good idea since shoe style has obviously changed in the past 15 years).

In my opinion, the modern day generation who never got to play with the shoes will love them, and with good advertising I'm sure sales will start to pick up drastically. Advertising has changed since the 90s, so why not give it a try now? Instead of TV now, we have YouTube ads that people will definitely see and at least become aware of the product!

We have a growing fan base (solidgrind.com) who I know will be more than happy to buy these shoes again in a heartbeat. Soap shoes are such a brilliant idea and it baffles me that not enough people purchased them, but I think the website idea is still a wise one, as there are and always will be people who will want to buy the shoes.

Please let me know what your thoughts are about the website idea to start with. My name is Brady and I first found out what soaps were through Sonic Adventure 2, and finding out the shoes were actually real was one of the best days of my life. I was born in 1995 so I wasn't exactly part of the first wave of Soaps in 1999, but I found a pair of my own (chaos model) when they made a comeback in 2006. I finally found another pair my size online and I couldn't be happier to once again try them out! Skateboarding is way more fun with Soaps on, just ask Tony Hawk!

Anyway, please let me know what your thoughts are and I look forward to hearing back from you! Thanks again!


May 23, 2015bdavis8576

So big email I know, but I told them everything I wanted to tell them, and I thought I'd let them know once again about this little community! They seriously need to bring the brand back and I think with all of the advancements in technology and advertising, they'd have no problem selling to the new generation of kids! Let me know what you guys think!

May 29, 2015Sambonie1

I did a similar thing with emailing sbg but I havent got a reply yet
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